Пройдя через немало испытаний, друзья прибывают в Изумрудный город, но перевод - Пройдя через немало испытаний, друзья прибывают в Изумрудный город, но английский как сказать

Пройдя через немало испытаний, друз

Пройдя через немало испытаний, друзья прибывают в Изумрудный город, но великий Оз, представ перед каждым из них в новом обличье, ставит условие: он выполнит их просьбы, если они убьют последнюю злую волшебницу в стране Оз, которая живёт на Западе, помыкая робкими и запуганными Мигунами.

Друзья снова отправляются в путь. Злая волшебница, заметив их приближение, пытается самыми разными способами погубить незваных гостей, но Страшила, Железный Дровосек и Трусливый Лев проявляют немало смётки, храбрости и желания защитить Дороти, и лишь когда волшебница вызывает Летучих Обезьян, ей удаётся взять верх. Дороти и Трусливый Лев попадают в плен. Железного Дровосека сбрасывают на острые камни, из Страшилы высыпают солому. Но недолго радовалась злая волшебница Запада. Доведённая до отчаяния её издевательствами, Дороти окатывает её водой из ведра, и, к её удивлению, старуха начинает таять, и вскоре от неё остаётся только грязная лужица.

Друзья возвращаются в Изумрудный город, требуют обещанного. Великий Оз мешкает, и тут выясняется, что никакой он не маг и мудрец, а самый обыкновенный обманщик. В своё время он был цирковым воздухоплавателем в Америке, но, как и Дороти, оказался занесён ураганом в страну Оз, где сумел обмануть доверчивых местных жителей и внушить им, что он могучий волшебник. Впрочем, он исполняет просьбы друзей Дороти: набивает голову Страшилы опилками, отчего тот испытывает прилив мудрости, вставляет в грудь Железного Дровосека алое шёлковое сердце и даёт Трусливому Льву выпить какого-то зелья из бутылки, уверяя, что теперь Царь зверей почувствует себя храбрецом.

Труднее выполнить просьбу Дороти. После долгих раздумий Оз решает сделать большой воздушный шар и улететь назад в Америку вместе с девочкой. Однако в последний момент Дороти бросается ловить убежавшего Тотошку, и Оз улетает один. Друзья отправляются за советом к доброй волшебнице Глинде, правящей южной страной Кводлингов. На пути им приходится выдержать сражение с Воюющими Деревьями, пройти через фарфоровую страну и познакомиться с весьма нелюбезными Стреляющими Головами, а Трусливый Лев расправляется с гигантским пауком, державшим в страхе лесных жителей.

Глинда объясняет, что серебряные башмачки, взятые Дороти у злой волшебницы в стране Жевунов, могут перенести её куда угодно, в том числе и в Канзас. Дороти прощается с друзьями. Страшила становится правителем Изумрудного города. Железный Дровосек — повелителем Мигунов, а Трусливый Лев, как и положено ему, царём лесных жителей. Вскоре Дороти с Тотошкой оказываются в родном Канзасе, но без серебряных башмачков: они потерялись по дороге.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
After going through many trials, friends arrive in the Emerald City, but the great Oz, before each of them in a new guise, puts a condition: he would comply with their requests, if they kill the last evil sorceress in the land of Oz, who lives in the West, fearful and intimidated pomykaâ Migunami.Friends again is sent to the path. Wicked sorceress, noticing their approximation, trying many different ways to kill the intruders, but the scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the cowardly lion exhibit a lot of neck brush, courage and desire to protect Dorothy, and only when the sorceress causes Volatile Monkeys, she manages to gain the upper hand. Dorothy and the cowardly lion are captured. Iron Cleaver folds on the sharp rocks of the Frighteners pour out straw. But short-lived wicked sorceress cried West. Dovedënnaâ to despair of her bullying, Dorothy okatyvaet her water from a bucket, and, to her surprise, the old woman begins to melt, and soon it remains only a dirty puddle.Friends come back in Emerald City, demanding promised. The great Oz, waste time, and here it turns out that he is not a magician, and Sage, and the most ordinary Deceiver. In his time he was a circus balloonist in America, but like Dorothy, turned out to be entered by the hurricane in the land of Oz, where he managed to dupe gullible locals and convince them that he is the mighty magician. However, he plays requests from friends Dorothy: stuffing your head the Frighteners sawdust, why he feels the rush of wisdom, inserts in the iron chest Woodcutter Aloe silk heart and Cowardly Lion to drink a potion out of the bottle, saying that now the King of beasts feels brave man.Harder to fulfill a request by Dorothy. After much thinking Oz decides to make a large balloon and fly back to America with the girl. However, at the last moment, Dorothy rushes to catch viz. Totošku, and Lake flies one. Friends are sent for advice to the good sorceress Glinde, ruling South country Kvodlingov. On the way they have to survive the battle with the fighting Trees, pass through porcelain country and meet very nelûbeznymi Flick their heads, and cowardly lion with a giant spider, worked in fear of forest dwellers.Glynda explains that the silver shoes Dorothy, undertaken at the evil sorceress from Ževunov can move it anywhere, including in Kansas. Dorothy says goodbye to friends. The scarecrow becomes the ruler of the Emerald City. Tin Woodman — Lord Migunov, and cowardly Lion, as befits him, King of forest dwellers. Dorothy soon with Totoškoj are in his native Kansas, but without the Ruby Silver: they got lost on the way.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
After going through a lot of tests, friends come to the Emerald City, but the great Oz, appears in front of each of them in a new guise, puts a condition: he will fulfill their request, if they kill the last evil witch in Oz, who lives in the West, pomykaya timid and Migun intimidated. Friends hit the road again. The evil magician, seeing them approach, trying a variety of ways to destroy the intruders, but the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion exhibit many smёtki, courage and desire to protect Dorothy, and only when the witch is flying monkeys, she manages to get the upper hand. Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion are captured. Tin Woodman dropped onto the jagged rocks of the Scarecrow pour straw. But not for long rejoiced evil witch of the West. Brought to despair by her bullying, Dorothy effusions of its water from a bucket, and, to her surprise, the old woman begins to melt, and soon from it remains only a dirty puddle. Friends come back to the Emerald City, demanding promised. Great Oz lingers, and it turns out that he was not a magician and wise man, and the most ordinary liar. At one time he was a circus balloonist in America, but as Dorothy unit tunes proved to be a hurricane to Oz, where he managed to fool the gullible locals and convince them that he is a powerful magician. However, he takes requests from friends of Dorothy stuffing head Scarecrow sawdust, causing him to feel a rush of wisdom, he inserts in the chest Tin Woodman scarlet silk heart and gives the Cowardly Lion to drink some potion from the bottle, saying that now the king of beasts feel brave. It is more difficult Dorothy comply with the request. After much thought Oz decides to make a big balloon and fly back to America with the girl. However, at the last minute rushes to catch runaway Dorothy Toto and Oz flies alone. Friends sent for advice to the good witch Glinda, the ruling southern country Kvodlingov. On the way they have to endure a battle with the fighting trees, pass through porcelain country and get acquainted with a very ungracious to shoot the head, and the Cowardly Lion deals with the giant spider, kept at bay forest dwellers. Glinda explains that silver shoes, combined Dorothy from the evil sorceress in the country Munchkins can bring it anywhere, including in Kansas. Dorothy says goodbye to friends. Scarecrow becomes ruler of the Emerald City. Tin Woodman - Migunov lord, and the Cowardly Lion, as befits him, the king of the forest inhabitants. Soon Dorothy with Toto are in his native Kansas, but no silver shoes: they were lost on the way.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
through a lot of tests, the friends arrive in the emerald city of oz, but great, stand before each of them in a new form, puts the condition: he will fulfil their requests.if they kill the wicked witch in oz, who lives in the west, помыкая timid and fearful мигунами.

friends again walk. the wicked fairy, seeing them coming,trying different ways to destroy the intruders, but the scarecrow, tin man and the cowardly lion are a смётки, courage, and the desire to protect dorothyand only when the fairy is flying monkeys, she manages to gain the upper hand. dorothy and the cowardly lion are captured. iron lumberjack shed on sharp stones from the frighteners empty straw.but not be evil witch of the west. beaten until it's just desperation her bullying, dorothy окатывает her water from the buckets, and, to her surprise, the old man begins to melt, and soon she is just a puddle of water.

friends back to the emerald city, called the promise. the great oz мешкает, and it turns out that he is not a wise man, but the ordinary fraud. in his time he was a circus воздухоплавателем in americabut, as dorothy, was right on my storm in the land of oz, where was able to fool the gullible villagers and telling them that he is a wizard. however, it performs the request of friends of dorothy.brings the head the frighteners with sawdust, and he is the wise, the inserts in the chest iron lumberjack aloe silk heart and gives трусливому lion drink a potion from the bottle, assuring,now the king of the beasts to feel brave.

is more difficult to fulfill the request of dorothy. after long reflection, oz decides to do a big balloon and fly back to america with the girl.however, at the last moment dorothy throws to run тотошку and oz leaves one. friends go for advice to good волшебнице glinde, schleswig holstein, the south country кводлингов.on the way they have to battle with the fighting trees, through the china country and meet very нелюбезными shooting heads, and the cowardly lion deals with a giant spider,державшим in fear of the forest people.

glinda explains that dorothy's ruby slippers made evil witches in the country tinker, can carry it anywhere, including in kansas. dorothy says goodbye to friends.the scarecrow is the ruler of the emerald city. tin man is the master of the мигунов, and the cowardly lion, and for him, the king of the forest people. soon dorothy with тотошкой are native kansasbut without the silver shoes: they got lost on the way.
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