Vladimir Grigoryevich Shukov (1853-1939) was a great Russian engineer, перевод - Vladimir Grigoryevich Shukov (1853-1939) was a great Russian engineer, русский как сказать

Vladimir Grigoryevich Shukov (1853-

Vladimir Grigoryevich Shukov (1853-1939) was a great Russian engineer, scientist and architect renowned for his pioneering works on new methods of analysis for structural engineering that led to breakthroughs in industrial design. Besides the innovations he brought to the oil industry and the construction of numerous bridges and buildings, Shukov was the inventor of a new family of doubly-curved structural forms. These forms based on non-Euclidean hyperbolic geometry are known today as hyperboloids of revolution. Shukov developed not only many varieties of light - weight hyperboloid towers and roof systems, but also the mathematics for their analysis.
V.G. Shukhov is referred as the Russian Edison. He was one of the first to develop practical calculations of stresses and deformations of beams, shells and membranes on elastic foundation. These theoretical results allowed him to design the first Russian oil tanker, new types of oil tanker barges, and oil reservoirs. The same principle of the shell on an elastic foudation allowed calculating the optimal diameter, wall thickness and fluid speed for the fluid pipelines.
V.G. Shukhov also left a lasting legacy to the Constructivist architecture of early Soviet Russia. As a leading specialist of metallic structures (hyperboloid structures, thin-shell structures, tensile structures), he may be compared with G. Eiffel. Shukhov's innovative and exquisite construction still grace msny towns across Russia.
For the 1896 All-Russia industrial and art exhibition in Nizhniy Novgorod V.G. Shukhov built the steel lattice 37 meter tower which became the first hyperboloid steel. and shell caused delight of the European specialists. After the exhibition had closed, the tower of rare beauty was bought by the well known Maecenas of that time Yu.S. Nechayev-Maltsov and placed in his estate Polibino, Lipetskobast, where it has preserved until now under the state protection. In the subsequent years, Shukhov developed numerous structures of various hyperboloid steel grid shells and used them in hundreds of water towers, sea lighthouses and supports for power transmission lines. The hyperboloid structures appeared abroad only 10 years after Shukhov's invention.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Vladimir Grigoryevich Shukov (1853-1939) was a great Russian engineer, scientist and architect renowned for his pioneering works on new methods of analysis for structural engineering that led to breakthroughs in industrial design. Besides the innovations he brought to the oil industry and the construction of numerous bridges and buildings, Shukov was the inventor of a new family of doubly-curved structural forms. These forms based on non-Euclidean hyperbolic geometry are known today as hyperboloids of revolution. Shukov developed not only many varieties of light - weight hyperboloid towers and roof systems, but also the mathematics for their analysis. V.G. Shukhov is referred as the Russian Edison. He was one of the first to develop practical calculations of stresses and deformations of beams, shells and membranes on elastic foundation. These theoretical results allowed him to design the first Russian oil tanker, new types of oil tanker barges, and oil reservoirs. The same principle of the shell on an elastic foudation allowed calculating the optimal diameter, wall thickness and fluid speed for the fluid pipelines. V.G. Shukhov also left a lasting legacy to the Constructivist architecture of early Soviet Russia. As a leading specialist of metallic structures (hyperboloid structures, thin-shell structures, tensile structures), he may be compared with G. Eiffel. Shukhov's innovative and exquisite construction still grace msny towns across Russia. For the 1896 All-Russia industrial and art exhibition in Nizhniy Novgorod V.G. Shukhov built the steel lattice 37 meter tower which became the first hyperboloid steel. and shell caused delight of the European specialists. After the exhibition had closed, the tower of rare beauty was bought by the well known Maecenas of that time Yu.S. Nechayev-Maltsov and placed in his estate Polibino, Lipetskobast, where it has preserved until now under the state protection. In the subsequent years, Shukhov developed numerous structures of various hyperboloid steel grid shells and used them in hundreds of water towers, sea lighthouses and supports for power transmission lines. The hyperboloid structures appeared abroad only 10 years after Shukhov's invention.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Владимир Жуков Григорьевич (1853-1939) был великий русский инженер, ученый и архитектор известен своими пионерских работ по новым методам анализа для строительной техники, что привело к прорывам в области промышленного дизайна. Кроме того, он принес инноваций в нефтяной промышленности, и строительства многочисленных мостов и зданий, Жуков был изобретателем нового семейства дважды изогнутых структурных форм. Эти формы, основанные на неевклидовой геометрии Лобачевского, как известно, сегодня, как гиперболоида вращения. Жуков разработал не только много разновидностей света - вес гиперболоида башни и кровельных систем, но также математику для их анализа.
В.Г. Шухова называют как российского Эдисона. Он был одним из первых, чтобы разработать практические расчеты напряжений и деформаций балок, оболочек и мембран на упругом основании. Эти теоретические результаты позволили ему разработать первую русскую нефтяной танкер, новые типы нефтяных танкеров баржи, и нефтяные резервуары. Тот же принцип оболочки на упругом foudation разрешается расчета оптимального диаметра, толщины стенки и скорости жидкости для жидкости трубопроводов.
В.Г. Шухов также оставил неизгладимое наследие конструктивизма архитектуры раннего Советской России. Как ведущий специалист металлических конструкций (гиперболоида структур, тонкой оболочки структур, тентовые конструкции), он может быть по сравнению с Г. Эйфеля. Инновационная конструкция и изысканный Шухова еще благодать msny города по всей России.
Для 1896 Всероссийской промышленной и художественной выставке в Нижнем Новгороде В. Г. Шухова построили стали решетки 37 метровую башню, которая стала первой гиперболоид стали. и оболочки вызвало восторг европейских специалистов. После выставки были закрыты, башня редкой красоты была куплена известных меценатов того времени Ю.С. Нечаев-Мальцов и помещен в его Полибино недвижимости, Lipetskobast, где он сохранил до сих пор находятся под защитой государства. В последующие годы, Шухов разработал многочисленные структуры различных гиперболоида оболочек стали сетки и использовали их в сотнях водонапорных башен, морских маяков и опоры для линий электропередач. Гиперболоид структуры оказались за границей только через 10 лет после изобретения Шухова.
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