. 6. Погода вСанкт-Петербургенеустойчивая. Когда выходишь на улицу, мо перевод - . 6. Погода вСанкт-Петербургенеустойчивая. Когда выходишь на улицу, мо английский как сказать

. 6. Погода вСанкт-Петербургенеусто

. 6. Погода вСанкт-Петербургенеустойчивая. Когда выходишь на улицу, может быть тепло и солнечно, но надо всегда брать с собой зонтик. Через несколько минут может пойти дождь, и станет холодно. 7. Иногда в апреле бывает тепло, как летом. 8. Погода в Батуми была ужасная. Целыми днями поливало, как из ведра. Мы не купались в море и не загорали. Мне кажется, это самый влажный город на Черном море| 9. Нам надо возвращаться, скоро пойдет дождь. 10. Вам следует надеть более теплую одежду. Никогда нельзя знать наверняка, к вечеру может подуть холодный ветер. 11. Где более влажный климат — в Британии или в Японии? 12. Если не знаете, с чего начать разговор, можете поговорить о погоде. Это всегда удобно. 13. Можете не брать зонт, я взяла свой. 14. Осень была любимым временем годв Пушкина.Его можно понять, когда посетишь Михайловское осенью. Природа там прекраснейшая, особенно ранней осенью, пока листья ешене опали. J 5. Мне здесь нравится, здесь всегда сухо и тепло, небо ясное, дождей может не быть все лето. Это лучшее время для проведения отпуска. 16. Вы не сможете устроиться в отеле, если не закажете комнаты. Вам следует сделать это заранее. 17. — Зонтик взять? — Не надо. Прогноз погоды говорит, что дождя не будет, но к вечеру погода может ухудшиться. 18. Отойди, пожалуйста, в сторону, мне ничего не видно. 19. Неужели это он? Этого не может быть!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
. 6. Weather vSankt-Peterburgeneustojčivaâ. When you go out on the street, can be warm and sunny, but you should always carry an umbrella. After a few minutes can go rain, and becomes cold. 7. Sometimes in April sometimes warmth, as in the summer. 8. Weather in Batumi was terrible. All day polivalo, in buckets. We have not bathed in the sea and sunbathing. It seems to me that this is the wettest town in Black Sea | 9. We must return soon rain. 10. you should wear more warm clothes. One can never know for sure, by the evening might breathe cold wind. 11. Where the climate is more humid in Britain or Japan? 12. If you don't know where to begin the conversation, can talk about the weather. It's always handy. 13. Can not take an umbrella, I took her. 14. Autumn was the favourite time of Pushkin. you can understand when visit Mikhailovskoye in autumn. The nature there is the fairest, especially early in the fall, until the leaves are gone ešene. (J) 5. I like it here, it is always dry and warm, the sky is clear, the rains may not be all summer. This is the best time for a vacation. 16. you will not be able to stay in the hotel, if you don't order room. You should do this in advance. 17.-Umbrella take? Is not necessary. Weather forecast said that rain will not, but by the evening the weather can deteriorate. 18. Go, please, aside, I can not see anything. 19. Is this it? This cannot be!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
. 6. Weather vSankt-Peterburgeneustoychivaya. When you go out on the street, can be warm and sunny, but we must always take an umbrella. After a few minutes might rain and becomes cold. 7. Sometimes in April is as warm as summer. 8. Weather in Batumi was terrible. For days watered down in buckets. We did not swim in the sea and sunbathing. I think this is the wettest city in the Black Sea | 9. We need to go back, it will rain soon. 10. You should wear warmer clothes. You can never know for sure, the evening can blow cold wind. 11. Where a more humid climate - in Britain or Japan? 12. If you do not know where to start a conversation, you can talk about the weather. It is always convenient. 13. You can not take an umbrella, I took her. 14. Autumn was a favorite time godv Pushkina.Ego can understand when I visited Mikhailovskoye fall. The nature there is wonderful, especially in the early autumn, until the leaves fell off Addressing. J 5. I like it here, it is always dry and warm, the sky clear, the rains may not be all summer. This is the best time for a vacation. 16. You will not be able to park in the hotel, if you do not order a room. You should do it in advance. 17. - Umbrella take? - Do not. Weather forecast says rain will not, but in the evening the weather could worsen. 18. Stand back, please, to the side, I can not see anything. 19. Is that it? That can not be!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
. 6. the weather всанкт - петербургенеустойчивая. when you walk in the street, can be warm and sunny, but you should always take an umbrella. after a few minutes can go to the rain, and feel cold. 7.sometimes in april is warm like summer. 8. weather in batumi was terrible. all day поливало, cats and dogs. we swam in the sea and sunbathed. i think this is the wettest town on the black sea | 9.we have to go back, it's going to rain soon. 10. you should wear more warm clothes. you never know, tonight can blow cold wind. 11. where a more humid climate in britain or japan? 12.if you don't know what to start a conversation, you can talk about the weather. it's always handy. 13. you don't have to take an umbrella, i brought my own. 14. autumn была любимым time yearon the пушкина.его can understandwhen setting up mikhaylovskoye museum reserve in the fall. nature's art, especially early in the fall, пока листья ешене опали. j 5. i like it here, it's always sunny and warm, the sky clear, the rain can not be all summer.this is the best time for a vacation. 16. you can't stay in the hotel, if you don't order a room. you should do it in advance. 17. - an umbrella? - you don't have to. the weather forecast said that it won't rain.but by the evening, the weather will get worse. 18. please step back in the side, i can't see anything. 19. is that it? this can't be!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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