Чтобы стать профессиональным программистом, недостаточно просто получи перевод - Чтобы стать профессиональным программистом, недостаточно просто получи английский как сказать

Чтобы стать профессиональным програ

Чтобы стать профессиональным программистом, недостаточно просто получить специальное образование. Здесь главное состоит в особом способе логического мышления. Работа программиста творческая. Но от специалиста требует и усидчивости, так как она подчас довольно монотонная и рутинная.

При наличии хороших организаторских способностей у программиста он может быть руководителем проекта, что позволит ему доверить всю скучную работу своим подчиненным.

В любом случае, независимо от выполняемой работы, программист должен быть внимательным, терпеливым и аккуратным. А чтобы его карьера со временем пошла в гору, специалисту надо быть настойчивым, целеустремленным. Необходимо также быть ответственным и в сложных ситуациях самому принимать нужные решения.

Хорошая память, высокий уровень развития интеллекта, концентрации, технических и математических способностей – это далеко не все качества, которыми надо обладать, чтобы преуспеть в профессии программиста.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
To become a professional programmer, it is not enough simply to get special education. Here is a special way of logical thinking. Programmer's creative work. But the specialist demands and plodding as it is sometimes quite monotonous and routine.If you have good organizational abilities have a programmer it could be a project manager that will allow him to entrust all the boring work to their subordinates.In any case, regardless of the work performed, the programmer must be careful, patient and neat. And to his career eventually went up the Hill, a specialist must be persistent and purposeful. You must also be responsible and in complex situations, to take the necessary decisions.Good memory, high level of intelligence, concentration, technical and mathematical skills-it's not all the qualities one must possess in order to succeed in the profession of programmer.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
To become a professional programmer, just enough to get special education. The main thing here is the special way of logical thinking. Work creative programmer. But from a specialist requires perseverance and, as it is sometimes rather monotonous and routine. If you have good organizational skills a programmer it can be a project manager that will allow him to entrust all the boring work to their subordinates. In any case, regardless of the work performed, the programmer must be careful, patient and careful. And to his career eventually took off, experts should be persistent and purposeful. Must also be responsible and in difficult situations to take the necessary decisions. Good memory, a high level of intelligence, concentration, technical and mathematical abilities - this is not all the qualities that one must possess to succeed in the profession programmer.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
To become a professional programmer, just get the special education is not enough. Here, the most important is a special way of logical thinking. The creative work of programmers.But from the experts and a c me to state our problems increased requirements, me, because she is sometimes very monotonous and boring.

in good organization ability, he can do programmers, project managerSubordinate all the boring work let him trust.

in any case, whether the programmer must complete the work, caring, patience and tidy.With the passage of time and let his occupation career to go on that hill, the expert should unremittingly, full of vitality. Also need to be responsible and in the complex case of taking the necessary itself.

good memory,High concentrations of the level of intellectual development, technology and mathematical ability, -- all the quality far should not have, to be successful professional programmer.
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