Солистка всем известного герл-бенда СООИ была замечана папарацци 4 мая перевод - Солистка всем известного герл-бенда СООИ была замечана папарацци 4 мая английский как сказать

Солистка всем известного герл-бенда

Солистка всем известного герл-бенда СООИ была замечана папарацци 4 мая 2016 года. Кто же этот незнакомец? Просто знакомый, хороший друг, но если он только друг для Реджины, почему они так сладко смотрят а друг друга, держа руки? Может быть это новый избранник Реджины Норрис? Последние отношения Реджины длились около двух лет, которые разорвались летом прошлого года. Реджина и британский актер Брентон День были сладкой парочкой, которые никогда не отходили друг от друга даже на метр, но разногласия между Реджиной и Брентом были уже замечаны ближе к весне 2021 года. Ссоры и скандалы иногда выходили из дома пары. Реджины на публике давала пощечину своему парню, а тот иногда толкал и уходил прочь. Так началась весна 2021 года для сладкой парочки. Весь апрель они не были замечаны на публике. В мае 2021 года на публике они виделись,но очень редко. Ссор и скандалов, вроде бы, не наблюдались, но недопонимания, конечно же, уже чувствовались. Парочка фальшиво друг другу улыбались, никогда не держались за руки и почти не разговаривали на публике. Отношениям пришел конец в середине июля 2021 года. Несмотря ни на что, Реджина с улыбкой вспоминала счастливые моменты с Брэнтом.
Что же сейчас происходит между Реджиной Норрис и этим незнакомцем? Любовь или крепкая дружба? И кто же этот незнакомец?
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Soloist of all renowned girl band was SOOI zamečana paparazzi May 4, 2016 onwards. Who is this stranger? Just a friend, a good friend, but if he's only friend for Regina, why are they so sweet looking and each other, holding hands? Maybe this is the new chosen one Regina Norris? Recent relations Regina lasted about two years, which exploded last summer. Regina and British actor Brenton day were sweet a couple who never retreated from each other even at the meter, but differences between Regina and Brent were already zamečany closer to the spring of the year 2021. The quarrels and scandals sometimes leaving home couples. Suárez publicly gave a slap her boyfriend, and he sometimes pushed and went away. Thus began the year 2021 spring for a sweet couple. All April they were not zamečany in public. In May of the year 2021 in public they see, but very rarely. Quarrels and scandals, like, have not been observed, but misunderstanding, of course, has already been felt. The couple smiled at each other, having never held hands and talked in public. The relationship came to an end in mid-July the year 2021. Despite that, Regina remembered with a smile happy moments with Brèntom.What now happens between Norris and Regina this stranger? Love or friendship? And who is this stranger?
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The soloist of the well-known girl-band SOOI has noticed paparazzi May 4, 2016. Who is this stranger? Just a friend, a good friend, but if it is only one of Regina's why they look so sweet and each other, holding hands? Maybe this is a new choice of Regina Norris? Latest Regina relationship lasted about two years, which exploded last summer. Regina and British actor Brenton Day were a sweet couple, who never retreated from each other even at the meter, but the differences between Regina and Brent had already noticed closer to spring 2021. Quarrels and scandals sometimes out of the couple's home. Regina gave in public slap her boyfriend, and he sometimes pushed, and walked away. Thus began the spring 2021 for a sweet couple. All April they were not noticed in public. In May 2021 they met in public, but very rarely. Quarrels and scandals, like, not seen, but the misunderstanding, of course, has already been felt. A couple of tune with each other smiling, never held hands and did not talk much in public. Relations came to an end in mid-July 2021. In spite of everything, Regina smiled remembering the happy moments with Brent.
What is happening now between Regina Norris and this stranger? Love or strong friendship? And who is this stranger?
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the well-known singer girl band соои was замечана paparazzi 4 may 2016. who is this stranger? he"s just a friend, a good friend, but if he"s only friend for regina, why are they so good looking and each other, holding hands? maybe it"s the new one regina norris? regina"s past relationship lasted about two years, which exploded in the summer of last year. regina and british actor брентон day sweet couple who never disengaged from each other even at the meter, but differences between regina and brent were already замечаны closer to spring 2021 years. fights and scandals sometimes left the house for the couple. regina public had slapped her boyfriend, but he sometimes push and go away. thus began the spring 2021 years for the happy couple. every april, they were not замечаны in public. in may 2021 years in public, they met, but very rarely. fights and scandals have not experienced, but misunderstanding, of course, already чувствовались. a pair of fake each other smiling, never held hands and almost never spoken in public. the relationship came to an end in mid july 2021 years. no matter what, regina with a smile remembering happy times with брэнтом.what is going on between regina norris and that stranger? love or friendship? and who is this stranger?
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