В целом, состав Государственной Думы заметно обновился. В неё пришли п перевод - В целом, состав Государственной Думы заметно обновился. В неё пришли п английский как сказать

В целом, состав Государственной Дум

В целом, состав Государственной Думы заметно обновился. В неё пришли представители общественных, профессиональных и местных организаций. Убеждён, в результате усилится обратная связь парламента с избирателями, с гражданским обществом, с регионами страны, а значит, возрастёт и качество законотворческого процесса.

Рассчитываю также, что Государственная Дума будет более предметно взаимодействовать со всеми, кто обладает правом законодательной инициативы, включая региональные парламенты, активно использовать практику «нулевых чтений», общественных слушаний, в том числе с участием представителей партий, не вошедших в парламент.

Подчеркну, работающие, действенные законы – это не только результат безупречной юридической техники, что, безусловно, очень важно, но прежде всего принимаемые парламентом решения должны основываться на гражданском согласии, и поэтому Государственная Дума призвана стать постоянной площадкой для широкого общественного и политического диалога.

Уважаемые коллеги! В ходе избирательной кампании люди сформулировали запрос на содержательные изменения в экономике, социальной сфере. Вам как законодателям предстоит напряжённая ответственная работа, и её нужно начинать безотлагательно.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In General, the composition of the State Duma are noticeably upgraded. It came representatives of public, professional and local organizations. I am convinced that as a result of the feedback intensify Parliament with voters, with civil society, with the regions of the country, and thus will increase and the quality of the legislative process.Expect also that the State Duma will be more directly interact with everyone who has the right of legislative initiative, including regional parliaments, active use of the practice of "zero readings, public hearings, including with the participation of representatives of parties, not in Parliament.I working, effective laws is not only the result of an impeccable legal technique that is certainly very important, but first of all taken Parliament decisions should be based on the citizenry, and therefore the State Duma should become a permanent platform for broad social and political dialogue.Dear colleagues! During the election campaign the people formulated a request for substantial changes in the economy, the social sphere. You as legislators to be hard and responsible work should begin without delay.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In general, the composition of the State Duma has been updated considerably. As it was attended by representatives of social, professional and local organizations. I am convinced that as a result of intensified feedback Parliament with voters, with civil society, with the regions of the country and, therefore, will increase the quality of the legislative process.

We also hope that the State Duma will be more specifically interact with everyone who has the right of legislative initiative, including regional parliaments ., actively use the practice of "zero reading" public hearings, including with the participation of representatives of the parties that are not included in the parliament

to stress, working, effective laws - it is not only the result of an impeccable legal technique, which is certainly very important, but above all Parliament adopted the decision should be based on civil harmony, and therefore, the State Duma is intended to be a permanent platform for a broad public and political dialogue.

Dear colleagues! During the election campaign, people have formulated a request for substantial changes in the economy, the social sphere. You as legislators to be intense responsible work, and it should be started without delay.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in general, the state duma has upgraded. she came from the public, professional, and local organizations. convinced as a result of improved feedback of the voters, with civil society, with the regions of the country, and so will the quality of legislative process.hope also that the state duma will be more specifically interact with anyone who has the right of legislative initiative, including the regional parliaments, active use of the practice of "zero чтений», public hearings, including with the participation of representatives of parties, not to enter the parliament.i mean, working, effective laws are not only the result of perfect legal technology, which, of course, very important, but, above all, the parliament"s decision should be based on a civil agreement, and therefore the state duma is intended to be a permanent platform for broad social and political dialogue.dear colleagues! during the election campaign, people made a meaningful change in the economy, the social sphere. you will be busy as legislators responsible job and it needs to start immediately.
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