♦ Hello ♦My condolences to Paris, France.I'm Robyn. I was born and rai перевод - ♦ Hello ♦My condolences to Paris, France.I'm Robyn. I was born and rai русский как сказать

♦ Hello ♦My condolences to Paris, F

♦ Hello ♦

My condolences to Paris, France.

I'm Robyn. I was born and raised in Canada but my background is India. I am specifically a mix of Nepal and Gujarat descent. I really like travelling and music. I am open-minded to all cultures, and backgrounds. As much as I treasure every message I receive, school gets the best of me and you'd have to wait for replies.

I am bilingual in Indian languages, I admire other languages as well but there is nothing better than home languages. My ultimate goal is to become a profound lawyer while editing books in multiple languages. I believe books help people to perceive the world better and how much useful will it be if your favorite book were translated. As of right now I'm working to teach immigrants English and become an English translator. The countries I'm working towards are mainly France, China and Indian countries. I never stop with my goals and continue further to learn more. In order for that, I'm wishing for the assistance of valuable pen-pals.

I believe the definition of a pen-pal is a good friend with a helpful attitude. I don't think people who are seeking for relationships and or partners are considered pen-pals really. I also do not message people for selfish reasons, I try my hardest to appreciate each and every message sent. To be more detailed, I'm looking for language exchange. People out there don't have the chance to learn the languages they love and I'd love to give you that chance, especially with English. I can teach you a language or we can exchange our languages.

I will be travelling these next few years. First I will be in Nagoya, Japan for 2016 on an exchange program. I am looking for any assistance in Japanese or just the culture in general. For 2017, I will continue my post-secondary in the United Kingdom, either at UCL or Oxford. I am also planning to teach English on a tour from South Korea to Thailand, I will release dates when that becomes more feasible.

NOTICE: Interpals horribly messed up my age and left it stuck on 18 years old. I am NOT 18 years old. In fact, I am 16 years old. I apologize for the inconvenience in age.

If anyone is willing to do online classes in a serious manner to learn English. I can teach you in a professional manner. I can also mail the materials necessary to learn. The languages available are French and English. (Message me for more details).

Thanks for reading. ♥
♣ Bear with me ♣

NOTICE: If you do not read these and continue to message me without respecting my expectations as sorry as I feel, you're blocked.

1. If you are looking for romantic interests, please do not message me. As stated my only goal is to teach people English.
2. Corresponding to point 1, please do not send flirtatious messages. Messages like "hot, sexy, pretty" can be commented on my profile and deleted later. I don't want to waste time seeing them in my inbox.
3. I am looking to learn multiple Asian languages first (Not being biased) I plan on learning European languages afterwards.
4. If you are older than me by 20 years, I'm not comfortable sorry.
5. I don't use Skype. Sorry I'm so old fashioned. I have other apps I do use instead, Line, Kakao Talk and this video chatting app I use to teach English. I don't respond often either, please get to know me well before asking for this information.
6. Please wait for me to return the message, even if it's read, it probably means I didn't get the time to reply. As of right now, work is my priority.
7. If you are looking for a translating service, there is Google Translate. I will help you edit essays, work material, professional things. However a text to your boyfriend can be translated on Google. Thanks.
8. To the many people asking me where I learnt the languages, I self-taught myself. I use the write-read-speak technique, which is what I use to teach you. (Message me for a clear explanation).
9. If you are going to test me on my ability to speak the languages at least use the proper symbols.
10. To people messaging with one word replies, I will reply the same way. I tend to give the same treatment I receive. Either that or with the mood I'm in, I'll just delete the message. It's not worth my time typing two letters. Something appropriate would be, ("Hello my name is ____, how are you today?").
11. If you cannot read my profile to the end, don't bother messaging me, you would not be able to read my messages either.
12. This is a personal preference, this mostly applies to males. I do not want the following males messaging me. Many types of these men can be found on Interpals.
♦ Claims to be a shy man
♦ Watches any indecent things, you know what I'm mentioning
♦ Edits their photos till you can't even realize their face
♦ Racist, specifically looking for one culture to mingle with
♦ Uses profanity, (F_, S_, B_).
13. To people without profile pictures, I understand you may be insecure to reveal your face. Don't worry I can sympathize. Send me a message anyways, I'm not interested in people's faces either way.

This does not apply to everyone of course.

Otherwise I'm open to all sorts of messages ♥
Language Exchange Requests
Please teach me your language well. I look forward to it. :)
Chinese (Simplified) Language Exchange Partner - Found
Thai Language Exchange Partner - Found
Japanese Language Exchange Partner - Found
Chinese (Traditional) Language Exchange Partner - Found
Korean Language Exchange Partner - Found

This does not mean that I'm not going to exchange languages with other people, but I have several people already helping me and it would get confusing with more. However I am still willing to TEACH languages but I no longer need people offering languages to study.

If people are wondering why I blocked the following countries, here's the reason;

Turkey - Too many obsessive messages from teenage girls. Way too obsessed with Korean culture.
Philippines - Take obsessive and add annoying to it. Exactly as the Turkish girls.
The rest is self-explanatory.

Please understand that I have nothing against the country. There were at least 10 people pursuing this attitude and it got tiring. If I find a decent person from these countries I will personally message you. The impression that people left me from these countries are not pleasing.

• Thanks. •
Hobbies & Interests
♠ Several ♠


I like to read Webtoons from time-to-time, if you are a Webtoon fan, please give me a message.

My favorites include;
The Sound of your Heart (마음의소리),
2015 Soreum (2015 소름),
Tales of the Unusual (기기괴괴),
and much more.


English is a huge part of my life. I enjoy editing, writing and reading. Since I plan to pursue this as my career, please ask for help. It's basically experience for me.

Send me things to edit, send me anything you want to properly translate, a song which you want to know the meaning to. Learn about Canadian mannerisms or how English is taught in Western countries. Feel free.


I do not know how this is translated into other people's countries. I have a lot of mannerisms and philosophies I believe. For example, I became vegan because it hurt to eat animals. I feel as though all humans deserve to be equal. I'm truly against racism. Contrary to that I support LGBT, all races and deformed people. I can spend days talking about World Issues and what can be done to end the nonsense going on. If you are a philosophical person, give me a message.


This one is for all you rookie writers out there. I love people and their stories. If any of you know about HONY, it's very inspirational. I recommend you take a look at his pieces and the stories that people have. People-watching is basically when you take some time out of your day to watch people. Observe their lives and mimic stories out of them. I love listening out to your problems, giving advice and helping settle things that are troubling you. Message me for any advice, stories you want to share about yourself.


I haven't traveled much. I've been to Sri-Lanka and other places. Ask me if you want to know. However I really wish to see other countries. That's the beauty we all can share. Please feel free to send me any pictures of your country. Recommend me some good tourist locations, I can do the same for when you come to visit Canada.

~Donating/Charity and Volunteering~

I believe it's important to give back what you earn. Countries with people struggling are painful to see. That's why I follow the policy to donate or work for a charity once every month. Volunteering is important as well. I like to volunteer most my time to libraries since I like to read. However, time is valuable so my advice to most of you is to donate/volunteer at least once every month!


I'm not sporty at the least but I do play/enjoy a few sports. Preferably indoor sports.

Sadly, I do not know teams or watch shows of live games. However if you want to know tricks and moves then feel free to ask me about them.

Tell me about your hobbies~ ♥
Favorite Music
◘ Music ◘

Music is basically a language nonetheless. I listen to a wide range of music. Being a Canadian I do not like mainstream music or follow American music trends.

Music I listen to:
- Classic Music
- Original Sound Tracks, (Anime OSTS, Movie OSTS)
- Thai Music
- Indian Music (Ranging from South to North)
- Japanese Music (Occasionally)
- Oriental Music (Guzheng, Traditional Chinese/Korean music)
- Korean Indie (Not Korean Pop, it's a whole different genre)

I have many admirable music conductors that I know. An example of a very treasured one would be Joe Hisaishi.

Music I do not listen to:
- American Music (Mainstream and bad influence)
- Korean Pop (Gangnam Style is an exception)

Any boy-bands, rock groups, punk, I dislike such music. Therefore if you like it, I'm not against you. Just don't message me about it. Thanks.

Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
♦ Привет ♦Мои соболезнования в Париже, Франция.Я Робин. Я родился и вырос в Канаде, но мой фон является Индия. Я специально смесь Непала и Гуджарат происхождения. Я очень люблю путешествовать и музыки. Я открытыми для всех культур и традиций. Как я ценю каждое сообщение, я получаю, школа получает лучшие из меня, и вам придется ждать ответов.Я двуязычного на индийских языках, я восхищаюсь другие языки, но нет ничего лучше, чем дома языков. Моя конечная цель – стать глубокое адвокат во время редактирования книги на разных языках. Я считаю, что книги помогают людям воспринимать мир лучше и как много полезной она будет, если ваша любимая книга были переведены. По состоянию на сейчас, я работаю иммигрантов преподавать английский язык и стать Английский переводчик. Страны, которые я работаю к являются главным образом страны Франции, Китая и Индии. Я никогда не остановить с моей цели и продолжить далее узнать больше. Чтобы для этого я желаю для помощи ценных переписке.Я считаю, что определение переписке является хорошим другом с полезным отношения. Я не думаю, что люди, которые ищут или партнеров, и отношения считаются переписке действительно. Я также не сообщение людей по эгоистичным причинам, я стараюсь мои труднее оценить каждое сообщение, отправленное. Чтобы быть более подробным, я ищу для языковой обмен. Люди там не имеют возможность изучения языков, которую они любят, и я полюбил бы дать вам этот шанс, особенно с английским языком. Я могу научить вас язык, или мы можем обмениваться нашей языки.Я будет путешествия эти ближайшие несколько лет. Во-первых, я буду в Нагое, Япония для 2016 по программе обмена. Я ищу любую помощь в японском или просто культуры в целом. Для 2017 я буду продолжать мои послешкольного образования в Соединенном Королевстве, в UCL или Оксфорд. Я также планирует преподавать английский язык на экскурсию из Южной Кореи в Таиланд, я буду релиз даты, когда которые становится более осуществимым. ВНИМАНИЕ: Interpals ужасно перепутались мой возраст и оставил он застрял на 18 лет. Я не 18 лет. В самом деле я 16 лет. Я прошу прощения за неудобства в возрасте. ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ:Если кто-то готов сделать онлайн классы серьезным образом изучить английский язык. Я могу научить вас на высоком профессиональном уровне. Я также можно отправить материалы, необходимые для изучения. Доступные языки являются французский и английский. (Сообщение меня для получения более подробной информации). Спасибо за чтение. ♥ Запросы♣ ♣, медведь со мнойВНИМАНИЕ: Если вы не читать эти и продолжать мне сообщение без соблюдения мои ожидания, извините, как я чувствую, вы вы заблокированы. 1. Если вы ищете романтический интересов, пожалуйста не сообщение мне. Как заявил, что моя единственная цель заключается в том, чтобы научить людей английский.2. соответствующий пункт 1, пожалуйста, не присылайте кокетливый сообщения. Сообщения, как «горячие, сексуальные, красивые» может быть прокомментировал мой профиль и удалены позже. Я не хочу тратить время, видя их в моем ящике. 3. я ищу несколько азиатских языков первой (не предвзято) я планирую на изучение европейских языков потом.4. If you are older than me by 20 years, I'm not comfortable sorry. 5. I don't use Skype. Sorry I'm so old fashioned. I have other apps I do use instead, Line, Kakao Talk and this video chatting app I use to teach English. I don't respond often either, please get to know me well before asking for this information.6. Please wait for me to return the message, even if it's read, it probably means I didn't get the time to reply. As of right now, work is my priority. 7. If you are looking for a translating service, there is Google Translate. I will help you edit essays, work material, professional things. However a text to your boyfriend can be translated on Google. Thanks.8. To the many people asking me where I learnt the languages, I self-taught myself. I use the write-read-speak technique, which is what I use to teach you. (Message me for a clear explanation).9. If you are going to test me on my ability to speak the languages at least use the proper symbols. 10. To people messaging with one word replies, I will reply the same way. I tend to give the same treatment I receive. Either that or with the mood I'm in, I'll just delete the message. It's not worth my time typing two letters. Something appropriate would be, ("Hello my name is ____, how are you today?").11. If you cannot read my profile to the end, don't bother messaging me, you would not be able to read my messages either. 12. This is a personal preference, this mostly applies to males. I do not want the following males messaging me. Many types of these men can be found on Interpals. ♦ Claims to be a shy man♦ Watches any indecent things, you know what I'm mentioning♦ Edits their photos till you can't even realize their face♦ Racist, specifically looking for one culture to mingle with♦ Uses profanity, (F_, S_, B_).13. To people without profile pictures, I understand you may be insecure to reveal your face. Don't worry I can sympathize. Send me a message anyways, I'm not interested in people's faces either way.This does not apply to everyone of course. Otherwise I'm open to all sorts of messages ♥ Language Exchange RequestsPlease teach me your language well. I look forward to it. :)Chinese (Simplified) Language Exchange Partner - Found Thai Language Exchange Partner - FoundJapanese Language Exchange Partner - FoundChinese (Traditional) Language Exchange Partner - Found Korean Language Exchange Partner - FoundThis does not mean that I'm not going to exchange languages with other people, but I have several people already helping me and it would get confusing with more. However I am still willing to TEACH languages but I no longer need people offering languages to study. If people are wondering why I blocked the following countries, here's the reason;Turkey - Too many obsessive messages from teenage girls. Way too obsessed with Korean culture.Philippines - Take obsessive and add annoying to it. Exactly as the Turkish girls.
The rest is self-explanatory.

Please understand that I have nothing against the country. There were at least 10 people pursuing this attitude and it got tiring. If I find a decent person from these countries I will personally message you. The impression that people left me from these countries are not pleasing.

• Thanks. •
Hobbies & Interests
♠ Several ♠


I like to read Webtoons from time-to-time, if you are a Webtoon fan, please give me a message.

My favorites include;
The Sound of your Heart (마음의소리),
2015 Soreum (2015 소름),
Tales of the Unusual (기기괴괴),
and much more.


English is a huge part of my life. I enjoy editing, writing and reading. Since I plan to pursue this as my career, please ask for help. It's basically experience for me.

Send me things to edit, send me anything you want to properly translate, a song which you want to know the meaning to. Learn about Canadian mannerisms or how English is taught in Western countries. Feel free.


I do not know how this is translated into other people's countries. I have a lot of mannerisms and philosophies I believe. For example, I became vegan because it hurt to eat animals. I feel as though all humans deserve to be equal. I'm truly against racism. Contrary to that I support LGBT, all races and deformed people. I can spend days talking about World Issues and what can be done to end the nonsense going on. If you are a philosophical person, give me a message.


This one is for all you rookie writers out there. I love people and their stories. If any of you know about HONY, it's very inspirational. I recommend you take a look at his pieces and the stories that people have. People-watching is basically when you take some time out of your day to watch people. Observe their lives and mimic stories out of them. I love listening out to your problems, giving advice and helping settle things that are troubling you. Message me for any advice, stories you want to share about yourself.


I haven't traveled much. I've been to Sri-Lanka and other places. Ask me if you want to know. However I really wish to see other countries. That's the beauty we all can share. Please feel free to send me any pictures of your country. Recommend me some good tourist locations, I can do the same for when you come to visit Canada.

~Donating/Charity and Volunteering~

I believe it's important to give back what you earn. Countries with people struggling are painful to see. That's why I follow the policy to donate or work for a charity once every month. Volunteering is important as well. I like to volunteer most my time to libraries since I like to read. However, time is valuable so my advice to most of you is to donate/volunteer at least once every month!


I'm not sporty at the least but I do play/enjoy a few sports. Preferably indoor sports.

Sadly, I do not know teams or watch shows of live games. However if you want to know tricks and moves then feel free to ask me about them.

Tell me about your hobbies~ ♥
Favorite Music
◘ Music ◘

Music is basically a language nonetheless. I listen to a wide range of music. Being a Canadian I do not like mainstream music or follow American music trends.

Music I listen to:
- Classic Music
- Original Sound Tracks, (Anime OSTS, Movie OSTS)
- Thai Music
- Indian Music (Ranging from South to North)
- Japanese Music (Occasionally)
- Oriental Music (Guzheng, Traditional Chinese/Korean music)
- Korean Indie (Not Korean Pop, it's a whole different genre)

I have many admirable music conductors that I know. An example of a very treasured one would be Joe Hisaishi.

Music I do not listen to:
- American Music (Mainstream and bad influence)
- Korean Pop (Gangnam Style is an exception)

Any boy-bands, rock groups, punk, I dislike such music. Therefore if you like it, I'm not against you. Just don't message me about it. Thanks.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
♦ ♦ привет

мои соболезнования, Paris, франция.

я робин.я родился и вырос в канаде, но мое прошлое индии.я специально сочетание непала и гуджарат происхождения.я очень люблю путешествовать и музыку.я открытого для всех культур и традиций.как я могу получить сокровище все сообщения, школа получает лучший меня и тебе придется ждать ответов.

я двуязычный в языках индии, я восхищаюсь других языков, но нет ничего лучше, чем дома языков.моя главная цель - стать глубокие адвоката при редактировании книги на разных языках.я считаю, что книги помогают люди воспринимают мир лучше и, насколько полезным будет, если твоя любимая книга, были переведены.сейчас я работаю для обучения иммигрантов на английском языке и стать Russian translator.я работаю в направлении стран, в основном, франции, китая и индии, стран.я никогда не хватит моих целей и продолжать учиться.для этого, а я желаю для помощи ценной pen pals.

я считаю определение ручку приятель - хороший друг и готовность помочь.я не думаю, что люди, которые ищут для отношений и или партнерами считаются pen pals, правда.я также не послание народа за свои причины, я попробую свой труднее всего получить каждый сигнал.для более подробной, я ищу language exchange.люди не имеют возможности учиться языкам они любят, и я хочу дать тебе шанс,особенно с английским.я могу научить тебя язык, или мы можем обменяться языках.

я направлюсь в ближайшие несколько лет.во - первых, я будут в нагое, япония, в 2016 году по программе обмена.я ищу любую помощь в японском или просто культуры в целом.в 2017 году, я намерен продолжать высшее в соединенном королевстве, либо в UCL и оксфорд.я также планируют преподавать английский на экскурсию из южной кореи, таиланда, я освобожу сроки, когда это становится все более реальным.

заметил: interpals ужасно запутался в моем возрасте и оставил его застрял на 18 лет.я не 18 лет.на самом деле, мне 16 лет.я приношу извинения за неудобства, в возрасте.

уведомление: если кто - то желает делать онлайн - занятия серьезным образом изучать английский язык.я могу научить тебя на профессиональной основе.я могу отправить материалы, необходимые для изучения.языках имеются на английском и французском языках.(сообщение мне подробнее).

спасибо за чтение.♥

♣ просит медведь со мной ♣

заметили: если ты не читала и по - прежнему сообщение мне без соблюдения моих ожиданий, как жаль, как я чувствую, вы заблокировали.

1.если вы ищете романтических отношений, пожалуйста, не понять меня.как говорится, моя единственная цель заключается в том, чтобы научить людей языке.
2.соответствующий пункт 1, пожалуйста, не посылайте кокетничать сообщений.сообщения, как "горячий, сексуальная, довольно" может быть прокомментировал свой профиль и исключить позже.я не хочу тратить время, рассматривая их в мой почтовый ящик.
3.я смотрю, чтобы узнать нескольких азиатских языках первой (не предвзят) я планирую обучения европейских языках после.
4.если вы старше меня на 20 лет, мне не очень жаль.
5.я не пользуются Skype.простите, что так старомодно.у меня другие приложения, надо использовать вместо, линия, kakao говорить и это видео чат app - я использую, чтобы учить английский.я не отвечаю, часто либо,пожалуйста, узнай меня задолго до того, как просила об этой информации.
6.пожалуйста, подожди меня вернуть послание, даже если это читать, скорее всего, это означает, что я не взял время на ответ.сейчас работа - мой приоритет.
7.если вы ищете перевод службы, есть Google Translate.я помогу вам редактировать эссе, материала, профессиональные вещи.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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