Regardless of your definition of success, most people would agree that перевод - Regardless of your definition of success, most people would agree that украинский как сказать

Regardless of your definition of su

Regardless of your definition of success, most people would agree that success starts
with your thoughts, your ideas and your beliefs - in other words, your mind. The understanding
that the source of success is contained in something as abstract as thoughts and ideas can be
both exciting and frightening, at the same time. It is a great feeling to realise that with the power
of your mind alone you can achieve anything you want, and you can reach the success that you
desire. On the other hand, ideas and thoughts are somewhat intangible - they quickly come and
go away.
Is success something that can be obtained or lost as easly as a thought that passes through your head in an instant& I think the answer can be yes and no.
These are the beliefs, the habits, the behaviour, and all the other details of the mind that
make up the core of who you are. Knowledge, skills and abilities are other components of your
mind that have a somewhat permanent character. However, some knowledge and skills can lose
their strength if not put to practice, and new skiils and knowledge can be gained through study,
practice and expeirience. A person's beliefs, habits, personalities, knowledge, skills and abilities
are important components of success that will not disappear or be lost in a passing moment.
These are the ideas that flash through your head in a ntoment of inspiration. Most people
don`t pay much attention to these temporarythoughts when your mind reveals to you something
that coirld result in a good opportunity.
Successful people understand the importance of spending time doing high-ievel thinking.
You should plan to have a time period for at least 30 minutes to one hour each day when you
are alone and your mind is free from fuss and disorder. Use this time to let your mind flow and
reveal to you the interesting ideas which you may dismiss when you are busy with other things.
When those thoughts come to you, don't reject them. Let them fill your mind with the possibilities
and with your dreams of success, unrestricted by any constraints.
You never know when great ideas will pop in your head. Therefore, it is very important
that you always carry with you a notebook and pen to write down your ideas as soon as they come
to you. this notebook can also be very urseful for writing down observations that will help you
becorne successful. if you run into a successful person that you admire, write down the habits and
qualities, or anything else about this person. If you observe something that is done with excellence,
or high quality, be it a product, or a service, write it down. Fill your notebook with lessons learned,
conclusions you have reached, resolutions you have made, goals you have established, observations youhave made, and just anything that will help you fix your thoughts around succes.
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Результаты (украинский) 1: [копия]
Regardless of your definition of success, most people would agree that success startswith your thoughts, your ideas and your beliefs - in other words, your mind. The understandingthat the source of success is contained in something as abstract as thoughts and ideas can beboth exciting and frightening, at the same time. It is a great feeling to realise that with the powerof your mind alone you can achieve anything you want, and you can reach the success that youdesire. On the other hand, ideas and thoughts are somewhat intangible - they quickly come andgo away.Is success something that can be obtained or lost as easly as a thought that passes through your head in an instant& I think the answer can be yes and no.These are the beliefs, the habits, the behaviour, and all the other details of the mind thatmake up the core of who you are. Knowledge, skills and abilities are other components of yourmind that have a somewhat permanent character. However, some knowledge and skills can losetheir strength if not put to practice, and new skiils and knowledge can be gained through study,practice and expeirience. A person's beliefs, habits, personalities, knowledge, skills and abilitiesare important components of success that will not disappear or be lost in a passing moment.These are the ideas that flash through your head in a ntoment of inspiration. Most peopledon`t pay much attention to these temporarythoughts when your mind reveals to you somethingthat coirld result in a good opportunity.Successful people understand the importance of spending time doing high-ievel thinking.You should plan to have a time period for at least 30 minutes to one hour each day when youare alone and your mind is free from fuss and disorder. Use this time to let your mind flow andreveal to you the interesting ideas which you may dismiss when you are busy with other things.When those thoughts come to you, don't reject them. Let them fill your mind with the possibilitiesand with your dreams of success, unrestricted by any constraints.You never know when great ideas will pop in your head. Therefore, it is very importantthat you always carry with you a notebook and pen to write down your ideas as soon as they cometo you. this notebook can also be very urseful for writing down observations that will help youbecorne successful. if you run into a successful person that you admire, write down the habits andqualities, or anything else about this person. If you observe something that is done with excellence,or high quality, be it a product, or a service, write it down. Fill your notebook with lessons learned,conclusions you have reached, resolutions you have made, goals you have established, observations youhave made, and just anything that will help you fix your thoughts around succes.
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