Я с нетерпением ожидаю встречи с вашими друзьями.Травма ноги может пом перевод - Я с нетерпением ожидаю встречи с вашими друзьями.Травма ноги может пом английский как сказать

Я с нетерпением ожидаю встречи с ва

Я с нетерпением ожидаю встречи с вашими друзьями.
Травма ноги может помешать Стивену играть в завтрашнем матче.
На твоем месте, я бы не полагался на выигрыш в казино, чтобы выплатить все долги.
Терезе удалось убедить журналиста не публиковать эту информацию, пока она не будет подтверждена.
Эта фирма специализируется в дизайне вебсайтов.
Матчинсоны часто поговаривают о переезде в Новую Зеландию.
Фрэнк подумывает о том, чтобы играть в следующем матче, хотя его состояние еще не очень хорошее.
Наш финансовый консультант предупредил нас против использования этого банка.
Пациент беспокоится о том, что у него могут быть осложнения после операции.
Моя мама очень сильно возражает против того, чтобы мы играли в компьютерные игры все свободное время.
Лора думала, что она никогда не сможет простить Саймону то, что он утаил от нее эту информацию.
Сначала матросы возражали против того, что их кормили тухлым мясо, а затем они подняли мятеж против офицеров.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I look forward to meeting with your friends.Foot injury might prevent Stephen play in tomorrow's match.If I were you, I would not have relied on winning in the casino to pay all debts.Teresa managed to convince journalists not to publish this information until it is confirmed.This company specializes in the design of Web sites.Matčinsony often talk about moving to New Zealand.Frank mused about having to play in the next match, although his condition is still not good.Our financial adviser warned us against the use of this bank.The patient is worried that it may be complications after the operation.My mom is very much opposed to we played computer games all the time.Laura thought she would never be able to forgive Simon that he had concealed this information from it.Sailors initially objected to the fact that they were fed rotten meat, and then they mutinied against the officers.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I look forward to meeting with your friends.
Trauma legs may prevent Steven to play in tomorrow's match.
In your place, I would not rely on winning at the casino to pay all the debts.
Teresa was able to convince the journalist not to publish this information until it is confirmed.
The firm specializes in the design of websites.
Matchinsony often talk of moving to New Zealand.
Frank is thinking about how to play in the next game, although his condition is not very good.
Our financial consultant warned us against the use of the bank.
The patient is worried about that he may have complications after surgery.
My mother very much opposed to that we play computer games all free time.
Laura thought she would never be able to forgive Simon that he had concealed from her the information.
First, sailors objected to the fact that they were fed rotten meat, and then they mutinied against their officers.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I look forward to meeting your friends.
foot can prevent Stephen Wan in tomorrow's game. In your position, I would not rely on winning the casino, to pay off all debts.
The E P E 3 has managed to persuade reporters not to publish this information, until she will not validate.
this company is a professional website design often have a long rumored, me from dreams allus

moved to New Zealand.Frank wants to play, in the next game, although he is not a very good state, our financial advisers have warned us.

patients against the use of the bank to worry about.He may have postoperative complications.
my mother opposed very strongly, so that we play computer games all free time. Laura
thought she will not forgive him,He was telling her this information. The first
seaman against, because they were fed its development and allus m meat, then they lifted the rebellion against the officer
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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