Кадровый резерв - это группа руководителей и специалистов, обладающих способностью к управленческой деятельности, отвечающих требованиям, предъявляемым должностью того или иного ранга, подвергшихся отбору и прошедших систематическую целевую квалификационную подготовку.
Формирование кадрового резерва проводится по результатам работы аттестационных комиссий; оценок знаний кандидатов, полученных ими в ходе обучения в системе повышения квалификаций; заключений по итогам стажировок, тестирований и т.п., с учетом физического состояния кандидатов, их способности переносить дополнительные нагрузки. Планирование кадрового резерва ставит целью прогнозирование профессионального продвижения, его последовательности и сопутствующих мероприятий. Для этого должна быть проработана вся цепочка продвижений, перемещений и увольнений конкретных работников в организационной структуре управления. Ежегодно руководитель службы управления персоналом организации должен проводить подготовительную работу по выявлению кандидатов кадрового резерва и составлять предварительный список резерва кадров на выдвижение [14].
Основными критериями при подборе кандидатов в резерв кадров служат:
▪ требуемый уровень образования и профессиональной подготовки;
▪ опыт практической работы с людьми;
▪ организаторские способности;
▪ личностные качества;
▪ возраст и состояние здоровья[20].
Различаются следующие типы резерва:
. По виду деятельности:
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Talent pool is a group of managers and professionals with the ability to management activities that meet the requirements of a post rank subjected to selection and systematic target qualification training.Formation of a personnel reserve is carried out according to the results of attestation commissions; assessments of the candidates ' knowledge, obtained in the course of retraining system; conclusions on the results of the tests etc, internship, taking into account the physical condition of the candidates and their ability to carry additional loads. Planning personnel reserve aims to promote professional forecasting, its sequence and related activities. This should be worked out the whole chain of promotions, transfers and terminations of certain employees in the organizational structure of the Office. Annually, the head of the personnel management of the United Nations must carry out preparatory work to identify candidates of a personnel reserve and prepare the preliminary list of cadre nomination [14].The main criteria in the selection of candidates in reserve personnel include:▪ the required level of education and training;experience of practical work with people;▪ organizational abilities;▪ personal qualities;▪ age and health [20].Distinguishes between the following types of reserve:. By activity:
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Personnel reserve - a group of managers and professionals with the ability to management activities that meet the requirements of a position of rank, underwent a systematic selection and past the target qualification training.
Formation of a personnel reserve is carried out on the results of the evaluation committees; assessment of knowledge of candidates received by them in the course of training in continuing education; conclusions on the results of training, testing, etc., taking into account the physical condition of the candidates and their ability to carry additional loads. Planning personnel reserve aims to predict professional advancement, its sequence and accompanying events. To this must be worked out the whole chain promotions, transfer and dismissal of specific employees in the organizational structure of management. Every year, the head of service personnel management must carry out preparatory work to identify the talent pool of candidates and draw up a preliminary list of personnel reserve for the nomination [14].
The main criteria in the selection of candidates for the reserve cadres are:
▪ the required level of education and training;
▪ practical experience with people;
▪ organizational skills;
▪ personal qualities;
▪ age and state of health. [20]
The following types of reserves:
. By activity:
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
pool is a group of managers and professionals with the capacity to meet the requirements of management, the office of a ranksexual selection and the past systematic task qualification training. the management is on the basis of the results of evaluation committees; the evaluation knowledge of candidatesobtained in the training system, improve the qualifications; opinions on the training, testing, etc., according to the physical condition of the candidates, their ability to absorb the additional workload.planning management aims at forecasting professional promotion, its consistency and related activities. it should be established the chain movement.
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