Коренное изменение структуры потребления энергетических ресурсов произ перевод - Коренное изменение структуры потребления энергетических ресурсов произ английский как сказать

Коренное изменение структуры потреб

Коренное изменение структуры потребления энергетических ресурсов произошло в XX в. с преобладанием газовой и появлением ядерной энергетики, что расширило виды невозобновляемых энергетических ресурсов природы. Солнечная энергетика имеет наиболее простые причинно-следственные связи и позволяет достичь с природой равновесного или близкого к нему функционирования. Актуальность рассматриваемой проблемы обусловлена высокими темпами развития солнечной энергетики и расширением географии использования фотоэлектрических систем (ФЭС). ФЭС в сочетании с ветроэнергетическими установками и топливными водородными элементами эффективны с точки зрения использования возобновляемых ресурсов. Как показано во многих работах, баланс энергоресурсов на рынке Томской области (ТО) не положительный. Значительная часть электро-энергии (40 %) закупается в соседних регионах, а все дизельное топливо завозится. Благодаря континентальности климата Сибири, ее центральные районы получают больше солнечного света, чем районы Европы и Европейской части России, расположенные на той же широте. Мониторинг работы солнечной батареи в г. Томске в течение 1996–2003 гг. показал возможность ее эффективного использования. Целью исследований было оценить возможности энергетики на возобновляемых источниках энергии (Солнце и ветер) в условиях г. Томска и окрестностей. На рис. 1 представлен внешний вид СВЭС. В табл. 2 приведены среднемесячные значения поступающей солнечной и ветровой энергии. Из табл. 2 видно, что ветровой энергии за год поступило на единицу площади в 2,75 раза меньше, чем солнечной. В осеннезимний период поступление ветровой энергии превышает или сравнимо с поступлением солнечной энергии. В табл. 3 приведены помесячные результаты выработки электроэнергии СБ и ВЭУ. Исследования показали, что для оценки потенциальных возможностей солнечной и ветровой энергетики можно пользоваться статистическими метеоданными по поступлению солнечной и ветровой энергии. Важным результатом следует считать оценку вклада снежного покрова в освещенность рабочей поверхности солнечной батареи. Это означает, что в течение почти полугода съем электроэнергии с единицы поверхности СБ в Сибири в 2 раза выше, чем в Европе при сопоставимых уровнях солнечной радиации. Для изучения развития солнечной энергетики и реакции потребителей в Томской области используем метод многомерных векторов [10] в котором каждому участнику этих взаимодействий присвоен набор показателей, располагающихся в многомерном пространстве: инвестирование, производство, распределение и оценка последствий. В ТПУ совместно с Институтом оптического 
мониторинга (ИОМ) СО РАН, г. Томск, разработаны системы эксплуатационного контроля солнечных батарей, которые позволяют проводить их долговременные испытания. Развитие солнечной энергетики обеспечит не только экономию невозобновляемых ресурсов, но и повышение качества жизни за счет улучшения условий нахождения человека вдали от стационарных источников энергии. Впервые в г. Томске проведен мониторинг совместной работы солнечно-ветровой электрической станции в течение года и установлено, что устойчивый снежный покров увеличивает энергосъем в зимнее время в два раза при сопоставимых уровнях солнечной радиации, а ветрогенератор эффективно дополняет солнечные батареи в этот период. Показано, что объективными факторами развития солнечной энергетики в интересах населения и экономики Томской области является наличие в г. Томске развиваемого производства кремния солнечного качества, мелкосерийного производства солнечных батарей, развитой приборостроительной отрасли и научных организаций.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Fundamental change in the structure of the consumption of energy resources has occurred in the 20th century with a predominance of gas and the advent of nuclear power that expanded the types of non-renewable energy resources of nature. Solar energy is the most simple cause-and-effect relationships and allows you to reach equilibrium with nature, or close to it operations. The relevance of this problem is due to the high rate of solar energy development and the expansion of the geography of photovoltaic systems (ESF). ESF in combination with wind energetic installations and fuel hydrogen elements are effective from the point of view of the use of renewable resources. As shown in many works, the balance of power in the market of Tomsk oblast (that) is not positive. Much of the electric power (40%) and purchased in neighboring regions, and all diesel fuel is imported. Thanks to the climate of Siberia, their continentally central regions receive more sunlight than areas of Europe and the European part of Russia, located on the same latitude. Monitoring of solar battery in Tomsk during 1996-2003 biennium. has shown its effective use. The aim of the research was to assess the possibility of energy from renewable sources of energy (solar and wind) in the Tomsk city and surrounding area. In Figure 1. 1 shows the appearance of the NEPS. In the table. 2 are the mean monthly values of incoming solar and wind power. From the table. 2 shows that wind energy per year received per unit area in 2.75 times smaller than the Sun. In winter the flow of wind power exceeds or is comparable to the flow of solar energy. In the table. 3 shows the results of the monthly electricity SAT and WIND TURBINES. Studies have shown that to assess the potential of solar and wind energy, you can use the statistical meteorological information on the flow of solar and wind energy. An important result should be considered to assess the contribution of the snow cover in the illumination of the working surface of the solar panel. This means that for almost half a year of electricity consumption per unit surface SAT in Siberia to 2 times higher than in Europe at comparable levels of solar radiation. To study the development of solar energy and the reaction of consumers in Tomsk Region use a method of multidimensional vectors [10] in which each participant of these interactions is assigned a set of indicators, which are located in multidimensional space: investments, production, distribution and evaluation of impact. The TPU in conjunction with the Institute of optical monitoring (IOM) of the RUSSIAN ACADEMY of SCIENCES, Tomsk, maintenance tracking system developed solar cells, which enable their long-term tests. Development of solar energy will not only conserve non-renewable resources, but also to improve the quality of life by improving human conditions away from stationary energy sources. For the first time in Tomsk monitored solar-wind hybrid power plant during the year and found that stable snow cover increases ènergos″em in winter two times at comparable levels of solar radiation and wind generator effectively complements the solar panels during this period. Shown that objective factors development of solar energy for people and the economy of Tomsk oblast is presence in Tomsk developed the production of solar grade silicon, low volume production of solar cells, developed the instrument-making industry and scientific organizations.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

The radical change in the structure of energy consumption occurred in the XX century. with a predominance of gas and the appearance of nuclear energy, which expanded the types of non-renewable energy resources of nature. Solar energy is the most simple cause-and-effect relationships and achieves equilibrium with nature or close to the operation. The urgency of the problem is due to high rates of development of solar energy and the expansion of the geography of use of photovoltaic systems (PVS). FES in combination with wind power plant and hydrogen fuel elements are effective in terms of the use of renewable resources. As shown in many studies, the balance of energy on the market of the Tomsk region (TO) is not positive. A significant part of the electro-energy (40%) purchased in neighboring regions, and all diesel fuel imported. Due to continental climate of Siberia, its central regions receive more sunlight than the regions of Europe and the European part of Russia, located at the same latitude. Monitoring of solar battery in Tomsk for 1996-2003 years. He demonstrated the ability to use it effectively. The aim was to evaluate the possibilities of energy from renewable energy sources (sun and wind) in the conditions of Tomsk and the surrounding area. Fig. 1 shows the appearance of NEPS. Table. 2 shows the monthly averages of incoming solar and wind energy. From Table. 2 shows that the wind energy received per year per unit area of ​​2.75 times lower than solar. In osennezimny period exceeds the supply of wind energy or comparable to the amount of solar energy. Table. 3 shows the results of monthly power generation and wind turbine Security. Studies have shown that to assess the potential of solar and wind energy can be used by statistical weather data for the amount of solar and wind energy. An important result should be considered assessment of the contribution of snow cover in the illumination of the working surface of the solar cell. This means that for nearly half a removal of electricity per unit area Sa in Siberia 2 times higher than in Europe at comparable levels of solar radiation. To study the development of solar energy and the reaction of consumers in the Tomsk region using the method of multidimensional vectors [10] in which each participant of these interactions is assigned a set of indicators, which are located in a multidimensional space: investment, production, distribution and impact assessment. The TPU together with the Institute of Optical Monitoring (IOM), SB RAS, Tomsk, developed the system of operational control of solar cells that allow their long-term tests. The development of solar energy will provide not only saving non-renewable resources, but also improve the quality of life by improving the conditions of finding the person away from the stationary energy sources. For the first time in Tomsk monitored teamwork solar-wind power plant for a year and found that the steady snow cover increases energy output in the winter twice at comparable levels of solar radiation, and wind turbine solar panels effectively supplements during this period. It is shown that objective factors of solar energy for the population and economy of the Tomsk region is the presence in the city of Tomsk to develop production of silicon solar grade, small-scale production of solar cells, developed instrument-making industry and research organizations.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

the change of consumption structure of fundamental occurred in XX energy resources. The emergence of natural gas and nuclear power, greatly broadens the types of non renewable energy resources of nature.Solar power has a causal relationship and most simple cycle operation is allowed to reach equilibrium or together with the nature.Is the main reason for the present situation of the high speed development of studies. C C - pgfla to us, it's pgfla. During the Liapunov, in geography, in an author is identified by Liapunov, energy and expand the use of photovoltaic system, Encyclopedia of physics.Encyclopedia of physical binding view of effective utilization of fuel cell components's foreign to us, alabamium by E P T by foreign to me identified, kappa, m, facilities and renewable resources. As shown, in many works,The energy balance of the market are not from me, and from albumose E and allus from me, from the scene of M energy-saving area (that). A large part of the power purchase (40%) of the neighboring regions, and flour, all diesel.Due to climate kappa, the author to me by by the author to pgfla Korolev deals by Liapunov customers with large Siberian central, pgfla,. The author hallux, she gets more sunlight and studies. He Liapunov by hallux in the European part of Russia and he's new. 'it is me, kappa,, than the same latitude,,,, separated.In G C C has long had a pi from me battery monitoring. In 1996 - 2003 GG jiamusi. Opportunity to show their effective use.The aim is to assess the ability of c c e le me to and from the scene of me. Energy renewable energy (solar and wind conditions, G). C, C, e and K had increased by me, in Tomsk city. In fig.. Introduces a C x C, from the state to the scene from the scene of 1. In the table.Given are increased. Its development are e me c c elixir has long had a pi from me February average and has a state, state, energy from me. From the table. 2 that year, has received the state, a state, a scene of energy per unit area of C C has long had a pi from me less than 2.75 times.In the Liapunov won by the author the author is for me to by me, period energy intake it by its new Liapunov's Liapunov, greater or match receiving the energy of China, an author is identified by Liapunov,. In the table. 3 results are given for SAT and 1 m e are from a state and society has long C allus power. Study shows,In order to evaluate the potential was in 3 - Liapunov albumose by Liapunov customers, by me, Liapunov Korolev author. C by Liapunov, and lowlevel.,, Liapunov's Liapunov, energy statistics - is to by Liapunov betel pgfla by the author to hallux, can enjoy in it by its new Liapunov's Liapunov, C, an author is identified by Liapunov, and energy.The evaluation results should be regarded as an important contribution from our studies. O e me c c PI has long had snow from the surface of the battery from me lighting. This means that,In comparable levels than European customers, an author is identified by Liapunov, radiation in ate nearly half of the power sat units in more than 2 times the surface of Siberia.Energy development and reaction of the customers, an author is identified by Liapunov, ',,,. And me, E Ji He, multi-dimensional vector method in its Liapunov -, kappa,, area using distribution [10] which each contracting', K 3 pgfla, E Ji He, these lowlevel for pgfla me to Liapunov betel by me customers to lowlevel, me,In the multidimensional space: investment, production, distribution and evaluation are increased by pi to energy-saving in the me out. In the optical M C, C, from the scene for me from the TPU and Research Institute (from me and RAS m), mr.. Thom,The design of system operation and control. The solar energy by alpha, has me, to test their lasting. C C has long had a pi from me provides not only the energy saving non renewable resources,But by improving the quality of life of people and the Communist state found me a PI me away from the fixed energy. The first time in G.Held a Liapunov's M E C, by Liapunov, Musi solar energy it by its new Liapunov's Liapunov, monitoring within a year alabamium Korolev. Kappa,,, identified, kappa,, station and found.This and customers to Liapunov, in me's allus, won by foreign albumose by me hallux cover increased two times alabamium by E P T by Liapunov, it is to in the winter time in than solar cells of the level of effective complement C, an author is identified by Liapunov, radiation and Vestas in this period. Shown,Energy is the development of a society by their interests to our society me from the existence of objective factors, the M energy-saving from me area is the population and economy G. The quality of the silicon production studies. 3. To me, e mm from von musse sun,M e Ji kappa in China.,,, author. In this paper, the production of solar energy by pgfla, alpha, which, and studies. Currently it's me, in me Liapunov, by. By me for the pgfla by me, ',, and,,,,,,,,, e Ji has by in large industry and science.
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