1. Молодой инженер не хотел много говорить о маши не (machine [тэ'Я:п] перевод - 1. Молодой инженер не хотел много говорить о маши не (machine [тэ'Я:п] английский как сказать

1. Молодой инженер не хотел много г

1. Молодой инженер не хотел много говорить о маши не (machine [тэ'Я:п]), которую он изобрел, потому что он не был уверен, заинтересуются ли ею специалисты (specialists). 2. Вы, кажется, чем-то обеспокоены. В чем дело? 3. Я бы хотел, чтобы мы пошли в столовую сейчас. Через полчаса она будет переполнена. 4. Почему ты так расстроен? Ты ведь не уезжаешь насовсем, правда? Два месяца пройдут быстро, ты поправишься и снова вернешь ся домой. 5. Я очень благодарен вам за книгу. Я нигде не мог ее достать, а через неделю мне нужно сделать сообщение. 6. Вы не возражаете, если я отдам вам деньги, которые я вам должен, завтра? — Нисколько, я совсем забыл об этом. 7. Все хотели, чтобы Анна спела еще (снова), но она попросила не заставлять ее больше петь, потому что она очень устала. 8. Что случилось? Почему там собралась такая огромная толпа? 9. Если хотите получить удовольствие, пойдите посмотрите эту пьесу. Это самая забавная пьеса, которую я когда-либо видел.

10. Мы ожидали, что вы принесете нам хорошие новости.

11. Не сердитесь на нас. Мы не ожидали, что эта новость вас так обеспокоит. 12. Почему вы не заставляете вашего сына больше кататься на лыжах или на коньках? Он довольно бледный, потому что мало бывает на воздухе (doesn’t go out much). 13. Я люблю наблюдать, как рисует мой маленький сын. Это всегда меня очень забавляет. И. Я удивлен, что он поверил этой странной новости.

15. Вы ведь всех предупредили о собрании, не правда ли?

16. К сожалению, никто не мог предупредить путешественников об опасности.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Young engineer did not want to talk much about the machine (not machine [tè'Â: t]), which he invented, because he wasn't sure whether interested experts (specialists). 2. you seem to be worried about something. What's the matter? 3. I would like to, so we went into the dining room now. After half an hour it will be overflowing. 4. Why are you so upset? You do not leave forever, right? Two months pass quickly, you popraviš′sâ, and again restored the Xia home. 5. I am very grateful to you for the book. I couldn't get it anywhere else, and in a week I need to make a post. 6. Do you mind if I give you the money I owe you, tomorrow? — Any, I completely forgot about it. 7. all wanted Anna sang yet (again), but she asked not to force her to sing because she is very tired. 8. What happened? Why such a huge crowd had gathered there? 9. If you want to have fun, go see this play. This is the most amusing piece I have ever seen.10. We expect that you will bring us good news.11. don't be mad at us. We did not expect this news you would be troubled. 12. Why do you not make your son more skiing or skating? It's pretty pale, because little happens in air (doesn't go out much). 13. I love to watch how draws my little son. It always amuses me greatly. I. I'm surprised that he believed this strange news.15. you've all warned about the meeting, isn't it?16. Unfortunately, no one could warn travelers of the dangers.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. The young engineer did not want to talk much about not wave (machine [te'Ya: n]), which he invented, because he was not sure whether it interested experts (specialists). 2. You seem to be worried about something. What's the matter? 3. I would like us to go to the dining room right now. After half an hour it will be full. 4. Why are you so upset? You're not going away forever, right? Two months pass quickly you will recover and once again bring back home smiling. 5. I am very grateful to you for the book. I never could get it, but after a week I need to make a message. 6. Do you mind if I give you the money I owe you, tomorrow? - Not at all, I completely forgot about it. 7. Everyone wanted to sing Anna has (again), but she asked me not to make her sing more, because she was very tired. 8. What happened? Why there was such a huge crowd? 9. If you want to have fun, go see this play. This is the funniest play I've ever seen. 10. We expect that you will bring us good news. 11. Do not be angry at us. We did not expect that the news you so worried. 12. Why did you not make your son more than skiing or skating? It is quite pale, because there is not enough air (does not go out much). 13. I love to see how my little boy draws. It always amuses me very much. I. I'm surprised that he believed this strange news. 15. You've all been warned about the meeting, is not it? 16. Unfortunately, no one could warn travelers of danger.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. the young engineer doesn't want to say much about the flap (machine [t i, t]), which he invented, because he was not sure whether the interested specialists (specialists). 2. you seem troubled. what's the matter? 3. i would like toso we went into the dining room now. in half an hour she'll be full. 4. why are you so upset? you're not leaving for good, right? two months have passed quickly, you will again get xia home. 5.i am very grateful to you for your book. i couldn't get it, and the next week i have to make a presentation. 6. do you mind if i give you the money i owe you, tomorrow? - no, i completely forgot about it. 7.everyone wanted to anna sing again (again), but she asked me not to make her sing anymore, because she is very tired. 8. what happened? why there was such a huge crowd? 9. if you want to have fun.come and see the play. that's the funniest story i've ever seen.

10. we expect that you will bring us the good news.

11. don't be mad at us. we didn't expect this news you care. 12.why don't you make your son's skiing or skating? he's quite pale, because little time outdoors (doesn't go out much. 13. i love watching paint my little son.it's always very funny. and. i'm surprised that he believed the strange news.

15. you are all told about the meeting, isn't it?

16. unfortunately, no one could have warned travelers about the danger.
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