Но далеко не все граждане сверхдержавы согласны с существующим режимом перевод - Но далеко не все граждане сверхдержавы согласны с существующим режимом английский как сказать

Но далеко не все граждане сверхдерж

Но далеко не все граждане сверхдержавы согласны с существующим режимом. Уинстон Смит, работающий в Министерстве Правды, недоволен окружающей действительностью. При этом он прекрасно понимает, что ни с кем не может поделиться своими сомнениями. Смиту ничего не остаётся, как начать вести личный дневник, в котором главный герой излагает свой мысли. Ведение подобного дневника не менее опасно, чем публичное высказывание сомнений относительно деятельности Партии.
Неожиданно Смит замечает, что за ним следит его коллега Джулия. Уинстон боится, что Джулия что-то заподозрила и может раскрыть «преступление» Смита. Однако через некоторое время девушка передаётся ему любовную записку, после которой Джулия и Уинстон начинают тайно встречаться. Смит считает, что рано или поздно их встречи плохо закончатся. Незаконные связи между мужчинами и женщинами строго запрещены на территории Океании.
Смит и Джулия идут к высокопоставленному чиновнику О`Брайену. Уинстон был уверен, что О`Брайен принадлежит к подпольному Братству. Влюблённые хотят, чтобы чиновник принял в это Братство и их. Через некоторое время Уинстона и Джулию арестовывают в комнате, которую они снимали для своих тайных встреч. Смит понял, что ошибся в О`Брайене. Уинстона привозят в Министерство Любви, где его подвергают психическим и физическим пыткам. Смита вынуждают отречься от самого себя и от своей любви.
Палачам удалось «излечить» Уинстона от революционных настроений. Сначала главный герой думает, что отказался от самого себя и Джулии только из-за страха перед дальнейшими пытками. Но, уже оказавшись на свободе, Смит понимает, что всё это время был неправ, что теперь он встал на правильный путь и не любит никого, кроме Большого Брата и Партии.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
But not all citizens of superpower agree with the existing regime. Winston Smith, who works in the Ministry of truth, unhappy with the surrounding reality. He is well aware that anyone could share their doubts. Smith remains nothing how to start a personal diary, in which the protagonist sets out his thoughts. Maintaining such a diary is not less dangerous than public statement of doubt concerning the activities of the party.Suddenly Smith notices that he keeps his colleague Julia. Winston fears that Julia suspected something and can reveal the "crime" of Smith. But after a while the girl passed him a love note, followed by Julia and Winston start secretly dating. Smith believes that sooner or later their meeting will end badly. Illegal relationships between men and women is strictly prohibited on the territory of Oceania.Smith and Julia go to high-ranking official O'brien. Winston was sure O'brien belongs to the underground brotherhood. Lovers want official took it the brotherhood and their. After some time of Winston and Julia are arrested in a room that they filmed for their secret meetings. Smith realized that he made a mistake in O'Brajene. Winston is brought to the Ministry of love, where he was subjected to psychological and physical torture. Smith forced to renounce himself and from his love.Executioners were able to "heal" Winston of revolutionary sentiment. At first the protagonist thinks renounced himself and Julia just because of fear of further torture. But once released, Smith realizes that all this time was wrong, that he now stood in the right way and doesn't like anyone but big brother and the party.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
But not all the citizens of a superpower agree with the current regime. Winston Smith, who works at the Ministry of Truth, is dissatisfied with the surrounding reality. However, he is well aware that no one can share his concerns. Smith has no choice, you start to keep a personal diary, in which the protagonist sets out his thoughts. Keeping such a diary is not less dangerous than the public statement concerning the activities of the Party of doubt.
Suddenly, Smith notes that watching him his colleague Julia. Winston was afraid that Julie suspected something and can reveal the "crime" of Smith. But after a while she passed him a love note, after which Julia and Winston begin to meet secretly. Smith believes that sooner or later they met bad end. Illegal communication between men and women are strictly prohibited on the territory of Oceania.
Smith and Julia go to a senior official O`Brayenu. Winston was convinced that O'Brien belongs to the Brotherhood underground. Lovers want officials took this Brotherhood and their. After a while, Winston and Julia are arrested in the room, they were shooting for their secret meetings. Smith realized that he was mistaken in O`Brayene. Winston is brought to the Ministry of Love, where he was subjected to mental and physical torture. Smith forced to renounce himself and his love.
The executioners were able to "cure" by Winston revolutionary sentiment. At first the protagonist thinks he refused himself and Julie just because of fear of further torture. But already appeared on freedom, Smith realizes that all this time was wrong, that he now stood in the right way and does not like anyone but Big Brother and the Party.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
but not all citizens of super power agree with the existing regime. winston smith, who works in the ministry of truth, not the reality. in doing so, he knowsthat anyone can share their doubts. smith has little choice but to keep a personal journal, in which the protagonist recounts his thoughts. maintenance of this diary not less dangerousthe public by doubts about the activities of the party. suddenly, smith said that he was his friend julia. winston'sjulia suspects something and can solve "" smith. however, after some time the girl is his love note, after which the julia and winston are secretly dating. smith believessooner or later, they meet a bad end. illegal connection between men and women are strictly forbidden in the territory of oceania.
smith and julia goes to a high-ranking official of the ` brian. winston was surethat o'brien is when brothers. lovers want to official adopted in this brotherhood and their. after a while, winston and julia's room.they made their secret meetings. smith knew that was wrong in the `'s brian. winston comes in the ministry of love, where he was subjected to mental and physical torture.smith is forced to abandon himself and from his love.
палачам managed "излечить» winston from revolutionary sentiment. first, the protagonist thinksi gave up on yourself and julia just because of the fear of further torture. but, once again, smith realized that it was wrong, now that he is on the right way and does not love anyone
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