GeologyGeology science of the earth's history, composition, and struct перевод - GeologyGeology science of the earth's history, composition, and struct русский как сказать

GeologyGeology science of the earth

Geology science of the earth's history, composition, and structure, and the associated processes. It draws upon chemistry, biology, physics, astronomy, and mathematics (notably statistics) for support of its formulations.

Branches of Geology
Geology is divided into several fields, which can be grouped under the major headings of physical and historical geology.

Physical geology
Physical geology includes mineralogy, the study of the chemical composition and structure of minerals; petrology, the study of the composition and origin of rocks; geomorphology, the study of the origin of landforms and their modification by dynamic processes; geochemistry, the study of the chemical composition of earth materials and the chemical changes that occur within the earth and on its surface; geophysics, the study of the behavior of rock materials in response to stresses and according to the principles of physics; sedimentology, the science of the erosion and deposition of rock particles by wind, water, or ice; structural geology, the study of the forces that deform the earth's rocks and the description and mapping of deformed rock bodies; economic geology, the study of the exploration and recovery of natural resources, such as ores and petroleum; and engineering geology, the study of the interactions of the earth's crust with human-made structures such as tunnels, mines, dams, bridges, and building foundations.

Historical Geology
Historical geology deals with the historical development of the earth from the study of its rocks. They are analyzed to determine their structure, composition, and interrelationships and are examined for remains of past life. Historical geology includes paleontology, the systematic study of past life forms; stratigraphy, of layered rocks and their interrelationships; paleogeography, of the locations of ancient land masses and their boundaries; and geologic mapping, the superimposing of geologic information upon existing topographic maps.
Historical geologists divide all time since the formation of the earliest known rocks (c.4 billion years ago) into four major divisions—the Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic eras. Each, except the Cenozoic, ended with profound changes in the disposition of the earth's continents and mountains and was characterized by the emergence of new forms of life (see geologic timescale). Broad cyclical patterns, which run through all historical geology, include a period of mountain and continent building followed by one of erosion and, in turn, by a new period of elevation.

Economic geology
Economic geology is an important branch of geology which deals with different aspects of economic minerals being used by humankind to fulfill its various needs. The economic minerals are those which can be extracted profitably. Economic geologists help locate and manage the Earth's natural resources, such as petroleum and coal, as well as mineral resources, which include metals such as iron, copper, and uranium.

Mining geology
Mining geology consists of the extractions of mineral resources from the Earth. Some resources of economic interests include gemstones, metals, and many minerals such as asbestos, perlite, mica, phosphates, zeolites, clay, pumice, quartz, and silica, as well as elements such as sulfur, chlorine, and helium.

Engineering geology
Main articles: Engineering geology, Soil mechanics, and Geotechnical engineering
Engineering geology is the application of the geologic principles to engineering practice for the purpose of assuring that the geologic factors affecting the location, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of engineering works are properly addressed.
In the field of civil engineering, geological principles and analyses are used in order to ascertain the mechanical principles of the material on which structures are built. This allows tunnels to be built without collapsing, bridges and skyscrapers to be built with sturdy foundations, and buildings to be built that will not settle in clay and mud.

Planetary geology
With the advent of space exploration in the twentieth century, geologists have begun to look at other planetary bodies in the same ways that have been developed to study the Earth. This new field of study is called planetary geology (sometimes known as astrogeology) and relies on known geologic principles to study other bodies of the solar system.

Hydrology and environmental issues
Geology and geologic principles can be applied to various environmental problems such as stream restoration, the restoration of brownfields, and the understanding of the interaction between natural habitat and the geologic environment. Groundwater hydrology, or hydrogeology, is used to locate groundwater, which can often provide a ready supply of uncontaminated water and is especially important in arid regions, and to monitor the spread of contaminants in groundwater wells.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
GeologyGeology science of the earth's history, composition, and structure, and the associated processes. It draws upon chemistry, biology, physics, astronomy, and mathematics (notably statistics) for support of its formulations.Branches of GeologyGeology is divided into several fields, which can be grouped under the major headings of physical and historical geology.Physical geology Physical geology includes mineralogy, the study of the chemical composition and structure of minerals; petrology, the study of the composition and origin of rocks; geomorphology, the study of the origin of landforms and their modification by dynamic processes; geochemistry, the study of the chemical composition of earth materials and the chemical changes that occur within the earth and on its surface; geophysics, the study of the behavior of rock materials in response to stresses and according to the principles of physics; sedimentology, the science of the erosion and deposition of rock particles by wind, water, or ice; structural geology, the study of the forces that deform the earth's rocks and the description and mapping of deformed rock bodies; economic geology, the study of the exploration and recovery of natural resources, such as ores and petroleum; and engineering geology, the study of the interactions of the earth's crust with human-made structures such as tunnels, mines, dams, bridges, and building foundations.Historical GeologyHistorical geology deals with the historical development of the earth from the study of its rocks. They are analyzed to determine their structure, composition, and interrelationships and are examined for remains of past life. Historical geology includes paleontology, the systematic study of past life forms; stratigraphy, of layered rocks and their interrelationships; paleogeography, of the locations of ancient land masses and their boundaries; and geologic mapping, the superimposing of geologic information upon existing topographic maps.Historical geologists divide all time since the formation of the earliest known rocks (c.4 billion years ago) into four major divisions—the Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic eras. Each, except the Cenozoic, ended with profound changes in the disposition of the earth's continents and mountains and was characterized by the emergence of new forms of life (see geologic timescale). Broad cyclical patterns, which run through all historical geology, include a period of mountain and continent building followed by one of erosion and, in turn, by a new period of elevation.Economic geologyEconomic geology is an important branch of geology which deals with different aspects of economic minerals being used by humankind to fulfill its various needs. The economic minerals are those which can be extracted profitably. Economic geologists help locate and manage the Earth's natural resources, such as petroleum and coal, as well as mineral resources, which include metals such as iron, copper, and uranium.Mining geologyMining geology consists of the extractions of mineral resources from the Earth. Some resources of economic interests include gemstones, metals, and many minerals such as asbestos, perlite, mica, phosphates, zeolites, clay, pumice, quartz, and silica, as well as elements such as sulfur, chlorine, and helium.Engineering geologyMain articles: Engineering geology, Soil mechanics, and Geotechnical engineeringEngineering geology is the application of the geologic principles to engineering practice for the purpose of assuring that the geologic factors affecting the location, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of engineering works are properly addressed.In the field of civil engineering, geological principles and analyses are used in order to ascertain the mechanical principles of the material on which structures are built. This allows tunnels to be built without collapsing, bridges and skyscrapers to be built with sturdy foundations, and buildings to be built that will not settle in clay and mud.Planetary geologyWith the advent of space exploration in the twentieth century, geologists have begun to look at other planetary bodies in the same ways that have been developed to study the Earth. This new field of study is called planetary geology (sometimes known as astrogeology) and relies on known geologic principles to study other bodies of the solar system.Hydrology and environmental issuesGeology and geologic principles can be applied to various environmental problems such as stream restoration, the restoration of brownfields, and the understanding of the interaction between natural habitat and the geologic environment. Groundwater hydrology, or hydrogeology, is used to locate groundwater, which can often provide a ready supply of uncontaminated water and is especially important in arid regions, and to monitor the spread of contaminants in groundwater wells.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Геология наука история, состав и структура земной, и связанные с ним процессы. Она опирается на химии, биологии, физики, астрономии и математики ( в частности , статистические данные) для поддержки своих композиций.

Отрасли геологии
геологии делится на несколько полей, которые могут быть сгруппированы по основным рубрикам физической и исторической геологии.

Физическая геология
Внешность геология включает в себя минералогию, изучение химического состава и структуры минералов; петрологии, изучение состава и происхождения пород; геоморфологии, изучение происхождения и их форм рельефа модификации с помощью динамических процессов; геохимии, изучение химического состава земных материалов и химических изменений , которые происходят в недрах Земли и на ее поверхности; геофизика, изучение поведения горных пород в ответ на стрессы и в соответствии с принципами физики; седиментология, наука о эрозии и осаждения частиц породы под воздействием ветра, воды или льда; структурной геологии, изучение сил , которые деформируют горные породы Земли и описание и отображение деформированных горных пород; экономической геологии, изучение разведки и восстановления природных ресурсов, таких как нефть и руды; и инженерная геология, изучение взаимодействия земной коры с антропогенными структур , таких как туннели, шахты, дамб, мостов и фундаментов зданий.

Историческая геология
Историческая геология имеет дело с историческим развитием Земли от изучения его пород , Они анализируют , чтобы определить их структуру, состав и взаимосвязи и исследуют на остатки прошлой жизни. Историческая геология включает в себя Палеонтология, систематическое изучение прошлых форм жизни; стратиграфии, слоистых пород и их взаимосвязи; палеогеографии, из мест древних массивов суши и их границ; и геологическое картирование, то совмещающую геологической информации на основе существующих топографических карт.
Исторические геологи делят все время с момента формирования самых ранних известных пород (С.4 млрд лет тому назад) на четыре основных структурных подразделений-докембрия, палеозоя, мезозоя и кайнозоя , Каждый из них , кроме кайнозоя, завершилась глубокими изменениями в расположении континентов и гор Земли и характеризуется появлением новых форм жизни (см геологическое шкалу времени). Широкие циклические структуры, которые проходят через все исторической геологии, включает период горного и континента здания следуют одной эрозии и, в свою очередь, новый период подъема.

Экономическая геология
Экономическая геология важная отрасль геологии , которая занимается с разными аспекты экономических минералов, используемых человечеством для выполнения своих различных потребностей. Экономические минералы являются те , которые могут быть извлечены с выгодой. Экономические геологи помогают определить местонахождение и рационального использования природных ресурсов Земли, таких как нефть и уголь, а также минеральные ресурсы, которые включают металлы , такие как железо, медь и уран.

Горной геологии
горной геологии состоит из извлечений полезных ископаемых от Земли. Некоторые ресурсы экономических интересов включают в себя драгоценные камни, металлы и много минеральных веществ , таких как асбест, перлита, слюда, фосфаты, цеолиты, глины, пемзы, кварц и диоксид кремния, а также такие элементы, как сера, хлор и гелий.

Инженерная геология
Main статьи: Инженерная геология, механика грунтов и геотехники
Инженерная геология является применение геологических принципов инженерной практики с целью обеспечения , что геологические факторы , влияющие на расположение, проектирование, строительство, эксплуатация и техническое обслуживание инженерных работ надлежащим образом рассмотрены .
в области гражданского строительства, геологические принципы и анализы используются для того , чтобы выяснить механические принципы материала , на котором строятся структуры. Это позволяет туннели быть построены без разрушения, мостов и небоскребов , которые будут построены с крепкими фундаментов и зданий , которые будут построены , что не урегулируют в глине и грязи.

Планетарная геология
С появлением освоения космоса в ХХ веке геологи начали посмотреть на других планетарных тел в одних и тех же способов , которые были разработаны для изучения Земли. Эта новая область исследования называется планетарной геологии (иногда называют астрогеологии) и опирается на известных геологических принципов для изучения других тел Солнечной системы.

Гидрология и экологические проблемы
геологии и геологические принципы могут быть применены к различным экологическим проблемам , таким как восстановление потока, восстановление зрелых месторождений, а также понимание взаимодействия естественной среды обитания и геологической среды. Подземные воды гидрология, или гидрогеология, используется для определения местоположения подземных вод, которые часто могут обеспечить готовую поставку незагрязненной воды и особенно важно в засушливых районах, а также для мониторинга распространения загрязняющих веществ в подземных скважин.
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