9 апреля. Меня зовут Сэмвэл Райнбоу, мне 34 года. Всю свою жизнь я посвятил проблемам прошлого. Моей мечтой было сделать так,чтобы в мире никогда не было ужасных войн, эпидемий.Все говорили мне, что это невозможно, но я докажу, что это не так
9 April. My name is Sèmvèl Rajnbou, I am 34 years old. All my life I dedicated to the problems of the past. My dream was to make it so that in the world there has never been a horrific wars, epidemics. Everyone told me that it's impossible, but I will prove that it is not
April 9th. My name Semvel Raynbou, me 34 years. All my life I have devoted the past problems. My dream was to make sure that never were terrible wars in the world, epidemiy.Vse told me that it's impossible, but I will prove that it is not so
on 9 april. my name is сэмвэл райнбоу, 34 years. all my life i have given to the problems of the past. it was my dream to make the world has never been a terrible wars, эпидемий.все told me that this is impossible, but i"m gonna prove you wrong