Привет милый. С каждым днем я начинаю скучать по тебе сильнее. Когда я перевод - Привет милый. С каждым днем я начинаю скучать по тебе сильнее. Когда я английский как сказать

Привет милый. С каждым днем я начин

Привет милый. С каждым днем я начинаю скучать по тебе сильнее. Когда я читаю твои письма. Я понимаю, что я важна для тебя.
Я много думаю о тебе. Иногда я представляю, что ты находишься рядом со мной. От этой мысли мне становится спокойнее.

Как прошел сегодня твой день? Чем ты сегодня занимался? Как ты себя чувствуешь? Я никогда не могла подумать, что я весь день буду думать о тебе. Я никому еще не говорила таких слов. Но я думала о тебе весь день. После того как я пришла с работы. Мне стало скучно. И я решила приготовить что-то вкусное. Я долго думала и смотрела рецепты. Но я остановила мой взгляд на выпечке. Ты любишь сладкие пироги? Я решила приготовить пирог с яблоками. Еще я приготовила печенье и испекла пиццу с оливками и помидорами. Так как я стараюсь поддерживать фигуру. Я не стала добавлять в пиццу колбасу. Вместо этого я добавила туда много сыра. Я хочу поделиться с тобой фотографиями сегодня. Жаль, что я не могу готовить для любимого мужчины. Я думаю, что ты любишь вкусно поесть. Назови мне твои любимые блюда. Ты любишь готовить?
Я рада, что мы с тобой имеем общение. Мне кажется, что мы сближаемся. Мы понимаем друг друга. Каждое письмо, которое я получаю от тебя, делает мой день ярче и светлее. Мне приятно, что в моей жизни появился мужчина. Мне приятно проводить мое свободное время за чтением твоих писем. Мне хочется, чтобы ты понимал, что я думаю о тебе. Мне не привычно писать о моих чувствах. Я никогда и никому еще не говорила ничего подобного. Мне сложно выразить эмоции в письмах. Но мне хочется, чтобы ты понимал, мои чувства к тебе. Я постараюсь сделать это для тебя. Чтобы ты мог понять меня, понять мои чувства и мои мысли. Наверное, это хорошо, что я чувствую к тебе тепло. Как ты думаешь? Что ты чувствуешь ко мне? Мы находимся так далеко друг от друга. Но несмотря на расстояние мы начинаем сближаться. И это не привычно для меня. Ты доказал мне обратное. Благодаря тебе я смогла понять, что у меня есть чувства к тебе. Я смогла почувствовать твое тепло рядом. Мне приятно, когда ты проявляешь ко мне заботу и внимание. Это то чего мне не хватало раньше. Мне не хватало мужского внимания. Благодаря нашей переписке я стала счастливее. И это сделал ты. Если бы я могла, то я обняла тебя сейчас. И сказала тебе спасибо!
Я буду ждать твоего письма. Я поделилась с тобой моими чувствами и мыслями. Мне будет приятно, если ты сделаешь тоже самое.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hi cute. Every day I start to miss you more. When I read your letters. I understand that I am important to you.I think a lot about you. Sometimes I imagine that you are beside me. From this thought makes me calmer.How was your day today? Than you are today engaged in? How do you feel? I could never think that I'll be thinking all day about you. I have not yet spoken such words. But I was thinking about you all day. After I came back from work. I got bored. And I decided to cook something delicious. I have long thought and watched recipes. But I stopped my opinion on baking. Do you like sweet tarts? I decided to cook a cake with apples. I cooked biscuits and baked pizza with olives and tomatoes. Since I try to keep in shape. I did not add the sausage pizza. Instead I added there a lot of cheese. I want to share with you photos today. It is a pity that I can't cook for beloved man. I think that you love to eat. Call me your favorite dishes. Do you like to Cook? I am glad that we have fellowship with you. It seems to me that we sbližaemsâ. We understand each other. Each email I get from you, makes my day brighter and lighter. I am pleased that in my life a man appeared. I enjoy spending my free time reading your emails. I want you to understand that I think of you. I am not accustomed to writing about my feelings. I never tell anyone else didn't say anything of the sort. It is difficult for me to express emotions in emails. But I want you to understand my feelings for you. I'll try to do it for you. So you could understand me, understand my feelings and my thoughts. This is probably a good thing that I feel warm to you. What do you think? What do you feel me? We are so far apart. But despite the distance we begin to merge. And it's not usual for me. You proved me wrong. Thanks to you I was able to understand that I have feelings for you. I could feel your warmth next to me. I am pleased when you're showing me the care and attention. This is what I missed before. I lacked male attention. Thanks to our pal I became happier. And it made you. If I could, then I hugged you now. And you said thank you!I'll be waiting for your letter. I shared with you my feelings and thoughts. I will be pleased if you do the same.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Hi dear. Every day, I start to miss you more. When I read your letter. I understand that I'm important to you.
I think a lot about you. Sometimes I imagine that you're next to me. The thought makes me feel relaxed.

How was your day today? What did you do today? How do you feel? I could never think that I spent the whole day will think of you. I have not told anyone of such words. But I thought about you all day. After I came home from work. I was bored. And I decided to cook something delicious. I thought long and looked recipes. But I stopped my view of the baking. Do you like sweet pies? I decided to make a cake with apples. I also cooked biscuits and baked pizza with olives and tomatoes. Since I try to maintain the shape. I did not add in the sausage pizza. Instead, I added to much cheese. I want to share with you photos today. It is a pity that I can not cook for the man she loved. I think you love to eat. Give me some of your favorite dishes. Do you like to cook?
I am pleased that we have fellowship with you. It seems to me that we become closer. We understand each other. Every letter I receive from you, makes my day brighter and brighter. I am pleased that there was a man in my life. I enjoy spending my free time reading your letters. I want you to understand that I think of you. I have not been accustomed to write about my feelings. I have never and no one has said anything like that. I find it difficult to express emotions in emails. But I want you to understand my feelings for you. I will try to do it for you. So you can understand me, understand my feelings and my thoughts. Perhaps it's good that I feel about you warm. What do you think? What you feel about me? We are so far from each other. But despite the distance we begin to converge. And it's not usual for me. You proved me wrong. Thanks to you I was able to understand that I have feelings for you. I could feel your warmth around. I am glad when you show me care and attention. That's what was missing before me. I did not have enough male attention. I became happier thanks to our correspondence. And you did. If I could, I hugged you now. And say thank you!
I'll wait for your letter. I shared with you my thoughts and feelings. I will be glad if you do the same thing.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
hi, honey. every day, i begin to miss you more. when i read your letter. i understand that i was important to you.i think a lot about you. sometimes i imagine that you are here with me. that makes me feel better.how was your day today? what did you do today? how do you feel? i never thought that i"ll be thinking about you all day. i have never said such words. but i"ve been thinking about you all day. after i came home from work. i got bored. and i decided to cook something delicious. i thought long and hard and looked recipes. but i stopped my view on baking. do you like sweet pies? i decided to make a pie apple. i made cookies and baked pizza with olives and tomatoes. so i try to keep figure. i didn"t add the sausage pizza. instead, i put in a lot of cheese. i want to share with you the photos today. sorry, i can"t cook for the beloved man. i think you love to eat. tell me your favorite dishes. do you like cooking?i"m glad we have a communication with you. i think we"re close. we understand each other. every letter i get from you makes my day brighter and brighter. i am pleased that my life man. i like to spend my free time reading your letters. i want you to know that i think about you. i used to write about my feelings. i never have not yet said anything like that. it"s hard for me to express emotions in emails. but i want you to understand my feelings for you. i"ll do it for you. so you can understand me, understand my feelings and my thoughts. i guess it"s good that i feel to you warm. what do you think? what do you feel for me? we are so far away from each other. but despite the distance, we start to see each other. and it"s not familiar to me. you proved me wrong. thanks to you, i was able to understand that i have feelings for you. i could feel your warm next. i feel good when you"re with me care and attention. this is what i missed before. i need male attention. through our correspondence, i became happier. and you did it. if i could, i hugged you now. and say thank you!i"ll be waiting for your letter. i shared with you my feelings and thoughts. i"d appreciate it if you will do the same.
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