Хотя Майкл много рассказывал Джулии о своей семье, Джулия не осознавала, что они знают о её существовании. Поэтому она не могла не удивиться, получив письмо от матери Майкла, в котором та приглашала Джулию приехать в Челтнем на Пасху. перспектива провести целую неделю с Майклом приводила её в восторг. У Джулии дух захватило при мысли об этом, и она с нетерпением ждала праздников.
Ей не понадобилось много времени, чтобы сообразить, что Майкл привёз её в Челтнем, чтобы показать родителям. У неё мелькнула мысль, что для этого может быть только одна причина, по которой это стоило сделать. Когда она подумала об этом, сердце у неё радостно забилось.
Результаты (
английский) 2:
Although Michael talked a lot about his family Julia, Julia did not realize that they are aware of its existence. Therefore, she could not help but wonder, Michael received a letter from his mother, in which she invited Julie to come to Cheltenham on Easter. the prospect of spending a week with Michael led her into raptures. At Julia's breath away to think about it, and she was looking forward to the holidays.
It did not take long to figure out that Michael has brought her to Cheltenham to show parents. She flashed the thought that this could be only one reason why it is worth to do. When she thought about it, her heart leaped with gladness.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
although michael has told me a lot about his family, julia, julia didn"t realize what they know of her existence. that"s why she couldn"t be surprised, having received a letter from the mother of michael, in which it invited julia come in cheltenham at easter. the prospect of spending a week with michael brought her joy. julia"s spirit by thinking about it, and she was looking forward to the holidays.it took a long time to figure out what michael brought her in cheltenham to show parents. it was thought that this may be one reason why it should have done. when she thought about it, the heart she is stuck.
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