Несмотря на спад производства и осуществление ряда природоохранных мер перевод - Несмотря на спад производства и осуществление ряда природоохранных мер английский как сказать

Несмотря на спад производства и осу

Несмотря на спад производства и осуществление ряда природоохранных мер
как на федеральном, так и на региональном уровне, экологическая обстановка
в наиболее населенных и промышленно развитых районах страны остается
неблагополучной, а загрязнение природной среды – высоким. Накопившиеся за
десятилетия экологические проблемы нередко усугубляются проблемами,
возникшими в последние годы (в том числе в результате ослабления
государственного управления и поспешной приватизации собственности).
За последние годы произошла деэкологизация государственного
управления: сократилась государственная поддержка природоохранной
деятельности, перманентные реорганизации (сопровождавшиеся снижением
статуса и сокращением штатной численности и объемов бюджетного
финансирования) поставили государственную систему охраны природы в
критическое положение. Продолжение этого процесса реально угрожает
разрушением природоохранных структур.

Основные экологические, природоресурсные проблемы России.
Наиболее многочисленная группа населения (15 млн. человек)
подвергается воздействию взвешенных веществ, второе место по масштабу
воздействия занимает бенз(а)пирен - 14 млн. человек. Более 5 млн. человек
проживает на территориях с повышенным содержанием в воздухе диоксида азота,
фтористого водорода, сероуглерода, более 4 млн. человек - формальдегида и
окиси углерода, более 3 млн. человек - аммиака, стирола. Значительная часть
населения (более 1 млн. человек) подвергается воздействию повышенных
концентраций бензола, оксида азота, сероводорода, метилмеркаптана.
Практически все поверхностные источники водоснабжения в последние годы
подвергаются загрязнению. Особенно неблагоприятная ситуация с обеспечением
населения доброкачественной питьевой водой сложилась в Бурятии, Дагестане,
Калмыкии, в Приморском крае. Архангельской, Калининградской, Кемеровской,
Курганской, Томской, Ярославской областях.
В ряде регионов страны антропогенные нагрузки давно превысили
установленные нормативы, и сложилась критическая ситуация. К числу таких
регионов относятся крупнейшие городские агломерации - Московская и Санкт-
Петербургская, промышленные зоны Центральной России, промышленные и
горнодобывающие центры Крайнего Севера, Юга Сибири и Дальнего Востока,
Среднее Поволжье, Северный Прикаспий, Средний и Южный Урал, Кузбасс. Они
также оказывают заметное негативное влияние на экологическое состояние
соседних регионов.
Среди основных рек России наибольшими экологическими проблемами
характеризуются Волга, Дон, Кубань, Обь, Енисей. Они оцениваются как
"загрязненные". Их крупные притоки: Ока, Кама, Томь, Иртыш, Тобол, Миасс,
Исеть, Тура - оцениваются как "сильно загрязненные".
В составе сельскохозяйственных угодий России эрозионно-опасные и
подверженные водной и ветровой эрозии почвы занимают более 125 млн. га, в
том числе эродированные - 54,1 млн. га. Каждый третий гектар пашни и
пастбищ является эродированным и нуждается в осуществлении мер защиты от
деградации. Загрязнение и захламление земель отмечены на 54% территории
страны. Площадь под полигонами по обезвреживанию и захоронению отходов
составляет около 6,5 тыс. га, под санкционированными свалками - около 35
тыс. га. Площадь земель, нарушенных при добыче и переработке полезных
ископаемых, геологоразведочных работах, торфоразработках и строительстве,
составила в 1996 г., около 1 млн. га.
Города изменяют экологическую ситуацию не только внутри собственных
границ. Зоны влияния городов простираются на десятки километров, а крупных
промышленных агломерацией - на сотни, например Среднеуральской - на 300 км.
Кемеровской и Московской - на 200, Тульской - на 120 км. Свыше 90%
аварийных разливов нефти вызывают сильные и во многом необратимые
повреждения природных комплексов.
По отношению к уровню 1995 г. общий объем лесовосстановления в целом
по России снизился на 344 тыс. га. В Прикаспийском регионе сохраняется
реальная угроза распространения процесса опустынивания, особенно на
территории Калмыкии, в Ставропольском крае и Ростовской области. Не
решаются проблемы сохранения растительности тундры, занимающей около трети
территории Российской Федерации. В городах уровень обеспеченности зелеными
насаждениями на душу населения не соответствует принятым нормам.
В 1997 г. перечень животных, занесенных в Красную книгу Российской
Федерации, увеличился в 1,6 раза.
В горнодобывающем секторе природоохранные мероприятия практически не
финансируются. На нефтяных промыслах в 1996 г. произошло более 35 тыс.
аварий, связанных с нарушением герметичности трубопроводных систем.
Снижение надежности и рост аварийности трубопроводных систем через 3-4 года
могут приобрести обвальный характер.

Существующие экономические механизмы охраны природы оказываются
неэффективными в первую очередь потому, что не создают действенных стимулов
применения ресурсо- и энергосберегающих технологий и не обеспечивают
получения достаточных средств от платежей за выбросы и сбросы, размещение
отходов и использование природных ресурсов для финансирования
природоохранной деятельности в требуемых масштабах.
Сравнение российской экономики природопользования
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Despite the decline in production and the implementation of a number of environmental measuresat both the Federal and regional level, environmentin the most populated and industrialized areas of the country remainsdysfunctional, and pollution of the environment is high. Accumulated overDecade of the world's environmental problems are often exacerbated by problemsemerged in recent years (including as a result of the weakening of thepublic administration and hasty privatization). Over the past years, there has been deèkologizaciâ StateManagement: reduced public support for environmental protectionactivities, permanent reorganization (accompanied by decline instatus and reduction of staff numbers and amounts of the budgetfunding) have put the State system of nature protectionthe critical situation. The continuation of this process to really threatendestruction of environmental structures. Main environmental problems of Earth, Russia. ATMOSPHERIC AIR The most numerous group of the population (15 million)exposed to suspended solids, the second place on the scaleimpact takes benzo (a) pyrene-14 million. man. More than 5 million. manliving in areas with high content of nitrogen dioxide in the air,hydrogen fluoride, carbon disulfide, 4 million more. man-formaldehyde andcarbon monoxide more than 3 million. man-ammonia, styrene. A large part ofpopulation (over 1 million) is exposed to elevatedconcentrations of benzene, nitric oxide, hydrogen sulfide, metylmerkaptanu. WATER RESOURCES Virtually all surface water sources in recent yearsexposed to pollution. Particularly unfavourable situationof safe drinking water prevails in Buryatia, DagestanKalmykia in Primorsky Krai. Archangelsk, Kaliningrad, Kemerovo,Kurgan, Tomsk and Yaroslavl regions. In some regions of the country have long exceeded load anthropogenicestablished norms, and critical situation. Among suchregions comprise the largest urban agglomerations-Moscow and SaintPetersburg, industrial zones in Central Russia, industrial andmining centres of the far North, Southern Siberia and the far East,The average of the Volga region, Northern, middle and southern Caspian Ural, Kuzbass. Theyalso have a noticeable negative impact on the ecological statusneighbouring regions. Among the major rivers of Russia greatest environmental problemscharacterized by Volga, Don, Kuban, ob, yenisei. They are evaluated as"polluted". Their major tributaries: Oka, Kama, Tobol, Irtysh, Tom, Miass,ISET, Tura-evaluated as "heavily polluted". SOILS AND LAND USE In the composition of Russia's agricultural land erosion-dangerous andexposed to water and wind erosion of soil cover over 125 million. HA,including eroded-54.1 million. HA. Every third hectare of arable land andpasture is èrodirovannym and requires the implementation of measures of protection againstdegradation. Pollution and cluttering lands are marked on the 54% of the territorythe country. The area under the polygons for the removal and disposal of wasteis about 6.5 thousand. HA, under authorized landfills is about 35ths. HA. The amount of land disturbed during extraction and processing ofminerals exploration works, torforazrabotkah and constructionin 1996, about 1 million. HA. The city changing ecological situation not only within their ownborders. The zone of influence of cities extend for tens of kilometres, and majorindustrial agglomeration-hundreds, such as Sredneyralskaya-to 300 km.Kemerovo, Moscow-on 200, Tula-at 120 km. More than 90%oil spills cause strong and largely irreversibledamage of natural complexes. FLORA AND FAUNA In relation to the level of 1995, the total volume of reforestation in GeneralRussia dropped to 344 thousand. HA. In the Caspian region is savedthe real danger of the spread of desertification, particularly inthe territory of the Republic of Kalmykia, Stavropol Krai and Rostov oblast. Notproblems of preservation of Tundra vegetation, which occupies about a third ofthe territory of the Russian Federation. In cities, the availability of greenplants per capita does not conform to accepted norms. In 1997 g. list of animals listed in the Red data book of the RussianThe Federation has increased 1.6 times. SUBSOIL USE Environmental activities in the mining sector practically are notfunded. On the oil fields in 1996, there were more than 35 thousand.accidents involving violation of tightness of piping systems.Reduced reliability and increase the accident rate of pipeline systems through 3-4 yearscan buy an avalanche-like character. The existing economic mechanisms for the conservation of nature areineffective primarily because does not create strong incentivesthe use of resource and energy saving technologies and do not providethe receipt of sufficient funds from the payments for emissions and discharges, accommodationwaste, and the use of natural resources to financeenvironmental activities at the scale required. Comparison of Russian Economics
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Despite the decline in production and implementation of a number of conservation measures
at both the federal and regional level, the environmental situation
in the most populated and industrialized areas of the country remains
troubled, and pollution of the environment - high. Accumulated over
decades, environmental problems are often exacerbated by problems
arising in recent years (including due to the weakening
of state control and hasty privatization of property).
In recent years there has been de-ecologization of public
management: reduced government support for conservation
activities, permanent reorganization (accompanied by reduction of
the status and decline staff numbers and volume of budget
financing) have set national system of nature protection in
the critical situation. Continuation of this process threatens
the destruction of nature conservation agencies. The main environmental, natural resource problems in Russia. ATMOSPHERIC largest group of the population (15 million. People) exposed to suspended solids, the second place on the scale of the impact takes benzo (a) pyrene - 14 million. People. More than 5 mln. People live in areas with high concentration of nitrogen dioxide in the air, hydrogen fluoride, carbon disulfide, more than 4 million. People - formaldehyde and carbon monoxide, more than 3 million. Man - ammonia, styrene. A large part of the population (more than 1 million. People) is exposed to high concentrations of benzene, nitrogen oxide, hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan. WATER Almost all surface water sources in recent years exposed to contamination. Especially unfavorable situation with ensuring of safe drinking water has developed in Buryatia, Dagestan, Kalmykia, in the Primorsky Territory. Arkhangelsk, Kaliningrad, Kemerovo, Kurgan, Tomsk and Yaroslavl regions. In some regions anthropogenic load for a long time exceeded the established standards, and a critical situation. Such areas include the major metropolitan areas - Moscow and St. Petersburg, industrial zones in Central Russia, industrial and mining centers of the Far North, South, Siberia and the Far East, the Middle Volga region, the North Caspian Sea, the Middle and South Urals, Kuzbass. They also have a significant negative impact on the ecological state of the neighboring regions. Among the major rivers of Russia the greatest environmental problems are characterized by the Volga, the Don, Kuban, Ob, Yenisei. They are rated as "contaminated". Their major tributaries Oka, Kama, Tom, Irtysh, Tobol, Miass, Iset, Tura - rated as "very dirty." Soil and land a part of farmland Russian erosion dangerous and prone to wind and water erosion of soil cover more than 125 million. ha, including eroded - 54.1 million. ha. Every third hectare of arable land and pastures is eroded and in need of implementation of measures of protection from degradation. Pollution and littering the land marked by 54% of the territory of the country. The area under the landfills for the disposal and disposal of about 6.5 thousand. Ha, landfills - about 35 thousand. ha. The area of land disturbed by mining and processing of mineral resources, exploration peateries and construction, was in 1996, about 1 million. Ha. Cities change the environmental situation not only within their own borders. Zones of influence of cities extend for tens of kilometers, and the largest industrial agglomeration - in the hundreds, for example Sredneuralskaya - 300 km. Kemerovo and Moscow - 200, Tula - 120 km. Over 90% of oil spills cause severe and largely irreversible damage to natural systems. Flora and fauna with the level in 1995 the total amount of reforestation in the whole of Russia decreased by 344 thousand. Ha. In the Caspian region remains a real threat of the spread of desertification, especially in the territory of Kalmykia, Stavropol Territory and Rostov Region. Not solved the problem of preservation of tundra vegetation, which occupies about a third of the territory of the Russian Federation. In the cities, the level of provision of green spaces per capita does not meet accepted standards. In 1997, the list of animals listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation increased by 1.6 times. Subsoil use in the mining sector, environmental protection measures virtually funded. In the oil fields in 1996 there were more than 35 thousand. Accidents involving tightness of pipeline systems. Reducing the reliability and increase the accident rate of pipeline systems in 3-4 years can purchase landslide character. Existing economic mechanisms of nature protection are ineffective in the first place because, that do not create incentives for efficient use of resources and energy saving technologies, and do not provide sufficient funds from payments for emissions and discharges, waste and use of natural resources for the financing of environmental activities at the required levels. Comparing the Russian economy of nature

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
despite the decline in production and the implementation of a series of environmental protection measures ", at both the federal and the regional level, environmental conditions.in the most populated and industrialized areas of the country remains
problem and environmental pollution is high. for decades, the environmental problems are often compounded problems

appeared in recent years (including the weakening of government and rapid privatization of property
in recent years there has been деэкологизация state
administration:reduced public support for environmental
of permanent restructuring (accompanied by reduced
status and reduced strength and size of the budget.funding), put the state system of the protection of nature in
the critical situation. the continuation of this process a real risk of environmental structures

the main ecologicalприродоресурсные problem of russia.
the largest population group (15 million). )
under the impact of suspended solids, the second place on the scale.effect of benz (a) pyrene is 14 million. the man. more than 5 million. people living in areas with high content of

in the air, nitrogen dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, сероуглерода, more than 4 million.man
formaldehyde and carbon monoxide, more than 3 million. man - ammonia, styrene. a large part of the
population (more than 1 million. people are exposed to elevated concentrations of
benzene oxide.hydrogen sulfide, метилмеркаптана.

almost all surface water sources of water supply in recent years
are polluted. especially the adverse situation with security.people safe drinking water situation in the republic of buryatia, dagestan,
the republic of kalmykia, in sverdlovsk region. arkhangelsk, kaliningrad, kemerovo,
in the kurgan oblast, and yaroslavl oblasts.
in some regions of the country the anthropogenic load long time exceeded
set standards, and critical situation. these regions are the largest urban agglomerations of
- moscow and st.petersburg, industrial zone, central russia, industrial and mining centers. the far north, the south of siberia and the far east,
middle volga region, northern прикаспий, middle and southern ural, kuzbass. they
also have a negative impact on the ecological status of the

among neighbouring regions. the major rivers of russia the greatest environmental problems
are the volga, don, kuban, ob, yenisei river.they are estimated as
"polluted". their major tributaries: the eye, kama, tom river, irtysh river, tobol, miass,
iset river, the tour has been evaluated as "heavily polluted".
the soil and land use.in the agricultural lands of russia эрозионно dangerous and
are exposed to water and wind erosion is more than 125 million. ha, including эродированные
- 54.1 million. ha. one out of every three hectares of arable land and.grassland is the эродированным and requires the implementation of measures for the protection of
degradation. pollution and захламление land marked for 54 per cent of the territory of
country. the area under полигонами clearance and disposal of wastes.is about 6.5%. ha, under the approved landfills - about 35
). ha. the area of land affected by the mining and processing of mineral resources exploration work, торфоразработках
, and construction.in 1996 amounted to about 1 million. ha
the city change the environmental situation not only within their own borders ". the influence of urban zone extends for tens of miles, and large
industrial agglomeration in the hundreds.for example среднеуральской - 300 km
kemerovo and moscow - 200, tula - 120 km. more than 90%
accidental oil spills cause severe and irreversible damage to the natural systems largely
flora and fauna
relative to the level of 1995. total reforestation generally
in russia declined 344 thousand. ha. in the caspian sea region is maintained.the real threat of desertification, especially in the territory of the republic of kalmykia. in ставропольском province and rostov. conservation issues are not
tundra vegetation, which is about one third.the territory of the russian federation. in urban areas, the supply of green
areas per capita does not conform to the relevant standards.
in 1997. the list of species listed in the red book of russian.the federation has increased by 1.6 times.

of the mining environmental activities virtually
funded. in the oil industry in 1996. there had been more than 35000
accidentsof pressurized pipeline systems.
reduced reliability and increased the number of accidents of pipeline systems in 3 - 4 years may acquire обвальный nature

the existing economic mechanisms of nature protection are
ineffective primarily because do not create strong incentives
of resource and energy saving technologies and offer.to obtain sufficient funds from the charges for emissions and discharges of wastes,
and the use of natural resources to finance environmental activities at the required scale
comparison of the russian economy management
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