В мире разные стихийные бедствия происходят каждый день. Одно из самых перевод - В мире разные стихийные бедствия происходят каждый день. Одно из самых английский как сказать

В мире разные стихийные бедствия пр

В мире разные стихийные бедствия происходят каждый день. Одно из самых страшных стихийных бедствий был ураган «Мэтью», который забрал много жизней. Сейчас во всем интернете пишут об этом природном явлении. Ураган — название тропических циклонов, в основном в Северной и Южной Америке. Один из самых мощных атлантических ураганов за последние годы “Мэтью” достиг Гаити. Он перемещается от побережья Африки с 22 сентября. Ураган «Мэтью» разрушил целый поселок на Гаити 10 октября 2016 года и погибло 800 человек. Некоторые районы на юго-востоке острова затоплены и спасательные бригады не могут эвакуировать оттуда людей. Еще один пропал без вести. Урагану присвоена 4-ая категория по шкале тропических циклонов. Скорость ветра достигала 230 км/ч. В настоящее время ожидается, что ураган повернет на север, будет влиять на Ямайку и восточную часть Кубы. 5 октября ураган атаковал Ямайку и Кубу. В общем число погибших на данный момент – 806 человек. Журналисты говорят, что губернаторы Флориды и Северной Каролины уже объявили чрезвычайное положение. Ураган уничтожил 80 % урожая Гаити. Агентство США выделило 400 тыс. долларов на помощь Гаити и Ямайке. Людям очень страшно и ситуация довольно опасная, так как природные явления, такие как, например, ураган никак не остановить.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In a world of different natural disasters happen every day. One of the most terrible disasters was Hurricane Matthew ", which took many lives. Now all over the Internet to write about this phenomenon. Hurricane is the name of a tropical cyclone, mainly in North and South America. One of the most powerful Atlantic hurricanes over the past years, "Matthew" has reached Haiti. He moves from the coast of Africa on September 22. Hurricane Matthew "destroyed the entire village to Haiti October 10, 2016 year and claimed the lives of 800 people. Some areas in the South-East of the island are flooded and rescue teams could not evacuate from there people. Another was missing. Hurricane is assigned 4-th category on a scale of tropical cyclones. Wind speed reached 230 km/h. currently, the hurricane is expected to turn North, will affect Jamaica and Eastern Cuba. 5 October Hurricane attacked Jamaica and Cuba. In General, the number of deaths currently 806 people. Journalists say that the Governors of Florida and North Carolina have already declared a State of emergency. Hurricane destroyed 80% of the harvest of Haiti. Agency of the United States has provided 400 thousand. dollars in assistance to Haiti and Jamaica. People are very scared and the situation is quite dangerous because natural phenomena, such as, for example, a hurricane does not stop. Сейчас вы услышите, что свидетели говорят по этому поводу
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In the world of various natural disasters happen every day. One of the worst natural disasters was a hurricane "Matthew", which took many lives. Now I write about this natural phenomenon in the whole Internet. Hurricane - named tropical cyclones, mainly in North and South America. One of the most powerful Atlantic hurricanes in recent years, "Matthew" has reached Haiti. He moves from the coast of Africa from 22 September. The hurricane "Matthew" has destroyed a village in Haiti October 10, 2016, and 800 people died. Some areas in the south-east of the island flooded and rescue teams can not evacuate people. Another missing. Hurricane assigned to 4th category on a scale of tropical cyclones. The wind speed reached 230 km / h. It is currently expected that the hurricane will turn to the north, will affect Jamaica and eastern Cuba. October 5 hurricane attacked Jamaica and Cuba. In general, the number of deaths at the moment - 806 people. Journalists say that Florida and North Carolina governor has declared a state of emergency. The hurricane destroyed 80% of the crop Haiti. US Agency allocated 400 ths. Dollars to help Haiti and Jamaica. People are very scared, and the situation is quite dangerous, as natural phenomena, such as, for example, a hurricane could not stop.
Now you will hear the witnesses say about it
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in the world of different natural disasters happen every day. one of the worst natural disasters was hurricane мэтью» that took many lives. now in all the internet says about this natural phenomenon. a hurricane is a tropical cyclone, mostly in north and south america. one of the most powerful atlantic hurricanes in recent years, "matthew" has reached haiti. he is moved from the coast of africa on september 22. hurricane destroyed the whole village мэтью» haiti on 10 october 2016 and killed 800 people. some areas in the south east of the island are flooded and rescue teams could not evacuate the people out of there. another one is still missing. a hurricane was the 4th category on a scale of tropical cyclones. the wind speed up to 230 km / h. it is currently expected that the storm will turn to the north, will influence the jamaica and eastern cuba. october 5, the storm hit jamaica and cuba. in general, the number of dead at this point, 806 people. journalists say that governor of florida and north carolina have already declared a state of emergency. the hurricane destroyed 80% of the harvest of haiti. the united states agency invested 400 thousand. dollars to help haiti and jamaica. people are scared and the situation is dangerous, so as natural phenomena, such as, for example, the wind can not stop.now you hear that witnesses say about it
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