Овцы: ну кто может сказать, что он никогда не видел ораву безвольных г перевод - Овцы: ну кто может сказать, что он никогда не видел ораву безвольных г английский как сказать

Овцы: ну кто может сказать, что он

Овцы: ну кто может сказать, что он никогда не видел ораву безвольных глупых людей, выблеевающих вбитые в их головы чужие бессмысленные лозунги. Неспособных думать своими мозгами, и от того принимающих любые нововведения как истину в последней инстанции.

Кони: у каждого на работе найдется свой Боец. Такой замечательный добродушный парень, до одурения наивный, который готов пахать день и ночь не за еду а за идею. Именно на таких держится мир, и именно их костьми выстлано его основание.

Псы: эти готовы исполнить все, не гнушаясь самой грязной работы. Исполнить волю хозяина их единственная задача, как минимум на первый взгляд. На поверку, готовые сегодня служить одному, завтра другому, главное чтобы вдоволь кормили.

Стукач: все в имени его. Ученый брат, готовый менять историю в зависимости от обстоятельств, способный белое сделать черным и наоборот. Умелый оратор, убедительный лжец, изменяющий факты не доказательством, а словом. Ведь слово самое страшное оружие.

Обвал: должен был быть не свиньей, а козлом. Козлом отпущения, который так необходим любой власти. Общий враг сплачивает ряды, на общего врага можно свалить любой грешок:
Коровы дружно жаловались, что Обвал пробирается в коровник и доит их во сне.

Общий враг это панацея для любого кризиса власти.

Наполеон: озвучивать имя прототипа не имеет смысла, все понятно. Но с другой стороны, если оглядеться, не такие ли персонажи окружают нас сплошь и рядом. Люди, которые готовы воздвигнуть себе трон в любом дерьме, водрузить на него свои грузные задницы и держаться за него любыми способами. Думаю, многие в харе Наполеона узнают не только высшие чины государства, но и вполне приземленных, родных начальничков, мнящих себя венцами власти.

Есть здесь и другие животные под шкурами которых прячутся знакомые нам лица. Но всех перечислять нет смысла, это задача Оруэлла, с которой он замечательно справился.

Скотный двор поучительная и интересная сказка. Интересная, в первую очередь, тем, что и сейчас очень близка к реалиям нашей жизни. Коммунизм, монархия, демократия - какая разница, ведь не имя делает человека, а человек имя. И пока к власти будут приходить низкие в своих душевных порывах свиньи, жадные до собственного возвеличивания, не важно в какой стране будет жить человек, ничего хорошего он все равно не увидит. Но при достойном правителе и абсолютный тоталитаризм - благо для народа.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Sheep: well, who can say that he has never seen horde of weak stupid people, vybleevaûŝih stuck in their head aliens meaningless slogans. Unable to think with their brains, and taking any kind of innovation as truth in last instance.Horses: everyone at work will find your fighter. Such a wonderful natured guy to "Redskin" into the naïve, which is ready to plow day and night is not for food but for the idea. On such the world stands, and their bones is lined with his base.Dogs: these are ready to fulfill all, does not hesitate to the dirty work. To fulfill their sole task master, at least at first glance. In actual fact, ready today to serve one, tomorrow another, the main thing is that a lot of fed.Snitch: everything in his name. Scientist brother, ready to change history, depending on the circumstances, able to make white black and vice versa. A skilled orator, persuasive liar, changing facts, proof and Word. Because the word is the most terrible weapons.Collapse: was supposed to be not a pig, and goat. Scapegoat, which is so necessary for any power. Common enemy unites ranks, on a common enemy can topple any minor crime: Cow amicably complained that sneaks into the cowshed and milks them in his sleep.A common enemy is a panacea for any crisis.Napoleon: hear the name prototype is meaningless, all clear. But on the other hand, if you look, not whether such characters surround us all the time. People who are willing to erect a throne in any shit, put on their big asses and hold on to it by any means. I think many in the Hare Napoleon not only learn high officials of the State, but also quite down-to-Earth, native načal′ničkov, mnâŝih yourself with crowns of power.There are also other animals under the skins which lurk familiar faces. But all the scrolling makes no sense, it is the task of Orwell, which he lost.Barnyard instructive and interesting tale. Interesting in the first place, that is now very close to the realities of our lives. Communism, monarchy, democracy-what's the difference, because the name makes a man a man name. And while the authorities will come low in their spiritual impulses, greedy pigs to its own exaltation, it is not important in what country a person will live, no good he still does not see. But a decent ruler and absolute totalitarianism is a blessing for the people.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Sheep: Well, who can say that he has never seen a horde of weak-willed fools people vybleevayuschih hammered into their heads strangers meaningless slogans. Inability to think with their brains, and from taking any innovation as the ultimate truth. Horses: everyone at work there is a fighter. Such a wonderful good-natured guy Insanely naive, ready to plow the day and night for the food but for the idea. It is held in such a world, and it is lined with the bones of his base. Dogs: they are ready to fulfill all, not disdaining the dirtiest work. Execute will host their only task, at least at first glance. In practice, ready to serve today one, tomorrow another, the main thing that fed enough. Squealer: all in the name of it. The scientist brother, ready to change the story depending on the circumstances, able to make white black, and vice versa. A skilled speaker, a convincing liar, changing the facts do not prove, and word. . After all, the word most terrible weapon collapse: had to be a pig and a goat. Scapegoat, which is so necessary any power. A common enemy unites the series on a common enemy can overthrow any peccadillo: Cows unanimously complained that the collapse of sneaking into the barn and milked them in their sleep. The common enemy is a panacea for any crisis of power. Napoleon: The voice of the prototype's name does not make sense, everything is clear. But on the other hand, if you look around to see if the characters are all around us all the time. People who are ready to raise up the throne in any shit, hoist him their overweight asses and hold on to it by any means. I think many people in the hara Napoleon recognize not only the highest ranks of the state, but also quite mundane, native nachalnichkov, who imagine themselves crowns of power. There are also other animals that are hiding under the skins of familiar faces. But all does not make sense to list, it is the task of Orwell, with which he coped fine. Animal Farm instructive and interesting tale. Interestingly, in the first place, the fact that both are now very close to the realities of our lives. Communism, monarchy, democracy - what's the difference, it's not the name makes the man, and the man's name. And while the power will come low in their emotional impulses pig, greedy for his own aggrandizement, no matter in which country a person will live, nothing good, he still can not see. But decent ruler and absolute totalitarianism - a boon for the people.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
sheep: who can say that he has never seen the gathered weak willed stupid people, выблеевающих вбитые in their head"s meaningless slogans. unable to think with your brain, and from receiving any innovations as the truth in the last instance.connie: everyone at work has his fighter. such a nice easy-going guy, to одурения naive, who is willing to work day and night for food and for the idea. it is such in the world, and their bones выстлано his authority.dogs: those willing to do everything, even the dirty work. to carry out the owner"s task, at least at first glance. in fact, ready to serve one another today, tomorrow, as long as we feed.a: all in his name. the scientist brother ready to alter the story depending on the circumstances, bright white to black, and vice versa. a good speaker, he is lying, cheating facts not in evidence, and the keyword. when word of the weapon.crash: should not be a pig and a goat. the scapegoat, which need any power. the common enemy, unifies a series, an enemy can get any vice:cows and complained that crash into the barn and squeezes them in my dream.the common enemy is a panacea for any crisis of power.napoleon: the voice of the prototype doesn"t make sense, i understand. but on the other hand, if you look around, not as if the characters are all around us everywhere. people who set up his throne in any shit, do it on his own грузные asses and cling to him by any means. i think a lot of people in the hare napoleon will know not only senior state but is приземленных, family начальничков, мнящих himself венцами power.there are other animals under the pelts which are familiar to us persons. but all to no purpose that orwell"s problem, which he is doing great.barnyard instructive and interesting story. interesting, especially those that are very close to the reality of our lives. communism, monarchy, democracy is what matter, don"t name makes a person, a person"s name. and while power will be low in their mental motives pigs, greedy and self exaltation, no matter which country will live a person, nothing good, he still doesn"t see. but with the mighty monarch and absolute totalitarianism is good for people.
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