Таковы были отношения между этими двумя владельцами, когда сын Бересто перевод - Таковы были отношения между этими двумя владельцами, когда сын Бересто английский как сказать

Таковы были отношения между этими д

Таковы были отношения между этими двумя владельцами, когда сын Берестова приехал к нему в деревню. Алексей был в самом деле молодым. Он был воспитан в университете и намеревался поступить на военную службу, но отец не соглашался. К статской службе молодой человек чувствовал себя совершенно неспособным. Они друг другу не уступали, и молодой Алексей стал жить пока барином, отрастил усы на всякий случай.

Легко представить, какое впечатление Алексей должен был произвести в кругу наших дам. Он первый перед ними явился мрачным и разочарованным, говорил им об утраченных радостях и об увядшей своей юности. Барышни сходили по нем с ума.

Но всех более занята была им дочь англомана моего, Лиза (или Бетси, как звал ее обыкновенно Григорий Иванович). Отцы друг к другу не ездили, она Алексея еще не видала, между тем как все молодые соседки только о нем и говорили. Ей было семнадцать лет. Черные глаза оживляли ее смуглое и очень приятное лицо. Она была единственное и следственно балованное дитя.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Those were the relationship between the two owners, when the son of Berestovo came to the village. Alexey was really young. He was educated at the University and had intended to do military service, but his father disagreed. To statskoj the young man felt utterly incapable. They were to each other, and the young Alexei was live until master, grew a mustache just in case.It is easy to imagine what impression Alexei was to produce in the circle of our ladies. He was the first in front of them was a gloomy and disillusioned, telling them about the lost joys and withered their youth. Young ladies went for it with the mind.But all the more busy was my anglomana daughter, Lisa (or Betsy, as its commonly called Grigory Ivanovich). Fathers have travelled to each other, it's still ignorant, while all young neighbor only of him and talked. She was seventeen years old. Black eyes animate her smugloe and a very pleasant person. She was the only child of balovannoe investigation.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Such were the relations between the two owners when Berestova son came to him in the village. Alex was really young. He was educated at the university and wanted to enter military service, but his father did not agree. For civil service the young man felt completely incapable. They did not yield to each other, and the young Alex began to live as long as his master, grew a mustache, just in case. It is easy to imagine the impression Alex had to make in our circle of ladies. He first appeared in front of them dark and disillusioned, telling them about the lost joys and faded about his youth. The girls went crazy for it. But all of them had a busy Anglomaniac my daughter, Liza (or Betsy as it is commonly called Grigory). Fathers to each other did not go, she has not seen Alexis, while all young neighbor only about him and said. She was seventeen years old. Black eyes enlivened her tanned and very nice person. She was the only child and consequently to indulge.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
This is the relationship between the two owners, he has faith, which, from the State C son came to the village. The young Alexei was in fact. He grew up, and intend to service in university,But dad wouldn't hear. Not to feel completely out, pgfla, energy-saving in a service for young people. Their calm, and young Alexei became a living until the 6S alpha,, the author, from a beard, just in case.

it is easy to imagine thatWhat is the impression of the road will have to circle, we will give the. He appeared in front of them first on depression and disappointment, and to tell them about sacked, von lost and childhood fun. One of the girls went crazy.

But all I was their daughter. The author, PI, - pgfla by pgfla more busy, Lisa (or Betsy, that she usually Gregory Ivanovic). Fathers each other not to go, she hasn't seen Alexei,Like young neighbors all only about him and said. She is seventeen years old. Black eyes and a very pleasant for me to me albumose and her black face. She is the only investigation and spoil the child.
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