Мой любимый сезон года их два Весна и ЛетоВесну я люблю из-за того что перевод - Мой любимый сезон года их два Весна и ЛетоВесну я люблю из-за того что английский как сказать

Мой любимый сезон года их два Весна

Мой любимый сезон года их два Весна и Лето
Весну я люблю из-за того что все цветет и расцветает . Я люблю весенние праздники когда все прощаются с зимой и готовятся лету. Особенно я люблю наурыз когда все веселятся и и самое главное весной мой день рождения в мае. Я не люблю праздновать свой день рождения он выпадает как всегда на рабочий день или какое то мероприятие и тем более ты с каждым годом становившийся старшее и на тебя возлагаются большие надежды.
Лето я люблю сильнее весны потому что у всех отличное настроение все ждут отпусков каникул . Раньше летом я любил отрываться с друзьями купаться ходить в горы или ездить на озеро балхаш. Летом много времени я проводил в у бабушки и дедушки где целыми днями купался ел мороженное и рыбу, короче я возвращался толстым домой. Сейчас мне не нравится купаться и с друзьями я провожу мало времени. Теперь летом и круглогодично я люблю читать книги особенно летом когда мало дел и можно читать сколько хочешь и тренироваться .
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
My favorite season of the year two spring and summerI love spring because of all the blossoms and blooms. I love spring holidays when all say goodbye to winter and summer. I especially love the Nauryz when all have fun and most importantly in the spring of my birthday in May. I don't like to celebrate your birthday as always it falls on a working day or what the event is and the more you made each year a senior and there are high expectations on you.Summer I love stronger spring because everyone in a great mood all waiting for leave vacations. Earlier in the summer, I loved breaking away with friends swim walk in the mountains or ride to Lake Balkhash. In the summer I spent a lot of time at the grandparents where swam all day eating ice cream and fish, in short I got thick home. Now I don't like to swim with friends and I spend a little time. Now summer and year-round I love to read books especially in the summer when little Affairs and can be read as much as you want and train.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
My favorite season of the year there are two Spring and Summer
Spring I love because everything blooms and blossoms. I love the spring holidays when all say goodbye to winter and preparing the fly. I especially love when nauryz all fun and most importantly, and in the spring of my birthday in May. I do not like to celebrate his birthday, he falls as always on time or what that event is, and the more you every year gets older and you have high expectations.
The summer I love stronger than the spring because of high spirits all waiting for holiday vacations. Earlier in the summer I love to break away with friends to swim to go to the mountains or ride on the lake Balkhash. In the summer I spent a lot of time in with his grandparents where all day bathed eating ice cream and fish, in short, I was returning home thick. Now I do not like to bathe and with friends I spend a little time. Now, in the summer and all year round, I like to read books especially in the summer when few cases, and you can read all you want and train.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
my favorite season is spring and summer, the two of themspring i love because it grows and blossoms. i love the spring holidays when all farewells with winter and preparing the fly. i especially love the exhibition when it"s fun, and most importantly in the spring, my birthday is in may. i don"t like to celebrate your birthday, he is always at work day or some event, and the more you every year who suddenly becomes older and you have high hopes.summer i love stronger spring because everyone in a good mood all leave for vacation. earlier in the summer i love to party with friends to swim to go to the mountains or ride to lake balkhash. in the summer i spent a lot of time in at the grandparents where day was eating ice cream and fish, so i"m back fat home. now i don"t like to swim with friends i spend little time. now in the summer and year-round, i love reading books, especially in the summer when few cases and can be read as much as you want to.
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