London often gives the impression of being more comfortable with its p перевод - London often gives the impression of being more comfortable with its p русский как сказать

London often gives the impression o

London often gives the impression of being more comfortable with its past than its present. From the world-famous landmarks of St Paul's Cathedral, Buckingham Palace and the Tower of London to the traditional and well-loved double-decker buses, the theatres and the many grand hotels. England's capital offers visitors a journey through centuries of history. This journey is even better now that the building works, which covered many historic sites, have been taken down. Newly cleaned and restored buildings are revealed, and the city looks as if it has been revitalised.

The city has also rediscovered its river. The area between the South Bank Arts Centre, which includes the National Theatre, and Tower Bridge, has been brought back to life and the city has found a new heart along the forgotten riverside. As you walk eastwards along the river from Westminster, you will discover that old ware-houses have been transformed into galleries, shops and clubs.

Across the river from London Bridge is ‘’The City of London’’, the financial district of the capital. The City has its own historic delights such as the 15th century Guildhall and churches designed by Sir Christopher Wren. The best way to explore the City is on foot. For instance, you can "walk through the ages", starting from Fournier Street and ending at the modern Lloyd's building on Lime Street. Remember, however, that in London you are never far away from the past; the old-fashioned red telephone boxes are becoming popular again and many London pubs - where a visitor might ask for a pint of bitter - have been restored to their original Victorian beauty.
But the capital is not a historical theme park. It is a lively and exciting metropolis which is well-known for its popular culture, music, clubs, street fashion, and visual arts. Today, many of its wide variety of restaurants claim to be as good as in any other European capitals.

Much of London's energy and originality is now centred in Soho, the city's liveliest and most bohemian area, squeezed in between the department stores of Oxford Street and the bookshops of Charing Cross Road. Soho, once considered one of the dirtiest and most dangerous parts of London, was cleaned up in the early 1980's. Today, with its gurgling cappuccino machines and pavement cafes, it has become a meeting place for all kinds of people from all over the world, whatever the hour of day or night.

So, even if you are new to the city, you don't have to try hard in order to experience the real London. Despite its heavy traffic and shaking underground railway, it is still one of the world's greatest and most cosmopolitan cities.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
London often gives the impression of being more comfortable with its past than its present. From the world-famous landmarks of St Paul's Cathedral, Buckingham Palace and the Tower of London to the traditional and well-loved double-decker buses, the theatres and the many grand hotels. England's capital offers visitors a journey through centuries of history. This journey is even better now that the building works, which covered many historic sites, have been taken down. Newly cleaned and restored buildings are revealed, and the city looks as if it has been revitalised.The city has also rediscovered its river. The area between the South Bank Arts Centre, which includes the National Theatre, and Tower Bridge, has been brought back to life and the city has found a new heart along the forgotten riverside. As you walk eastwards along the river from Westminster, you will discover that old ware-houses have been transformed into galleries, shops and clubs.Across the river from London Bridge is ‘’The City of London’’, the financial district of the capital. The City has its own historic delights such as the 15th century Guildhall and churches designed by Sir Christopher Wren. The best way to explore the City is on foot. For instance, you can "walk through the ages", starting from Fournier Street and ending at the modern Lloyd's building on Lime Street. Remember, however, that in London you are never far away from the past; the old-fashioned red telephone boxes are becoming popular again and many London pubs - where a visitor might ask for a pint of bitter - have been restored to their original Victorian beauty.But the capital is not a historical theme park. It is a lively and exciting metropolis which is well-known for its popular culture, music, clubs, street fashion, and visual arts. Today, many of its wide variety of restaurants claim to be as good as in any other European capitals.Much of London's energy and originality is now centred in Soho, the city's liveliest and most bohemian area, squeezed in between the department stores of Oxford Street and the bookshops of Charing Cross Road. Soho, once considered one of the dirtiest and most dangerous parts of London, was cleaned up in the early 1980's. Today, with its gurgling cappuccino machines and pavement cafes, it has become a meeting place for all kinds of people from all over the world, whatever the hour of day or night.So, even if you are new to the city, you don't have to try hard in order to experience the real London. Despite its heavy traffic and shaking underground railway, it is still one of the world's greatest and most cosmopolitan cities.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Лондон часто дает впечатление более комфортно со своим прошлым, чем его настоящее. Из всемирно известных достопримечательностей собора Святого Павла, Букингемский дворец и лондонский Тауэр с традиционными и хорошо любимых автобусов двухэтажных, театрах и многих гранд-отелей. Капитал Англии предлагает своим посетителям путешествие по многовековой историей. Это путешествие еще ​​лучше теперь, когда строительные работы, которые охватывают многие исторические места, были снесены. Недавно очищены и восстановлены здания выявлены, и город выглядит так, как будто она была активизирована. Город также вновь свою реку. Область между Arts Centre South Bank, который включает Национальный театр, и Тауэрский мост, был возвращен к жизни и город нашел новое сердце вдоль забытой реки. Как вы ходить в восточном направлении вдоль реки от Вестминстера, вы обнаружите, что старые склады домов были преобразованы в галереями, магазинами и клубами. Через реку от Лондонского моста в '' Лондонского Сити '', финансовом районе столицы , Город имеет свои исторические изыски, такие как 15-го века ратуша и церквей по проекту сэра Кристофера Рена. Лучший способ изучить город на ноги. Например, вы можете "ходить сквозь века", начиная с Fournier улице и заканчивая здания современного Ллойда на Лайм-стрит. Помните, однако, что в Лондоне вы никогда не далеко от прошлого; старомодные красные телефонные будки становятся популярными снова и многие лондонские пабы - где посетитель может задать для пинты горького -. были восстановлены в первоначальном викторианской красоты Но столица не исторический парк. Это живой и захватывающий мегаполис, который хорошо известен своей популярной культуре, музыке, клубах, уличной моды и изобразительного искусства. Сегодня многие из его самых разнообразных ресторанов утверждают, что так хорошо, как в любых других европейских столиц. Большая часть энергии и оригинальности Лондона теперь сосредоточены в Сохо, живых и самых богемной части города, зажатый между универмагов на Оксфорд-стрит и книжные магазины Чаринг Кросс роуд. Сохо, которые раньше считались одним из самых грязных и самых опасных частях Лондона, был очищен в начале 1980-х. Сегодня, с его бульканье капучино машин и уличных кафе, она стала местом встречи для всех типов людей со всего мира, независимо от час дня или ночи. Таким образом, даже если вы новичок в городе, вы не ' т придется трудно попробовать, чтобы ощутить настоящую Лондон. Несмотря на интенсивное движение и встряхивания метрополитена, он остается одним из самых больших и самых космополитических городов мира.

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