Родной, пишу тебе очень срочно!!!
Я только что вернулась из визового центра. Я просто не хотела писать тебе это письмо... У меня нет слов, чтобы всё написать..... Я только начала писать письмо, и мне хочется плакать..... Я не знаю, как тебе это всё рассказать. Keld, я люблю тебя!!! Очень сильно люблю!!! Я так устала сообщать тебе плохие новости..... Я хочу быть рядом с тобой!!!!! Я просто хочу обнять тебя, положить голову к тебе на плечо и больше не видеть всех этих проблем...
Я прошла почти без очереди, поэтому у меня получилось быстро зайти в кабинет на собеседование. Я сказала, что у меня есть деньги. Я показала деньги, я сказала, что теперь всё в порядке. Консул мне сказал подождать за дверью. Потом меня позвали обратно. Когда я пришла, то мне объяснили, что меня проверяли по всем базам. То есть разные службы, из-за которых могли возникнуть проблемы.
Они нашли кредит, который я недавно брала. Я писала тебе, что для того, чтобы я могла решить проблему, я взяла в банке 1200 euro, чтобы я могла прилететь к тебе. Я сказала, что как только вернусь домой, то буду медленно отдавать кредит и верну всё, что нужно. Мне сказали, что так нельзя. Из-за того, что есть санкции, нельзя вылетать с кредитом из страны. Тогда я кричала, я начала ругаться. Я сказала, что верну всё!
Мне сказали, что я обязана вылететь из страны без кредита. Иначе меня просто не выпустят. Мне не дали мою визу.... Милый, я не знала, как тебе отправить это письмо. Я знаю, как ты меня ждёшь. И я прошу тебя, не бросай меня. Я люблю тебя больше жизни. И я хочу быть рядом с тобой... Я знаю, как тебе плохо... Но мне больше не к кому обратиться. Я думала, что уже через несколько дней буду рядом с тобой и смогу заботиться о тебе... Ты мой мужчина... Ты всё, что у меня есть... Милый, пожалуйста, ответь мне как можно скорее... Я очень тебя люблю... Мой Keld... Я скучаю... Я люблю тебя... Пожалуйста, напиши мне. Я очень тебя люблю. Уже завтра я могу прилететь. Но нужно решить проблему.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Native, write thee very urgent!I just returned from the visa application centre. I just don't like to write you this letter. I have no words to write ... I just started writing a letter, and I want to cry ... I don't know how you tell it all. Keld, I love you! Very much! I'm so tired to report bad news to you ... I want to be close to you! I just want to hug you, you put your head on my shoulder and no longer seeing all these problems ... I passed almost without waiting in line, so I was able to quickly go into the Office for an interview. I said that I have money. I showed the money, I said that now everything in order. The Consul told me to wait outside the door. Then I called back. When I came to, I was told that I checked on all bases. That is, different services, which could cause problems. They found a loan that I took recently. I wrote to you that in order to solve the problem so that I could, I took in the pot 1200 euro, so I could fly for you. I said that as soon as I get home, I will slowly give credit and will give you everything you need. I was told that cannot be so. Due to the fact that there are sanctions, cannot fly with a loan from the country. Then I screamed, I started swearing. I said, that will give you everything! I was told that I was obliged to leave the country without credit. Otherwise I just don't. I have not given my visa. ... Cute, I don't know how you send the letter. I know how you expect me. And I beg you, do not leave me. I love you more than life. And I want to be close to you ... I know how you feel bad ... But I have nowhere else to turn. I thought that in a few days I will be beside you and I can take care of you. You're my man. You are everything I have ... Cute, please answer me as soon as possible. I really love you ... My Keld. I miss ... I love you ... Please, write me. I really love you. Tomorrow I can fly. But we need to solve the problem.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
First, you write very urgent !!!
I have just returned from the visa application center. I just did not want to write you this letter ... I have no words to write everything ..... I just started to write a letter, and I want to cry ..... I do not know how you tell it all. Keld, I love you !!! I love very much!!! I'm so tired of bad news to report to you ..... I want to be with you !!!!! I just want to hug you, to put your head on your shoulder and do not see all these problems ...
I went almost without a queue, so I was able to quickly go to the office for an interview. I said that I have the money. I showed the money, I said, now that everything is in order. The consul told me to wait outside the door. Then he called me back. When I arrived, I was told that I have checked all the databases. That is, different services, because that could be a problem.
They found a loan that I took recently. I wrote to you, that in order for me to solve the problem, I took in the bank 1200 euro, so that I could fly to you. I said that as soon as I get home, I'll give credit slowly and faithfully all that is needed. I was told that this is impossible. Due to the fact that there are sanctions that can not fly with a loan from the country. Then I cried out, I started to swear. I said I'll give everything!
I was told that I was obliged to fly out of the country without the credit. Otherwise, I just will not be released. I was not given my visa .... Honey, I do not know how to send you this letter. I know how you expect me. And I beg you, do not leave me. I love you more than life. And I want to be with you ... I know how you feel bad ... But I no longer have to turn to. I thought I would have a few days next to you and I can take care of you ... You're my man ... You're all I have ... My dear, please tell me as soon as possible ... I'm very love you ... My Keld ... I miss you ... I love you ... Please write to me. I love you so much. Tomorrow I fly. But it is necessary to solve the problem.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
honey, i write to you, very urgent! !!i just came back from the visa center. i just wanted to write you this letter. i have no words to write. i just started to write a letter, and i want to cry... i don"t know how to tell you this. Keld, i love you! !! i love him very much! !! i"m so tired to tell you the bad news. i want to be with you! !! !! i just want to hug you, put your head on your shoulder and don"t see all these problems.i was almost no line, so i can quickly come into the office at a job interview. i said, i have money. i had the money, i said everything"s fine now. the consul told me to wait outside. then they called me back. when i came, i explained that i was being tested for all the databases. a different service, which could be a problem.they found the loan i recently took. i wrote to you, in order that i could solve the problem, i have in the bank, 1200 euros, so i could come back to you. i said that when i get home, i will slowly to give credit and get everything you need. i said that you can"t do that. because there are sanctions cannot be ejected with the credit of the country. then i said, i got in a fight. i said i"ll give it all.they told me that i have to fly out of the country without credit. otherwise, i just can"t get out. i didn"t get my visa. honey, i don"t know how can i send you this letter. i know what you"re waiting for me. and i beg you, don"t leave me. i love you more than life. and i want to be with you... i know how you feel. but i didn"t know who else to turn to. i think that in a few days i"ll be right beside you and i can take care of you... you are my man. you"re all i have. dear, please answer me as soon as possible. i love you very much... my Keld... i miss you... i love you... please write to me. i love you very much. tomorrow i can fly. but we need to solve the problem.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..