1. Я не должен был говорить с ней таким тоном. Именно мой тон, должно  перевод - 1. Я не должен был говорить с ней таким тоном. Именно мой тон, должно  английский как сказать

1. Я не должен был говорить с ней т

1. Я не должен был говорить с ней таким тоном. Именно мой тон, должно быть, и обидел ее. 2. Мы, должно быть, пропустили его. Мы должны были прийти пораньше. 3. Вам не надо было так торопиться; нужно было быть здесь не раньше пяти. 4. Она должна была выгладить это платье, до того как оно высохло; теперь ей придется смочить его снова. 5. Она не должна была закрывать окно так быстро, надо было проветрить комнату получше. 6. Это должно было случиться. Всем известна его рассеянность. 7. Этого следовало ожидать, и нечего удивляться. 8. Нам не пришлось тащить вещи на себе: нам попалась попут­ная машина. 9. Вы не должны так расстраиваться по пустякам. Надо держать себя в руках. 10. Вы не должны грызть ногти. Это отвратительная привычка, и нужно от нее избавиться. 11. Надеюсь, ты не должна теперь так рано вставать; ты ведь теперь работаешь в десяти минутах ходьбы от дома. 12. Она, очевидно, была очень приятной женщиной. Все говорят о ней с такой любовью. 13 В Кры­му есть много растений, которые нельзя трогать руками, так как они оставляют ожоги. 14. Это лекарство можно получить только по рецепту врача. 15. Там, наверно, идет дождь; смотри, какое темное небо. 16. С какой стати я буду делать то, что я не должна. 17. Они, вероятно, что-то горячо обсуждали; они даже не заметили, как мы вошли. 18. Через год эта железная дорога будет полностью электрифицирована.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. I wasn't supposed to talk to her in such a tone. Exactly my tone should be, and offended her. 2. We must have missed it. We had come early. 3. you do not need it so hurry up; It was necessary to be here not before five. 4. She had ironed the dress before it dried up; now she'll have to wet it again. 5. It should not close the window so quickly, it was necessary to ventilate the room better. 6. It had to happen. Everyone knows his absent-mindedness. 7. This is expected and should not be surprised. 8. We do not have to drag things out for yourself: we caught by the machine. 9. you should not be so upset by trifles. You've got to keep yourself in the hands. 10. you don't have to nail biting. It's a disgusting habit and need to get rid of it. 11. Hope you must not now so get up early; You now work in a ten-minute walk from the House. 12. She obviously was a very pleasant woman. Everyone is talking about it with such love. 13 in Crimea there are many plants that can not be touched by hands, because they leave burns. 14. This remedy is available only by prescription. 15. There's probably going to rain; see what dark sky. 16. Why am I going to do something I should not. 17. They probably something hotly debated; they did not even notice, as we entered. 18. After a year of this railway will be electrified.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. I did not have to talk to her in such a tone. That's my tone must have hurt her and. 2. We must have missed it. We had to come early. 3. You should not have been in such a hurry; you had to be here until five. 4. She had ironed the dress, before it dried up; Now she would have to moisten it again. 5. It was not to close the window so fast, it was necessary to better ventilate the room. 6. It had to happen. Everyone knows his absent-mindedness. 7. This is to be expected, and not surprising. 8. We did not have to drag things on me: we caught a passing car. 9. You must not get upset over nothing. It is necessary to keep yourself in their hands. 10. You do not have to bite his nails. It is a disgusting habit and need to get rid of it. 11. I hope you do not have now so get up early; You're now at the ten-minute walk from the house. 12. It was obviously a very nice woman. Everyone is talking about it with such love. 13 In Crimea there are many plants that can not be touched by hands as they leave burns. 14. This medicine can only be obtained by prescription. 15. There's probably going to rain; See how dark the sky. 16. Why should I do something I should not. 17. It is likely that some hotly debated; they are not even noticed as we entered. 18. A year later, the railway will be fully electrified.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. i'm not supposed to talk to her like that. it is my voice, it must be, and hurt her. 2. we must have missed it. we should have come earlier. 3. you don't have to rush.should not be here before five. 4. she was supposed to do the ironing the dress before it dried up; now she's going to wet it again. 5. she should not have to close the window so fasti проветрить было комнату получше. 6. i beg your pardon было случиться. всем famous ego рассеянность. 7. Этого следовало ожидать and нечего удивляться. 8. we пришлось effects of тащить: nam попалась попут­ная machine. 9.you don't have to get so upset over nothing. you should learn to control your temper. 10. you don't have to bite my nails. it's a disgusting habit, and need to get rid of her. 11. i hope you're not supposed to wake up so early.you are now working in 10 minutes walk from the house. 12. she was obviously very agreeable woman. everybody talks about it with such love. 13 in кры­му there are many plants that can not be touched by hands.as they leave the burns. 14. this drug is available only by prescription. 15. there must be rain; look how dark the sky. 16. what i'm gonna do what i don't have to. 17. they probablysomething hot discussed; they don't even notice how we came. 18. a year later, the railway will be fully электрифицирована.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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