Meine FamilieDie kleine Zelle im Leben eines Volkes und die kleinste s перевод - Meine FamilieDie kleine Zelle im Leben eines Volkes und die kleinste s английский как сказать

Meine FamilieDie kleine Zelle im Le

Meine Familie
Die kleine Zelle im Leben eines Volkes und die kleinste soziale Lebensgemeinschaft ist die Familie. Die Familie im engeren Sinne umfasst Vater, Mutter und Kinder, im weiteren Sinne gehören dazu auch Großeltern, Urgroßeltern, ja alle Ahnen, also alle aufeinanderfolgenden Geschlechter. Zur Verwandtschaft zählen schließlich auch die Geschwister der Eltern sowie deren Nachkommen. Unsere Familie ist zahlreich, wir sind im Ganzen neun, nämlich Vater, Mutter, vier Söhne und drei Töchter. Wir sind also eine kinderreiche Familie. Meine Eltern sind schon 30 Jahre zusammen und wir sind eine glückliche gesunde Familie. Meine Geschwister und ich sind die Nachkommen unserer Eltern.
Mein Vorname ist Ulrich, aber ich werde zu Hause gewöhnlich Uli genannt. Mein Familienname ist Hartmann. Ich bin das älteste von uns Kindern, aber der kleinste von uns Brüdern. Mein jüngster Bruder, Wolfgang ist einen ganzen Kopf größer als ich. Mein zweiter Bruder, Gerhard, ist in einem Betrieb in der Lehre, der dritte, Klaus, geht noch zur Schule, ebenso meine beiden jüngsten Schwestern Gisela und Inge.
Meine älteste Schwester Hertha macht sich im Haushalt nützlich, wird aber bald das Elternhaus verlassen. Sie wird bald ihre eigene Familie haben. Mein zukünftiger Schwager heißt Manfred Krause. Meine Lieblingsschwester Hertha wird später Frau Krause heißen. Meine Eltern nennen dann Herrn Krause ihren Schwiegersohn, und dieser erhält in meinem Vater seinen Schwiegervater, in meiner Mutter seine Schwiegermutter, in beiden seine Schwiegereltern. Meine Schwester Hertha bekommt auch viele angeheiratete Verwandte. Außerdem habe ich eine Reihe von nahen und entfernten Verwandten väterlicher-und mütterlicherseits, nämlich zwei Onkel, vier Tanten und etwa ein Dutzend Vettern und Kusinen, die gleichzeitig die Neffen und Nichten meiner Eltern sind. Eine meiner Tanten und ihr Mann sind nicht mehr am Leben. Ihre Kinder, das heißt ein Vetter und eine Kusine von mir sind Vollwaisen. Sie wohnen bei unserer Tante Grete, die ihr Vormund ist. Mein Onkel Franz war seit Jahren Witwer, hat vor kurzem wieder geheiratet. Seine zweite Frau ist sehr gut gegenüber ihren Stiefkindern und behandelt sie nicht wie eine Stiefmutter, sondern als wäre sie ihre (wirkliche) Mutter.
Zu meiner Freude leben meine Großeltern noch. Sie wohnen auf dem Lande. Uns u macht es großen Spaß bei ihnen zusammen zu kommen.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
My familyThe family is the small cell in the life of a people and the smallest social cohabitation. The family in the strict sense includes father, mother and children, in a broader sense are also grandparents, great-grandparents, all ancestors, so all successive generations. Eventually the siblings of the parents as well as their descendants are among the relationship. Our family is numerous, we are on the whole nine, i.e. father, mother, four sons and three daughters. So, we are a large family. My parents are together 30 years and we are a happy healthy family. My siblings and I are the descendants of our parents.My first name is Ulrich, but call me at home usually ULI. Hartmann is my family name. I'm the oldest of our children, but the smallest of us brothers. My youngest brother, Wolfgang is a whole head taller than me. As my two youngest sisters Gisela and Inge still goes to school, my second brother, Gerhard, is in one operation in teaching, the third, Klaus;My oldest sister Hertha is useful in the household, the parents will leave soon. She will soon have their own family. My future brother-in-law is Manfred Krause. My favorite sister Hertha will be later called Mrs. Krause. My parents call their son-in-law Mr Krause then, and his father-in-law in my mother in my father receives his mother-in-law, in both his in-laws. My sister Hertha gets many married relatives. I also have a number of close and distant relatives, and paternal and maternal, namely two uncle, four aunts and a dozen cousins and cousins, which are also the nephews and nieces of my parents. One of my aunts and her husband are no longer alive. Their children, i.e. a cousin and a cousin of mine are orphans. Living with our aunt Grete, who is her guardian. My uncle Franz was remarried widower, has recently years. His second wife is very good compared to their stepchildren and not treat them like a stepmother, but as if it were their (real) mother.To my delight, my grandparents still alive. You live in the countryside. U makes us to be great fun with them together.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
My family
The small cell in the life of a people and the smallest social community is the family. The family in the strict sense includes father, mother and children, in a broader sense to include grandparents, great-grandparents, yes all ancestors, so all successive generations. For relationship eventually also include the parents' siblings and their descendants. Our family is numerous, we have the whole nine, namely father, mother, four sons and three daughters. So we are a large family. My parents are together for 30 years and we are a happy healthy family. My siblings and I are the offspring of our parents.
My first name is Ulrich, but I'm at home commonly called Uli. My name is Hartmann. I am the oldest of us children, but the smallest of us brothers. My youngest brother, Wolfgang is a whole head taller than me. My second brother, Gerhard, is in operation in the teaching, the third, Klaus, still goes to school, as my two youngest sisters Gisela and Inge.
My oldest sister Hertha makes household useful, but will soon leave home. She will soon have her own family. My future brother's Manfred Krause. My favorite sister Hertha is later called Mrs. Krause. My parents then call Mr Krause her son, and this gets to my father his father-in-law of my mother's, in both his in-laws. My sister Hertha also gets many in-laws. I also have a number of close and distant relatives on his father and mother, namely two uncles, four aunts and a dozen cousins who are the nephews and nieces of my parents simultaneously. One of my aunts and her husband are no longer alive. Your children, that is a cousin and a cousin of mine are orphans. They live with our aunt Grete, who is her guardian. My Uncle Franz was for years a widower, recently married again. His second wife is very good towards their stepchildren and not treating them like a stepmother, but as if it were their (real) mother.
My grandparents live to my joy still. They live in the country. Us and it's great fun for them to come together.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
my familythe small cell in the life of a people and the smallest social symbiosis is the family. the family in the strictest sense consists of father, mother and children, in a broad sense, include grandparents, great grandparents, all ancestors, so all consecutive women. finally, the siblings to a count of the parents and their descendants. our family is numerous, we are in all the nine, namely, father, mother, four sons and three daughters. we are a big family. my parents have been together for 30 years, and we are a happy, healthy family. my siblings and i are the descendants of our name is david, but i will at home usually uli. my family name is hartmann. i am the oldest of the children, but the smallest of us brothers. my youngest brother, wolfgang is a head taller than me. my second brother, gerhard, is a plant in the teaching, third, klaus, goes to school, and my two youngest sisters gisela and oldest sister hertha's budget is useful, but it will soon leave the parental home. you will soon have their own family. my future brother-in-law is manfred krause. my favorite sister and later mrs krause's name. my parents call mr krause, her son-in-law, and this is my father, my mother, his father-in-law, his mother-in-law, in both his in laws. my sister has also gets many other relatives by marriage. i also have a number of close and distant relatives of paternal and maternal, namely two uncle, four aunts, and about a dozen cousins, at the same time, the nephews and nieces are my parents. one of my aunts and her husband are not alive. their children, that is to say, a cousin and a cousin of mine are orphans. you live in our aunt grete, her guardian. my uncle, franz was for years a widower, has recently married again. his second wife is very good, compared with their stiefkindern and treats her not as a stepmother, but like your (real) my delight, my grandparents are still living. they live in the country. us u makes it great fun for them to come together.
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