перевод Well, Petey ran on and on. Bui he couldn't find a dog who woul перевод - перевод Well, Petey ran on and on. Bui he couldn't find a dog who woul русский как сказать

перевод Well, Petey ran on and on.

перевод Well, Petey ran on and on. Bui he couldn't find a dog who would give his boy away. Petey was very sad. His little legs were very tired. My mother
was right, he thought. There isn’t a boy to be found [невозможнонайтимальчика). Just as it was getting dark, he came to a large building. Petey was walking by it slowly when he saw a sign: Home for Boys. “Maybe I could find a boy here!” said Petey to himself. “These boys have no parents, and no dog to take care of them." He walked slowly up to the home. He was so tired he could hardly lift his little paws (едвапереставлялсвоилапы). Then Petey stopped. He listened. He could hear music. He looked through the window. He saw a Christmas tree, and children singing carols (новогодниепесни).Then Petey saw something else. In front of the building, all by himself (совершенноодин), sat a boy! He was not a very big boy, and he looked lonely (одиноко), Petey gave a glad little cry. He forgot that he was tired. He jumped up and landed in the boy's lap (оказалсяпаколеняхумальчика). Sniff, sniff, went Petey's little nose. Wag, wag, went Petcy’s tail. He licked the little boy with his warm, wet tongue. How glad the boy was to see Petey! He put both his arms around the little dog and hugged him (обнялего). Then the front door opened and a lady looked out. “Why, here you are, Ricky!” she said, “What are you doing here all alone (совсемодин)? Come on in and sit near the Christmas tree.** Petey sat very still. The boy sat still* The boy looked up at the lady and down at Petey. Petey began to tremble (дрожать). Would the boy go in and leave him {броситего)1 *Tm not alone,” said the boy, “I've got a puppy.” “A puppy!” The lady came out and looked at Petey in surprise (удивленно).Can he come, too?" said the boy. “Why,” said the lady, ‘"you’re a nice little dog. Where did you come from? Yes, bring him in/' “Come on, puppy,” cried the boy. A lot of boys were playing around the Christmas tree. They rushed (бросилиськ) to Petey. They were so happy to see him. Petey wagged (вшч) his tail. He wagged his fat little body. He licked {облизал) every one of the boys. “Can we keep him?" said one, “Can we give him some dinner?” said another.“Can we make him a nice warm bed?” said a third. “We will give him some dinner and a nice warm bed,” said the lady.tomorrow we will find his mother and see if she'll let him stay," Petey knew his mother would let him slay. She knew how much he wanted a boy. “She’ll be surprised.” said Petey to himself, with a happy little smile, “when I lell her I got fifty boys for Christmas!
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Перевод, пити побежал на и. Буи, он не мог найти собаку, кто бы отдать его мальчик. Пити было очень грустно. Его маленькие ноги были очень устал. Моя матьwas right, he thought. There isn’t a boy to be found [невозможнонайтимальчика). Just as it was getting dark, he came to a large building. Petey was walking by it slowly when he saw a sign: Home for Boys. “Maybe I could find a boy here!” said Petey to himself. “These boys have no parents, and no dog to take care of them." He walked slowly up to the home. He was so tired he could hardly lift his little paws (едвапереставлялсвоилапы). Then Petey stopped. He listened. He could hear music. He looked through the window. He saw a Christmas tree, and children singing carols (новогодниепесни).Then Petey saw something else. In front of the building, all by himself (совершенноодин), sat a boy! He was not a very big boy, and he looked lonely (одиноко), Petey gave a glad little cry. He forgot that he was tired. He jumped up and landed in the boy's lap (оказалсяпаколеняхумальчика). Sniff, sniff, went Petey's little nose. Wag, wag, went Petcy’s tail. He licked the little boy with his warm, wet tongue. How glad the boy was to see Petey! He put both his arms around the little dog and hugged him (обнялего). Then the front door opened and a lady looked out. “Why, here you are, Ricky!” she said, “What are you doing here all alone (совсемодин)? Come on in and sit near the Christmas tree.** Petey sat very still. The boy sat still* The boy looked up at the lady and down at Petey. Petey began to tremble (дрожать). Would the boy go in and leave him {броситего)1 *Tm not alone,” said the boy, “I've got a puppy.” “A puppy!” The lady came out and looked at Petey in surprise (удивленно).Can he come, too?" said the boy. “Why,” said the lady, ‘"you’re a nice little dog. Where did you come from? Yes, bring him in/' “Come on, puppy,” cried the boy. A lot of boys were playing around the Christmas tree. They rushed (бросилиськ) to Petey. They were so happy to see him. Petey wagged (вшч) his tail. He wagged his fat little body. He licked {облизал) every one of the boys. “Can we keep him?" said one, “Can we give him some dinner?” said another.“Can we make him a nice warm bed?” said a third. “We will give him some dinner and a nice warm bed,” said the lady.tomorrow we will find his mother and see if she'll let him stay," Petey knew his mother would let him slay. She knew how much he wanted a boy. “She’ll be surprised.” said Petey to himself, with a happy little smile, “when I lell her I got fifty boys for Christmas!
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
перевод Ну, Пити побежал дальше и дальше. Буй он не мог найти собаку , которая дала бы своего мальчика прочь. Пити было очень грустно. Его маленькие ножки были очень уставшие. Моя мать
была права, подумал он. Существует не мальчик , чтобы найти [невозможнонайтимальчика). Подобно тому , как темнело, он пришел к большому зданию. Пити шел по ней медленно , когда он увидел знак: Дом для мальчиков. "Может быть , я мог бы найти мальчика здесь!" , Сказал Пити себе. "Эти мальчики не имеют родителей, и ни одна собака не заботиться о них." Он медленно подошел к дому. Он так устал , что едва мог поднять его маленькие лапы (едвапереставлялсвоилапы). Тогда Пити остановился. Он слушал. Он мог слышать музыка. Он посмотрел в окно. Он увидел елку, а дети поют колядки (новогодниепесни) .Затем Пити увидел что - то другое. В передней части здания, все сам (совершенноодин), сидел мальчик! Он был не очень большой мальчик, и он выглядел одиноким (одиноко), Пити дал радостную всплакнуть. он забыл , что он устал. он вскочил и упал на колени мальчика (оказалсяпаколеняхумальчика). Sniff, сопение, пошел немного нос Пити в. Взмах, остряк , пошел хвост Petcy в. Он лизнул маленького мальчика с его теплым, влажным языком. Как рад мальчик должен был видеть Пити! Он положил обе руки вокруг маленькой собаки и обняла его (обнялего). Затем открылась входная дверь и дама выглянул. "Почему ты здесь, Рикки!" она сказала : "Что ты делаешь здесь одна (совсемодин)? Давай, и сидеть возле елки. ** Пити сидел неподвижно. Мальчик сидел неподвижно * Мальчик посмотрел на даму и вниз на Пити. Пити начал дрожать (дрожать). Будет ли мальчик пойти и оставить его {броситего) 1 * Tm не один, "сказал мальчик," У меня есть щенок. "" Щенок! "Дама вышла и посмотрела на Пити удивленно (удивленно). Может ли он пришел, тоже? "сказал мальчик." Почему " , сказала дама," ты хороший маленькая собачка. Откуда ты? Да, приведите его в / "Давай, щенка," кричал мальчик. Много мальчиков играли вокруг елки. Они бросились (бросилиськ) к Пити. Они были так счастливы видеть его. Пити вильнула (вшч) его хвост. Он погрозил жира тельце. Он облизал {облизал) каждый из мальчиков. "Можем ли мы удержать его?" Сказал один, "Можем ли мы дать ему ужин?" , Сказал другой. "Можем ли мы сделать его приятно теплой постели?" Сказал третий. "Мы дадим ему некоторый обед и хороший теплую постель, "сказал lady.tomorrow мы найдем его мать и посмотреть , если она позволит ему остаться," Пити знал , что его мать позволила бы ему убить. Она знала , сколько он хотел мальчика. "Она будет удивлена." Сказал Пити себе, со счастливой улыбкой, "когда я Lell ей я получил пятьдесят мальчиков на Рождество!
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
translation well, petey ran on and on. bui he couldn "t find a dog who would give the boy away. petey was very sad. his little legs were very tired. my motherwas right, he thought. there isn"t a boy to be found [невозможнонайтимальчика). just as it was getting dark, he came to a large building. petey was walking by it slowly when he saw a sign: home for boys. "maybe i could find a boy here! "said petey to himself. "these boys have no parents, and no dog to take care of them." he walked slowly up to the home. he was so tired he could hardly lift his little paws (едвапереставлялсвоилапы). then petey stopped. he listened. i could hear music. he looked through the window. he saw a christmas tree, and children singing carols (новогодниепесни).Then petey saw something else. in front of the building, all by himself (совершенноодин), sat a boy! he was not a very good boy, and he looked lonely (lonely), petey gave a glad little cry. he forgot that he was tired. he jumped up and landed in the boy "s lap (оказалсяпаколеняхумальчика). Sniff, sniff, on petey"s little nose. Wag, wag, went Petcy"s tail. he licked the little boy with his warm, the people group. how the boy was glad to see petey! he put both of his arms around the little dog and hugged him (обнялего). then the door opened and a lady looked out. "why, here you are, ricky! "she said," what are you doing here all alone (совсемодин)? come on in and sit near the christmas tree. * * petey sat very still. the boy sat still * the boy looked up the street and down at petey. petey was to tremble (shaking). would the boy go in and leave him {броситего) 1 * tm not alone, "said the boy," i"ve got a puppy. "" a puppy! "the lady came out and looked at petey in surprise (surprised).Can he come, too?" said the boy. "why," said the lady, "" you"re a nice little dog. where did you come from? yes, bring him in / ""come on, puppy," cried the boy. a lot of boys were playing around the christmas tree. they rushed (бросилиськ) to petey. they were so happy to see him. petey wagged (вшч) his tail. he wagged his fat little body. he licked {licked) every one of the boys. "can we keep him?" said one, "can we give him some dinner? "said another." can we make him a nice warm bed? "said a third. "we will give him some food and a nice warm bed," said the lady.tomorrow we will find his mother and see if she"ll let him stay, "petey knew his mother would let him slay. she knew how much he wanted a boy. "she"ll be spare." said petey to himself, with a happy little smile, "when i lell her i got fifty boys for christmas!
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