Как и почти все в нашей жизни, интернет может нести и пользу, и вред.  перевод - Как и почти все в нашей жизни, интернет может нести и пользу, и вред.  английский как сказать

Как и почти все в нашей жизни, инте

Как и почти все в нашей жизни, интернет может нести и пользу, и вред. Говорят, там много непроверенной информации. А еще интернет приучает нас к сидячему образу жизни, что неполезно для здоровья. Наверно, поэтому родители не разрешают мне проводить в Сети много времени.

Интернет – это бескрайний простор информации и общения, на котором легко потеряться. И часто бывает, читал что-то полезное и интересное и как-то незаметно оказался на незнакомом сайте, где последние полчаса читаешь какие-то сплетни…
Однако я уверен, что преимуществ у интернета гораздо больше. Он помогает в учебе. Есть очень полезные сайты, например, «Википедия», где можно найти информацию в понятном виде обо всем – событиях, людях, вещах, явлениях.

А еще мне нравится, что в Сети я могу общаться с людьми, которые разделяют мои увлечения.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Like almost everything in our lives, the Internet can carry and use, and harm. They say there's a lot of unverified information. And yet the Internet teaches us to the sedentary lifestyle that healing for health. Probably, therefore, parents do not allow me to spend a lot of time on the network.The Internet is a boundless expanse of information and communication, which can easily get lost. And often read something useful and interesting and somehow unnoticeably found himself on an unfamiliar site, where the last half hour reading some gossip ... However, I am confident that the benefits of the Internet far more. It helps in their studies. There is a very useful sites, such as Wikipedia, where you can find information in readable form all-events, people, things, and events.And I love that I can communicate with people who share my interests.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Like almost everything in our lives, the Internet can carry and use, and harm. They say there is a lot of unverified information. And the Internet teaches us to a sedentary lifestyle that would be unprofitable for health. Probably, so parents do not allow me to spend a lot of time on the Web. Internet - a boundless expanse of information and communication, which is easy to get lost. And often, I read something useful and interesting and somehow imperceptibly turned in an unknown site where the last half hour reading some gossip ... But I am sure that the benefits from the Internet much more. It helps in learning. There is a very useful websites, such as "Wikipedia", where you can find information in a clear manner about everything - events, people, things, events. And I like the fact that the web can I communicate with people who share my interests.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Like almost everything in our life, the Internet can bear and favor, and hurt. Said, there are many unconfirmed information. While the other c me to our customers to the Internet and E M P in energy-saving. E, our way of life, society has to society from customers from Le e health. Probably,Therefore, parents don't allow me to carry on a large amount of time on the Internet -- this is boundless.

Internet information and communication space, it is easy to get lost. As often happens,Read and interesting and useful things quietly appeared in a strange site, here the last half an hour to read what gossip...

but I am sure that made the Internet a greater advantage. He was learning to help.A very useful website, for example, "where state me in which to me on the kappa and you can find relevant information, with simple form -- people, things, developments of the phenomenon, and I loved.

, I can communicate with others on the network,They share my hobby.

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