Короче, кидаю так, комп лагает:В следующем тексте определите единицы п перевод - Короче, кидаю так, комп лагает:В следующем тексте определите единицы п английский как сказать

Короче, кидаю так, комп лагает:В сл

Короче, кидаю так, комп лагает:
В следующем тексте определите единицы перевода, прокомментируйте условия их образования и переведите текст.Короче, кидаю так, комп лагает:
В следующем тексте определите единицы перевода, прокомментируйте условия их образования и переведите текст.

Добровольцы в России

Бесплатно съездить в Россию иностранным студентам никто не предлагает, они довольствуются только добровольческими программами. Желающим посетить экзотическую страну приходится преодолевать немало препятствий. Например, стоимость российской визы во многих европейских странах доходит до 150 долларов, а получить ее — дело очень долгое и хлопотное. Тем не менее только по линии Бритиш Рейл Интернешенел Эйджент в России этим летом побывали уже более двухсот добровольцев. Особой популярностью пользовалась программа реставрации Шереметьевского поместья под Йошкар-Олой. Успехом пользовалась также реставрация монастыря в Тихоновой пустыни и работа в лесничестве в Предуралье. Другие программы, привлекавшие к работе добровольцев-иностранцев, включали, например, помощь пациентам хосписа в Екатеринбурге, занятия с детьми из детского дома для детей с заболеваниями опорно-двигательного аппарата и многие другие.

Добровольцы в России

Бесплатно съездить в Россию иностранным студентам никто не предлагает, они довольствуются только добровольческими программами. Желающим посетить экзотическую страну приходится преодолевать немало препятствий. Например, стоимость российской визы во многих европейских странах доходит до 150 долларов, а получить ее — дело очень долгое и хлопотное. Тем не менее только по линии Бритиш Рейл Интернешенел Эйджент в России этим летом побывали уже более двухсот добровольцев. Особой популярностью пользовалась программа реставрации Шереметьевского поместья под Йошкар-Олой. Успехом пользовалась также реставрация монастыря в Тихоновой пустыни и работа в лесничестве в Предуралье. Другие программы, привлекавшие к работе добровольцев-иностранцев, включали, например, помощь пациентам хосписа в Екатеринбурге, занятия с детьми из детского дома для детей с заболеваниями опорно-двигательного аппарата и многие другие.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In short, throw so comp suggested:In the following text, define the translation units, please comment on the terms of their education and put text. In short, throw so comp suggested:In the following text, define the translation units, please comment on the terms of their education and translate the text. Volunteers in Russia Free trip to Russia for foreign students, no one suggests they are content with only volunteer programs. Wishing to visit exotic country had to overcome many obstacles. For example, the cost of the Russian visa in many European countries comes to 150 dollars and get it is very long and troublesome. However, only through British Rail International Agent in Russia this summer has already visited more than 200 volunteers. Particularly popular programme of restoration of the Sheremetev's estate under the joskar-Oloy. Success also restoration of the monastery in Tikhonova desert and working in forestry in the Ural region. Other programs, which attracted foreign volunteers to work include, for example, help patients to Hospice in Ekaterinburg, classes with children from the orphanage for children with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and many others. Volunteers in Russia Free trip to Russia for foreign students, no one suggests they are content with only volunteer programs. Wishing to visit exotic country had to overcome many obstacles. For example, the cost of the Russian visa in many European countries comes to 150 dollars and get it is very long and troublesome. However, only through British Rail International Agent in Russia this summer has already visited more than 200 volunteers. Particularly popular programme of restoration of the Sheremetev's estate under the joskar-Oloy. Success also restoration of the monastery in Tikhonova desert and working in forestry in the Ural region. Other programs, which attracted foreign volunteers to work include, for example, help patients to Hospice in Ekaterinburg, classes with children from the orphanage for children with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and many others.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In short, I throw so the computer lag:
In the following text, define the translation units comment on the conditions of their formation and set tekst.Koroche, throw so the computer lag:
In the following text, define the translation units comment on the conditions of their formation and translate the text. Volunteers in Russian FREE to go to Russia for foreign students no one suggests they are satisfied with only volunteer programs. Those who wish to visit the exotic country has to overcome many obstacles. For example, the cost of Russian visa in many European countries comes to $ 150 and get it - it is very long and troublesome. However, only through British Rail of Agent International Affiliates in Russia this summer have already visited more than two hundred volunteers. Especially popular use the program for restoration of the manor Sheremet'yevskiy Yoshkar-Ola. The success enjoyed also the restoration of the monastery in the desert Tikhonova and work in forestry in the Urals region. Other programs to involve volunteers, foreigners included, for example, helping patients hospice in Yekaterinburg, classes for children from the orphanage for children with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and many others. Volunteers in Russia free to go to Russia for foreign students no offers They are content with only volunteer programs. Those who wish to visit the exotic country has to overcome many obstacles. For example, the cost of Russian visa in many European countries comes to $ 150 and get it - it is very long and troublesome. However, only through British Rail of Agent International Affiliates in Russia this summer have already visited more than two hundred volunteers. Especially popular use the program for restoration of the manor Sheremet'yevskiy Yoshkar-Ola. The success enjoyed also the restoration of the monastery in the desert Tikhonova and work in forestry in the Urals region. Other programs to involve volunteers, foreigners included, such as hospice care for patients in Yekaterinburg, classes for children from the orphanage for children with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and many others.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in short, i so, the computer that:
next text define units of translation, comment on the conditions of their education and move текст.короче, throwing it on the computer,.in the following text, determine the units of translation, comment on their conditions of education and translate the text.

volunteers in russia

free to go to russia to foreign students no one offers.they are happy just volunteer programmes. wishing to visit exotic country must overcome many obstacles. for example,the value of russian visa in many european countries comes to 150 dollars, to her is very long and troublesome.nevertheless, only the british rail интернешенел agent in russia this summer have been over 200 volunteers.particularly popular was the restoration of the estate under шереметьевского yoshkar oloy river. success was also a monastery in тихоновой desert and the лесничестве in предуралье.other programs, привлекавшие work volunteer foreigners included, for example, help patients to hospice in yekaterinburg.class with the children from the orphanage for children with musculoskeletal diseases and many other volunteers in russia.

free to go to russia to foreign students no one offers.they are happy just volunteer programmes. wishing to visit exotic country must overcome many obstacles. for example,the value of russian visa in many european countries comes to 150 dollars, to her is very long and troublesome.nevertheless, only the british rail интернешенел agent in russia this summer have been over 200 volunteers.particularly popular was the restoration of the estate under шереметьевского yoshkar oloy river. success was also a monastery in тихоновой desert and the лесничестве in предуралье.other programs, привлекавшие work volunteer foreigners included, for example, help patients to hospice in yekaterinburg.class with the children from the orphanage for children with musculoskeletal diseases, and many others.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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