The tower of LondonThe City is the oldest part of the capital. Among t перевод - The tower of LondonThe City is the oldest part of the capital. Among t украинский как сказать

The tower of LondonThe City is the

The tower of London
The City is the oldest part of the capital. Among the first historic buildings is the Tower of London, built in 1087.
The history of London is closely connected with the Tower. They say that London is the key to England and the Tower is the key to London. The Tower of London was founded by William the Conqueror. It was begun with the aim of protecting Londoners from invasion by the river. Since then the Tower has served as fortress, palace, state prison and royal treasury, now it is a museum. During the reign of Henry VII part of it became a menagerie, and it was one of the citizens’ entertainments to watch a bear being led to the water’s edge to catch salmon. It is now over a century since a Thames salmon was caught – although as late as the 1820s the fish sold at Billingsgate were all caught locally.
Tower Bridge is close by the Tower of London and also is St. Paul’s Cathedral, the greatest of English churches.
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Результаты (украинский) 1: [копия]
The tower of LondonThe City is the oldest part of the capital. Among the first historic buildings is the Tower of London, built in 1087.The history of London is closely connected with the Tower. They say that London is the key to England and the Tower is the key to London. The Tower of London was founded by William the Conqueror. It was begun with the aim of protecting Londoners from invasion by the river. Since then the Tower has served as fortress, palace, state prison and royal treasury, now it is a museum. During the reign of Henry VII part of it became a menagerie, and it was one of the citizens’ entertainments to watch a bear being led to the water’s edge to catch salmon. It is now over a century since a Thames salmon was caught – although as late as the 1820s the fish sold at Billingsgate were all caught locally.Tower Bridge is close by the Tower of London and also is St. Paul’s Cathedral, the greatest of English churches.
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Результаты (украинский) 2:[копия]
Лондонський Тауер
міста є найстарішою частини столиці. Серед перших історичних будівель є Лондонський Тауер, побудований в 1087
Історія Лондона тісно пов'язана з вежею. Вони кажуть , що Лондон є ключем до Англії і вежі є ключем до Лондона. Лондонський Тауер був заснований Вільгельмом Завойовником. Вона була розпочата з метою захисту лондонців від вторгнення річки. З тих пір вежа служила фортецею, палацом, державної в'язниці і королівської скарбниці, тепер це музей. Під час правління Генріха VII частина його стала звіринець, і це було однією з розваг громадян , щоб спостерігати ведмедя ведуть на кромці води , щоб зловити лосося. Тепер понад сто років , так як лосось Thames був спійманий. - Хоча , як в Наприкінці 1820 - х років риба продається на Біллінгсгейта були спіймані на місці
Тауерський міст знаходиться недалеко від Лондонського Тауера , а також є Собор Святого Павла, найбільшого англійської мови церков.
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