Связь с анатомией и физиологией человека. Для успешного обу­чения звук перевод - Связь с анатомией и физиологией человека. Для успешного обу­чения звук английский как сказать

Связь с анатомией и физиологией чел

Связь с анатомией и физиологией человека. Для успешного обу­чения звукам, а также при решении некоторых прикладных задач специалистам необходимо знать строение и функционирование ор­ганов, принимающих участие в речеобразовании.

Связь с акустикой. Речевой звук, как и любой другой звук окру­жающей нас природы, есть объективное физическое явление, обладающее такими характеристиками, как длительность, интенсив­ность, частота основного тона, спектр. При изучении физической стороны речевых звуков фонетисты широко применяют термино­логию и понятия, используемые в акустике.

Связь с психологией. Любое речевое сообщение должно быть адекватно понято. Современная наука пытается разобраться, какие объективные акустические различия между звуками могут быть линг­вистически значимыми для слушающего, понять, как происходит обработка речевых звуков слуховой системой, разгадать, какие про­цессы протекают в коре головного мозга и психике человека в мо­мент речи и при ее восприятии, а также проникнуть в тайну декоди­рования речевого сигнала. В процессе решения этих вопросов было создано новое направление — психоакустика, представляющее со­бой синтез двух наук — психологии и акустики, и эти сложные проблемы разрабатываются в рамках новейших научных направле­ний психоакустики — аудиологии и когнитивной психологии.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Liaison with human anatomy and physiology. For successful treatment and sounds OBU also when addressing some applications specialists, you must know the structure and functioning of the RR organs participating in the rečeobrazovanii.Communication with the acoustics. The speech sound like any other sound environment programme us nature, there is an objective phenomenon, possessing characteristics such as duration, intensity, frequency, the main tone spectrum. When examining the physical side of speech sounds fonetisty widely apply termino logiû and concepts used in acoustics.Link with psychology. Any verbal communication should be adequately understood. Modern science tries to figure out what the objective differences between acoustic sounds can be Ling vističeski significant for listening, to understand how the processing of speech sounds the auditory system to unravel what about processes occur in the cortex and the human psyche in the mo ment and speech perception, as well as to penetrate the mystery of dekodi ing of the voice signal. In addressing these issues was created a new direction — psychoacoustics, representing with battle synthesis of two Sciences-Psychology and acoustics, and these challenges are developed in the framework of the newest scientific currents ings psychoacoustics-audiology and cognitive psychology.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Communication with the anatomy and physiology of man. For successful learning the sounds, as well as addressing some applications professionals need to know the structure and functioning of the organs involved in speech production.

Communication with the acoustics. The speech sound like any other sounds of nature around us, there is an objective physical phenomenon, which has characteristics such as duration, intensity, frequency, pitch, range. In the study of the physical aspect of speech sounds phoneticians widely used terminology and concepts used in acoustics.

Communication with psychology. Any voice message should be adequately understood. Modern science is trying to understand what the objective acoustic differences between sounds can be linguistically meaningful for the listener to understand how the processing of speech sounds auditory system, figure out what processes take place in the cerebral cortex and the human psyche at the time of the speech and its perception, as well as penetrate the mystery of the decoding of the speech signal. In the process of addressing these issues has been created a new direction - psychoacoustics, which is a synthesis of the two sciences - psychology and acoustics, and these challenges are being developed as part of the latest scientific fields of psychoacoustics - Audiology and cognitive psychology.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the connection with the anatomy and physiology of human. for the successful обу­чения sounds, but also in solving some applications professionals need to know the structure and functioning of the ор­ганов participating in речеобразовании.the connection with the acoustics. the voice sound like any other sound окру­жающей us nature, there is an objective physical phenomenon with the characteristics such as duration, интенсив­ность, basic tone frequency, spectrum. in studying the physical side of speech sounds фонетисты is widely used термино­логию and terms used in acoustic.the connection with psychology. any речевое message must be adequately understood. modern science is trying to figure out what the objective acoustic differences between sound can be линг­вистически relevant to listening, to understand how the auditory system is the processing of speech sounds, figure out what про­цессы present in the cerebral cortex and the psyche of people in мо­мент speech and its perception, as well as to penetrate the mystery декоди­рования speech signal. in the process of addressing these issues was established in a new direction - psychoacoustics, which со­бой fusion of two science - psychology and acoustics, and these challenges are developed in the framework of the newest scientific направле­ний psychoacoustics relevant - аудиологии and cognitive psychology.
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