Майклу очень хотелось, чтобы Джулия произвела хорошее впечатление на его родителей. Джулия скоро поняла, что ей удастся очаровать их. По сути дела, она не сомневалась, что была в состоянии очаровать кого угодно. Конечно, родителям Майкла не могла нравиться мысль о том, что из сын женится на актрисе. Джулия инстинктивно чувствовала, что она должна скрыть в себе актрису и притвориться простой, скромной, простодушной девушкой.
Мать Майкла с облегчением обнаружила, что Джулия не накрашена и вовсе не вульгарна. Она в общем-то совсем не была похожа на актрису. Кроме того, было совершенно очевидно, что она потуги влюблена в её сына. Это льстило её материнской гордости.
Джулия великолепно изображала деревенскую девушку.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Michael would love that Julia made a good impression on his parents. Julia soon realized that it would be able to charm them. In fact, it did not doubt, that has been able to charm anyone. Of course, Michael's parents might not like the idea that from the son marries actress. Julie instinctively felt that she must hide in itself simple, pretend actress and humble, ingenuous girl.Michael's mother was relieved to find that Julia is not wearing makeup and not vulgar these days. It generally is not looked like an actress. In addition, it was evident that she attempts to crush on her son. It flattered her maternal pride. Julia superbly portrayed village girl.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Michael really wanted to Julia made a good impression on his parents. Julia soon realized that she could charm them. In fact, she had no doubt that she was able to charm anyone. Of course, Michael's parents might not like the idea of that son marries actress. Julia instinctively felt that she should hide in itself actress and pretend simple, modest, homely girl.
Michael's mother discovered with relief that Julia is not dyed and not vulgar. It is, in general, is not looked like the actress. In addition, it was quite obvious that she attempts in love with her son. It flattered her maternal pride.
Julia superbly portrayed village girl.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
michael wanted to make a good impression on his parents, julia. julia soon realized that she could charm them. in fact, she had no doubt what was able to charm anyone. of course, parents michael didn"t like the idea of the son to marry the actress. julia instinctively felt that she must hide a actress and pretend to be simple, modest, single-minded girl.michael"s mother was relieved to discover that julia doesn"t wearing makeup and not trashy. she actually doesn"t look like an actress. in addition, it was clear that she"s struggle with her son. this flattered by her mother"s pride.julia"s featured country girl.
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