Каковы же основные правила фьючерсной торговли и что она дает участник перевод - Каковы же основные правила фьючерсной торговли и что она дает участник английский как сказать

Каковы же основные правила фьючерсн

Каковы же основные правила фьючерсной торговли и что она дает участникам? Правила довольно просты. Можно самому стать участником торгов, но для этого надо приобрести право совершения сделок на бирже или заключить договор на обслуживание с одной из брокерских контор. В последнем, наиболее вероятном случае клиент может определить задание брокеру купить контракт по текущей, фиксированной, цене или в рамках заданного диапазона цен. Для участия в торгах необходимо внести определенный залог, дающий финансовую гарантию исполнения участниками своих обязательств, - маржу.* Размер маржи относительно невелик, порядка 10 процентов контракта. Вместе с тем это означает, что для участия во фьючерсных торгах не требуется полной оплаты стоимости контракта. Покупатель рискует значительно меньшей суммой - равной величине маржи. По итогам очередных торгов биржа определяет выигрыш или проигрыш каждого участника в результате изменения котировочной цены. Ее рост идет на пользу покупателю контракта, а падение - продавцу.Всеми операциями по проведению взаиморасчетовна бирже ведает специальная расчетная палата. Все мы ломаем голову над тем, как уберечь свои деньги от инфляции. Самый верный вариант -обмен на твердую валюту. Фьючерсная биржа дает здесь хороший шанс. Купив срочный контракт и реализовав его по мере истечения срока, вы удачно страхуете свой капитал от инфляции, естественно, если не промахнетесь с прогнозом курса.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
What are the basic rules of trade futures and that it gives the participants? The rules are pretty simple. It is possible to become a bidder, but it does buy transactions on the stock exchange or enter into a service contract with one of the brokerage firms. In the latter, the most probable scenario, a customer can set broker buy contract at current, fixed price or within a specified price range. To bid, you must make a deposit, giving a financial guarantee of execution of the parties ' compliance with their obligations,-margin * margin is relatively small, about 10 percent of the contract. However this means that participation in futures trades does not require full payment of the contract price. The purchaser runs the risk of significantly lesser sum-equal margin. According to the results of the regular trades Exchange determines the winning or losing of each participant as a result of changes in the quoted prices. Its growth is beneficial to the buyer of the contract, and the fall-to the seller. All operations for conducting vzaimorasčetovna Exchange manages ad hoc clearing house. We all puzzled over how to protect your money from inflation. The surest option-exchange for hard currency. Futures Exchange gives a good chance here. Buying a fixed-term contract and implementing it as of the expiration of the term, you successfully insure your capital against inflation, of course, if you do not miss to the forecast course.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
What are the basic rules for futures trading and it gives participants? The rules are pretty simple. It is possible to become a bidder, but for this it is necessary to acquire the right of the transactions on the Stock Exchange or enter into a service contract with one of the brokerage houses. In the latter, the most likely scenario, the client can determine the job broker to buy the contract at the current, fixed price or within a given price range. To participate in the auction you need to make a certain guarantee of giving a financial guarantee fulfillment of the obligations of its participants, -. * Margin margin size is relatively small, about 10 percent of the contract. However, this means that participation is not required for full payment of the contract value in the futures market. The buyer runs the risk of a much smaller amount - equal to the margin. As a result of the regular trading market determines the winning or losing of each participant as a result of changes in the quoted prices. Its growth is good for the buyer of the contract, and the fall - prodavtsu.Vsemi operations for the exchange vzaimoraschetovna knows a special clearinghouse. All of us are scratching their heads over how to protect their money from inflation. The surest option-exchange for hard currency. Futures Exchange gives you a good chance here. By purchasing a futures contract and sell it as the expiration, you have successfully insure your capital against inflation, of course, if you do not miss to rate forecast.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
what are the basic rules of futures trade, and that it gives participants? the rules are quite simple. you can"t become the tenderer, but one must acquire the right of the transaction at the stock exchange or to contract for the services of one of the brokerage firms. in the last, the most likely case, the client can determine the job broker to buy a contract on the current, fixed costs or within the price range. to participate in the bidding must pay a deposit, providing financial guarantee of parties with their obligations, the margin. the margin is relatively low, about 10% of the contract. however, this means that to participate in futures trading does not require full payment of the contract. the buyer is a lesser amount is equal to the margin value. on the basis of regular trading exchange determines the gain or loss of each participant as a result of котировочной prices. its growth is good for the buyer the contract and fall - продавцу.всеми operations the взаиморасчетовна exchange is a special clearing house. we all break the head on how to protect your money against inflation. the best option is to exchange for hard currency. futures exchange gives it a good chance. with a fixed-term appointment and has him as the expiry of the time limit you have got your capital on inflation, of course, if not miss with the prediction rate.
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