Дэвид Юм родился в 1711 году в семье небогатого дворянина, занимавшего перевод - Дэвид Юм родился в 1711 году в семье небогатого дворянина, занимавшего английский как сказать

Дэвид Юм родился в 1711 году в семь

Дэвид Юм родился в 1711 году в семье небогатого дворянина, занимавшегося юридической практикой, владельца небольшого поместья. Юм посещал Эдинбургский университет, где получил хорошее юридическое образование. Работал в дипломатических миссиях Англии в Европе. Уже в юности проявлял особый интерес к философии и литературе. После посещения Бристоля с коммерческой целью, почувствовав неудачу, он отправился в 1734 года во Францию.

Юм начал философскую деятельность в 1738 году, опубликовав первые две части «Трактата о человеческой природе», где он попытался определить основные принципы человеческого знания. Юм рассматривает вопросы об определении достоверности какого-либо знания и убежденности в нём. Юм считал, что знание основано на опыте, которое состоит из восприятий (впечатления, то есть человеческие ощущения, аффекты, эмоции). Под идеями разумеются слабые образы этих впечатлений в мышлении и рассуждении.[1]

Через год вышла третья часть трактата. Первая часть была посвящена человеческому познанию. Потом он доработал эти идеи и опубликовал в отдельной работе «Исследовании о человеческом познании».

С 1741 по 1742 год Юм опубликовал свою книгу «Моральные и политические очерки (эссе)». Книга была посвящена политическим и политико-экономическим темам и принесла автору известность. В 50-х годах Юм занимался писанием истории Англии, хотя этим пробудил к себе ненависть со стороны англичан, шотландцев, ирландцев, церковников, патриотов и многих других. Но после выхода второго тома «Истории Англии» в 1756 году, общественное мнение резко изменилось и при появлении следующих томов, издание нашло значительную публику и не только в Англии но и на континенте.

В 1763 году, после окончания войны между Англией и Францией, Юм в качестве секретаря британского посольства при Версальском дворе был приглашен в столицу Франции, где он получил признание за свой труд по истории Англии. Критику Юма в адрес религиозных фанатиков одобрили Вольтер и Гельвеций. Однако похвала со стороны других философов проявлялась из-за их интенсивной переписки с Юмом, ибо их интересы и взгляды во многом сходились. Особенное впечатление на Гельвеция, Тюрго и других просветителей произвела «Естественная история религии» вышедшая в 1757 году в сборнике «Четыре диссертации».

В 1769 году Юм создал в Эдинбурге Философское общество, где он выступал в качестве секретаря. В данный кружок входили: Адам Фергюсон, Адам Смит, Александр Монро, Уильям Каллен, Джосеф Блэк, Хьюдж Блейр и другие.

Незадолго до смерти Юм написал «Автобиографию». В ней он описывал себя как кроткого, открытого, общительного и веселого человека, имевшего слабость к литературной славе, которая, правда, «никогда не ожесточала моего характера, несмотря на все частые неудачи»[2].

Юм скончался от рака кишечника в августе 1776 года в возрасте 65 лет.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
David Hume was born in the year 1711 in the family nebogatogo nobleman who practice law, owner of a small estate. Hume attended Edinburgh University, where he received a good legal education. Worked in England's diplomatic missions in Europe. Already in his youth had a particular interest in philosophy and literature. After visiting Bristol for commercial purposes, feeling failure, he went to France in 1734.Hume started the philosophical activity in the year 1738, publishing the first two parts of "the treatise of human nature, where he attempted to define the basic principles of human knowledge. Hume is considering questions about determining the veracity of any knowledge of and belief in him. Hume believed that knowledge is based on experience, which consists of perceptions (impressions, i.e. the human feelings, affects, emotions). Under ideas per weak images of these impressions in thinking and reasoning. [1]A year later came the third part of the treatise. The first part was devoted to human cognition. Then he refined these ideas and published in separate work "Study of human cognition.From 1741 to 1742 year Hume published his book "moral and political essays (essays). The book was dedicated to political and political-economic themes and brought fame to the author. In the 50-IES of Hume was involved in writing the history of England, although this has awakened to the hatred on the part of the English, Scots, Irish, churchmen, Patriots, and many others. But after the release of the second volume of "history of England" in the year 1756, public opinion changed dramatically, and when the following volumes, ed. found a significant audience and not only in England but also on the continent.In 1763, after the end of the war between England and France, Hume as Secretary to the British Embassy in the Palace courtyard was invited to the French capital, where he gained recognition for his work on the history of England. Criticism of Yuma address religious fanatics endorsed Voltaire and Helvétius. But praise from other philosophers manifested due to their intense correspondence with Hume, for their interests and opinions largely converged. Special impression on Helvetia, Turgo and other educators had made the "natural history of religion", published in the year 1757 in the collection Four theses.In the year 1769 Hume created in Edinburgh philosophical society, where he acted as Secretary. In this circle were: Adam Ferguson, Adam Smith, Alexander Monroe, William Cullen, Joseph Black, Hugh Blair, and others.Shortly before his death, Hume wrote an autobiography ". In it, he described himself as a meek, open, outgoing and fun person, who had a weakness for literary fame, which, however, never ožestočala my character despite all the frequent failures "[2].Hume died from colon cancer in August of the year 1776 at the age of 65 years.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
David Hume was born in 1711 in the family of a poor nobleman, practiced law, the owner of a small estate. Hume attended Edinburgh University, where he received a good education in law. He worked in diplomatic missions of England in Europe. Already in his youth he took a special interest in philosophy and literature. After visiting Bristol for commercial gain, feeling failure, he went in 1734 to France. Hume began philosophical activity in 1738, published the first two parts of "A Treatise of Human Nature," where he attempted to define the basic principles of human knowledge. Hume considers the question of determining the authenticity of any knowledge and confidence in him. Hume believed that knowledge is based on experience, which consists of perceptions (impressions, that is, human senses, affections, emotions). Under the ideas are understood faint images of impressions in thinking and reasoning. [1] A year later came the third part of the treatise. The first part was devoted to human knowledge. Then he refined these ideas and published in a separate paper "Study of human knowledge." From 1741 to 1742 Hume published his book "Moral and political essays (Essay)." The book was dedicated to the political and political-economic themes and brought the author fame. In the 50s, Hume studied writing the history of England, though this has awakened to his hatred of the English, Scots, Irish, clergy, and many other patriots. But after the release of the second volume of the "History of England" in 1756, public opinion has changed dramatically, and the appearance of these volumes, the publication found a significant audience, and not only in England but on the continent. In 1763, after the war between England and France, Hume as secretary of the British embassy in the courtyard of Versailles was invited to the capital of France, where he was recognized for his work on the history of England. Criticism of Hume to the religious fanatics approved Voltaire and Helvetius. However, the praise from other philosophers manifested itself because of their intense correspondence with Hume, for their interests and views in many ways similar. Particular impression on Helvetia, Turgot and other educators made ​​a "Natural History of Religion," published in 1757 in the book "Four thesis." In 1769, Hume established in Edinburgh Philosophical Society, where he acted as secretary. In this circle were: Adam Ferguson, Adam Smith, Alexander Monroe, William Cullen, Joseph Black, Blair Hughes and others. Shortly before his death, Hume wrote "Autobiography." In it, he described himself as gentle, open, sociable and cheerful person, who had a weakness for literary fame, which, however, "never harden my character, despite the frequent failure". [2] Hume died of bowel cancer in August 1776 at the age of 65 years.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
david hume was born in 1711 in the family небогатого nobleman of the legal practice, the owner of a small estate. hume attended the university of edinburgh, where he received a legal education.worked in the diplomatic missions of england in europe. already in his youth was a special interest in philosophy and literature. after a visit to bristol with commercial purpose, you fail.he went in 1734, france.

hume started the philosophical work in 1738, and published the first two parts of "a treatise of human природе», where he tried to determine the basic principles of human knowledge.hume discusses on determining the accuracy of any knowledge and belief in him. hume thought that the knowledge is based on experience, which consists of perceptions (impressions, have human feelingsaffects, emotions). under the ideas of weak images per room per these impressions in thinking and рассуждении. [1]

next year is the third part of the treatise. the first part was devoted to human cognition.then he has elaborated these ideas and published in a separate paper, "the study on the human познании».

in 1741 and 1742 hume published his book" moral and political essays (essay). "the book was dedicated to the political and political and economic topics and brought the famous. in the 1950s, hume was the book the history of england, although this brought to his hatred of the english, scots,the irish patriots, impossible, and many others. but after the release of the second volume of the "history of england in the year 1756, public opinion has changed dramatically and the appearance of the following volumesthe publication is a large audience and not only in england and on the continent.

in 1763, after the end of the war between england and francehume as secretary of the british embassy in версальском yard was invited to the capital of france, where he was recognized for his work on the history of england.criticism of yuma in the religious fanatics by voltaire and гельвеций. however, the praise by other philosophers manifested because of their extensive correspondence with юмом, because their interests and views largely converged.special impression at helvetia, тюрго and other educators has "natural history of religion" that in 1757 the "four диссертации».

in 1769, hume created in edinburgh philosophical societywhere he served as secretary. at the club included: adam ferguson, adam smith, alexander munro, william cullen, joseph black, hugh blair and others.

shortly before his death, hume wrote "автобиографию».in it, he described himself as кроткого общительного, open, and a man with a weakness for literary glory, that is, "never ожесточала my character, despite frequent неудачи» [2]

.hume died of bowel cancer in august of 1776 at the age of 65 years.
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