1. Информационные системы «Оптовик» («Хабаровский Оптовик», «Оптовик В перевод - 1. Информационные системы «Оптовик» («Хабаровский Оптовик», «Оптовик В английский как сказать

1. Информационные системы «Оптовик»

1. Информационные системы «Оптовик» («Хабаровский Оптовик», «Оптовик Владивостока», «Оптовик Благовещенска», «Оптовик Уссурийска», «Оптовик Комсомольска», «Оптовик Сахалина», «Оптовик Якутии»);
2. Адресно-телефонные справочники «АТС-Директор», «АТС-Офис», «АТС-Домашний»;
3. Комплекс «Just» (Каталог товаров и услуг «JustOffice», глянцевый журнал для руководителей предприятий «JustСео») ;
4. Многотиражная еженедельная газета «Давай»;
5. Интернет-портал: www.pricedv.ru
6. Сайт бесплатных объявлений www.davayvse.ru
7. Сайт www.atsdv.ru
Высшим органом управления общества является общее собрание участников общества. Участники общества проводят ежегодные заседания не ранее чем через два месяца и не позднее, чем четыре месяца после окончания финансового года. Руководство текущей деятельностью общества осуществляется единоличным исполнительным органом общества – Директором общества, назначаемым на должность общим собранием участников общества сроком на три года. Структура аппарата управления предприятием организована по линейно-функциональному принципу - форма управления организацией, в которой комбинируется линейное и функциональное управление. При такой схеме директор общества осуществляет линейное воздействие на всех участников структуры, а руководители функциональных подразделений оказывают функциональное воздействие на исполнителей определенного круга функций и работ: производственных, проектных, финансовых, информационных и др. Это позволяет сочетать централизацию и децентрализацию в управлении одновременно. Функциональная структура управления имеет как положительные, так и отрицательные моменты.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. information systems "OPTOVIK" ("Khabarovsk Wholesaler", "Wholesaler Vladivostok," "Wholesaler," "Blagoveschensk Wholesaler Ussuriisk», «Komsomolskaya», «Wholesaler Wholesaler of Sakhalin," "Wholesaler of Yakutia»);2. Address-telephone directories "PBX-PBX Director", "Office", "АТС-home";3. Set "Just" (catalogue of goods and services «JustOffice», a glossy magazine for managers of enterprises "JustSeo");4. Large circulation weekly newspaper "come on";5. Internet Portal: www.pricedv.ru6. the site www.davayvse.ru free classified ads7. Website www.atsdv.ruThe Supreme management body of the company is the general meeting of shareholders. Shareholders hold annual meeting not earlier than two months and not later than four months after the end of the fiscal year. The day-to-day activities of the society is carried out by the sole executive body of the company is the Director of the society, appointed by the company's General participants ' meeting for a period of three years. Structure of enterprise management is organized by linear functional principle-form of management organization, in which the combined linear and functional management. Under this scheme, the Director of the society performs a linear impact on all participants in the structure, and the heads of functional units have a functional impact on performers of a certain range of functions and activities: production, project, financial, informational, etc. This allows combining centralization and decentralization in governance at the same time. Functional management structure has both positive and negative points.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Information systems "Wholesaler" ("Khabarovsk wholesaler" "wholesaler Vladivostok", "Wholesaler Blagoveshchensk", "Wholesaler of Ussuriisk," "Wholesaler Komsomolsk", "Wholesaler of Sakhalin", "Wholesaler of Yakutia");
2. Address and telephone directory "ATC director", "exchange office", "ATS-Home";
3. Complex «Just» (Catalog of goods and services «JustOffice», glossy magazine for business leaders "JustSeo");
4. Cost-weekly "Come";
5. Internet portal: www.pricedv.ru
6. Free classifieds www.davayvse.ru
7. Site www.atsdv.ru
supreme governing body is the general meeting of the company. Members of the company have annual meeting no earlier than two months and no later than four months after the end of the fiscal year. Management of the Company by the sole executive body of the Company - Directors of the Company appointed by the general meeting of the company for three years. The structure of the management company is organized in a linear-functional principle - a form of management of the organization, which combines linear and functional management. In this scheme of Directors carries out a linear effect on all the participants of the structure and functional managers have a functional effect on the performers a certain range of functions and activities: manufacturing, engineering, finance, information and others. This allows the combination of centralization and decentralization in the management of time. The functional structure of control has both positive and negative points.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. information systems "оптовик» (khabarovsk оптовик»," владивостока» wholesale dealer, "благовещенска» wholesale dealer," уссурийска» wholesale dealer, "комсомольска» wholesale dealer," сахалина» wholesale dealer, "wholesale dealer якутии»)
2.specifically, telephone directories, the pbx is a pbx - director, "office" one - t;
3. the Just» (catalogue of goods and services "JustOffice», glossy magazine for leaders of enterprises" Justсео»)
4.многотиражная weekly newspaper "here;
5. internet portal, www.pricedv.ru
6. the website free ads www.davayvse.ru
7. the site www.atsdv.ru
the supreme governing body of the society is the general meeting of members of society.the society holds an annual meeting, not earlier than two months and no later than four months after the end of the financial year.the day-to-day management of the society is the sole executive body of society is the society appointed to the post of the general members' meeting of society for a period of three years.the structure of company management is organized on the principle of linear functional form for the management of the organization, which combined linear and functional management.in such a scheme, the society has a linear effect on all parties structureand the functional units have a functional impact on the performances of a range of functions and construction, production, project, financial, information and so on.this allows the combination of centralization and decentralization in the management at the same time. functional management structure has both positive and negative points.
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