Некоторые сцены романа при всей их реалистической достоверности, нарочитой насыщенности натуралистическими подробностями исполнены истинной патетики. Такова, например, сцена появления на свет младенца в семье шахтера Джо Моргана. Доктор Мэнсон принимает роды у жены Моргана поздней ночью после тяжелого рабочего дня. Он не только утомлен, но вымотан до крайности, однако не позволяет себе ни на час отлучиться из дома бурильщика, жена которого ожидает появления на свет ребенка. Случай особый: Морганы знают, что этот ребенок может быть единственным у них, второго уже не будет, и ждут его, но младенец появляется на свет бездыханным. «Дрожь ужаса пронзила Эндрью, когда он посмотрел на неподвижное тельце. После всего, что он обещал родным! Его лицо, разгоряченное от усилий, вдруг похолодело. Он стоял в нерешимости, колеблясь между желанием попробовать оживить новорожденного и необходимостью заняться матерью, которая и сама была в опасном состоянии». Делая отчаянные усилия, Мэнсон успевает спасти и мать, и младенца, холодеющее тельце которого повитуха вместе с мокрым тряпьем уже засунула под кровать. После упорной борьбы, совершив, казалось бы, невозможное, Мэнсон ощутил движение маленького тельца, «… и вдруг — о чудо! — крохотная грудь под его руками судорожно, коротко дрогнула, поднялась. Потом опять. В третий раз. У Эндрью закружилась голова. Это биение жизни, внезапно возникшее под его пальцами после стольких тщетных усилий, было так чудесно, что от волнения ему чуть не стало дурно. Он лихорадочно удвоил усилия. Ребенок задышал все глубже и глубже». Битва за жизнь была выиграна. «Было около пяти часов утра и совсем светло. На улицах попадались уже шахтеры: это шла домой первая смена. Измученный, едва передвигая ноги, Эндрью шел рядом с ними, и шаги его звучали в такт их шагам под утренним небом. Забыв обо всей своей прежней работе в Блэнелли, слепой ко всему вокруг, он твердил про себя: „Господи, наконец-то! Наконец-то я сделал что-то настоящее!“»
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Some scenes of the novel while realistic accuracy, deliberate saturation naturalistic details are executed to the true pathos. This, for example, the scene appearance on light of the baby in the family of Miner Joe Morgan. Dr. Manson takes genera Morgan's wife late at night after a hard day's work. He not only tired, but exhausted to the extreme, however, does not allow yourself an hour leave from home driller, whose wife is expecting the birth of a child. Special case: the Morgans know that this child may be the only second they won't be waiting for him, but the baby is born breathless. "Shiver of horror pierced Andrew when he looked at the still body. After all that he has promised relatives! His face, hot from the effort, suddenly poholodelo. He stood in indecision, hesitation between the desire to try to revive the newborn and the need to deal with his mother, who was herself in a dangerous position. " Making desperate efforts, Manson manages to save both mother and baby, holodeûŝee Taurus which midwife together with wet rags already put under the bed. After a hard struggle, carrying out seemingly impossible, Manson felt the movement of a small calf. and suddenly — what a miracle! -tiny breasts under his hands frantically, briefly wavered, rose. Then again. For the third time. From Andrew dizzy. This beating life suddenly arising under his fingers after many futile efforts, was so wonderfully that the excitement he almost became badly. He frantically redoubled efforts. Child zadyšal deeper and deeper. Battle for life has been won. "It was about five in the morning and quite light. On the streets there were already the miners: it was home to the first change. Exhausted, barely moving his feet, Andrew was walking beside them, and the steps it sounded in time their steps under the morning sky. Forgetting about all his previous work in Blènelli, blind to all around, he kept saying to myself, "my God, finally! Finally I've done something now! "
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Some scenes of the novel, despite their realistic credibility, deliberate saturation naturalistic details are full of true pathos. Such, for example, the scene appears on the baby born in the family of a miner Joe Morgan. Dr. Manson takes birth from the wife of Morgan late at night after a hard day's work. He not only tired but exhausted to the extreme, however, does not allow himself even for an hour to absent himself from home driller, whose wife waits for birth of a child. Special case: Morgan knows that this child may be the only theirs, the second will not be, and are waiting for him, but the baby is born lifeless. "A shiver of horror shot through Andrew, when he looked at the motionless body. After all that he had promised the native! His face flushed with the effort, he suddenly went cold. He stood undecided, wavering between the desire to try to revive the newborn and the need to take his mother, who was herself in a dangerous state. " By making desperate efforts Manson manages to save both the mother and the baby, whose body growing cold midwife with wet rags already tucked under the bed. After a hard struggle, having made the seemingly impossible, Manson felt a little body movement, "... and suddenly - a miracle! - Tiny chest under his arms frantically, briefly faltered, rose. Then again. The third time. Andrew dizzy. This pulsation of life, suddenly emerged under his fingers after so many vain efforts, it was so wonderful that excitement he almost became ill. He redoubled his efforts feverishly. The child began to breathe deeper and deeper. " The battle for life has been won. "It was about five o'clock in the morning and quite light. On the streets of the miners they have come across: it was home to the first change. Exhausted, barely moving his feet, Andrew was walking next to them, and his steps sounded in time with their steps under the morning sky. Forgetting about all his previous work in Blenelli, blind to everything around, he kept saying to myself: "My God, finally! Finally I did something now! ' "
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
some scenes of the novel, while the realistic reliability, нарочитой saturation naturalistic details are true патетики. that is, for example, the birth of a baby in the family miner joe morgan. dr. manson takes birth from his wife morgan late at night after a hard day"s work. he is not only tired, but tired to extremes, however, does not allow a one hour away from home бурильщика wife awaited the arrival of the baby. case a: morgana knows that this child may be the only one they have, there will be no second, waiting for him, but the baby is born бездыханным. "creepy horror was andrew, when he looked at the stationary body. after all, he"s promised to mother. his face, разгоряченное from work, suddenly grew cold. he was standing in the нерешимости is between the desire to try to revive the newborn and the need to do the mother, which itself was in a dangerous state. making desperate efforts, manson manages to save both mother and baby, холодеющее body which the midwife with wet rags are put under the bed. after a painful struggle by the seemingly impossible, manson felt the little calf, "... and suddenly the miracle! is a tiny chest under his hands continuously, briefly slipped up. then again. for the third time. andrew got dizzy. this is the life, suddenly emerged under his fingers after so many failed efforts, was so great that he was sick with worry. he is the double efforts. the baby breathed deeper and further explore ". fight for life was won. "it was about five o"clock in the morning and very bright. on the street it"s the miners, it was home to the first shift. exhausted, barely moving legs, andrew went with them, and the steps it was through their steps in the morning sky. forget about all your other work in блэнелли, blind to everything around him, he said to himself: „господи, finally! i finally do something now! "
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