Автор статьи посвятил тему о выборе практики адвоката в праве. 1.Хотел перевод - Автор статьи посвятил тему о выборе практики адвоката в праве. 1.Хотел английский как сказать

Автор статьи посвятил тему о выборе

Автор статьи посвятил тему о выборе практики адвоката в праве.

1.Хотелось бы кратко отметить, что адвокаты бывают как широкого профиля, так и узкого. данный текст указывает на то, что лучше быть адвокатом широкого профиля, потому что есть больше шансов получить работу. Так, взяв в пример врача общего профиля, автор указывает на то, что обычный терапевт чаще всего может обойтись без специалистов узкого профиля.
2. Хочу возразить по этому поводу, потому что считаю, что специалист узкого профиля намного больше знает и обладает бесценным опытом, нежели адвокат широкого профиля. Все знать невозможно.
Также автор подмечает, что общение между адвокатом и его клиентом – строго засекречено. Клиент должен принимать активное участие в работе адвоката, так как его показания могут помочь выиграть заседание в суде или решить договорное соглашение на выгодных условиях.
3. В заключении я хочу сказать, что данная статья выражает лишь суждение автора. Каждый человек должен сам выбирать специальность: узкого или широкого профиля, полагаясь только на свое мнение и желание.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The author dedicated topic about selecting a lawyer practices law. 1. I would like to briefly point out that lawyers are as wide and narrow. the text indicates that it is better to be a lawyer, because there are more likely to get the job done. So, taking the example of the doctor, the author points out that the usual therapist often can do without professional narrow profile. 2. I want to argue about this, because I think the specialist narrow profile is much more aware and has invaluable experience, rather than a lawyer. All know is impossible. The author also noted that communication between the lawyer and his client is strictly secret. The client should participate actively in the work of the lawyer, because his testimony could help win the meeting in court or settle contractual agreement on beneficial terms. 3. In conclusion, I want to say that this article expresses only the judgement of the author. Everyone must choose: a narrow specialty or generalist, relying only on their opinion and desire.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The author has devoted the topic of choosing a lawyer to practice law. 1.Hotelos briefly noted that lawyers are both generalist and narrow. This text indicates that it is better to be a lawyer generalists, because there are more chances to get a job. So, taking the example of the general practitioner, the author points out that the usual therapist often can not do without specialists narrow profile. 2. I want to argue about this, because I believe that the specialist narrow profile much more aware and have valuable experience, rather than generalist lawyer. All know it is impossible. The author also notices that communication between a lawyer and his client - is strictly classified. The client must take an active part in the work of the lawyer, as his testimony could help win a court session or resolve a contractual agreement on favorable terms. 3. In conclusion, I want to say that this article expresses only the opinion of the author. Each person must choose his specialty: a narrow or wide profile, relying on the opinion and desire.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the author of the article to the theme of choice of counsel in the law.

1.хотелось would briefly note that lawyers are as generalist, and narrow. the text indicatesit is better to be a generalist, because there are more chances to get a job. so, taking an example of a general hospital, the author points out, thewhat a therapist often can do without the professional narrow profile.
2. i want to say about it, because i believe that a narrow profile knows a lot of valuable experiencerather than a generalist. to know everything is impossible.
the author notices that the communication between lawyer and client are strictly classified. the client should take an active part in the work of the lawyeras his testimony could help win meeting in court or to decide a contractual agreement on favorable terms.
3. in conclusion, i want to say that this article expresses a judgment of the author.each person has to choose a specialty: the narrow or broad range, relying only on his mind and desire.
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