Эпоха царствования Дома Романовых (1613 – 1917 гг.) – это время освоен перевод - Эпоха царствования Дома Романовых (1613 – 1917 гг.) – это время освоен английский как сказать

Эпоха царствования Дома Романовых (

Эпоха царствования Дома Романовых (1613 – 1917 гг.) – это время освоения Россией европейского и отечественного опыта культурного строительства, в том числе образования. Создание Петербургского и Московского университетов, Академии наук, Российской академии, Академии художеств, развитие традиций духовного и светского образования, народной школы, дворянского воспитания характеризовалось не только императорским вниманием, но и усилиями передовых просветителей, деятелей литературы и искусства. За эти три века Россия сумела развиться в одно из ведущих государств в интеллектуальной сфере, создать уникальное и мощное художественное образование, определившее высший уровень подготовки творческих кадров и в ХХ веке. Имея великолепные традиции, творчески освоенный опыт других народов, Российская педагогика в сфере культуры и искусства сегодня – одно из немеркнущих достоинств мировой цивилизации.
Книга В. П. Демина, заслуженного деятеля искусств России, доктора искусствоведения, профессора, академика Российской академии образования, основана на многочисленных свидетельствах людей той эпохи, документальных подтверждениях, размышлениях современников описываемых времен. Издание адресовано всем людям, неравнодушным к отечественной культуре.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The era of the reign of the House of Romanov (1613-1917 Gg.)-this time the development of Russia's European and domestic experience of the cultural construction, including education. Creation of Petersburg and Moscow universities, Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy, Academy of fine arts, developing traditions of spiritual and secular education, folk schools, noble upbringing was marked by not only the Emperor's attention, but also the efforts of the best educators, figures of literature and art. During these three centuries Russia has managed to develop into one of the leading States in the intellectual sphere, to create a unique and powerful arts education, has the highest level of training creative personnel and in the twentieth century. Having a magnificent tradition, creatively mastered other peoples experiences, Russian pedagogy in the field of culture and art today is one of the fascinating merits of world civilization.Book p. Demina, honored art worker of Russia, doctor of art criticism, Professor, academician of the Russian Academy of education, is based on numerous testimonies of people of that era, documentary evidence, thought contemporaries described times. Publication is addressed to all people, not indifferent to the domestic culture.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The era of the reign of the Romanov dynasty (1613 - 1917 gg.) - This time the development of Russian European and domestic experience of cultural development, including education. Create Petersburg and Moscow universities, the Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy, the Academy of Arts, the development of traditional spiritual and secular education, public school, noble upbringing was characterized by not only the attention of the emperor, but also the efforts of leading educators, writers and artists. During these three centuries, Russia has managed to develop into one of the leading states in the intellectual field, create a unique and powerful artistic education, which defined the highest level of creative personnel, and in the twentieth century. With great tradition, creative assimilation of the experience of other nations, Russian pedagogy in the field of culture and art today - one of the advantages of unfading world civilization.
The book VP Demin, Honored Artist of Russia, Doctor of Arts, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, based on numerous testimonies of people of that era, documented, thinking contemporaries described the times. The publication is addressed to all people, indifferent to our culture.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the reign of the romanov dynasty (1613 - 1917), is the time development of russia, european and domestic experience of cultural construction, including education.the establishment of st. petersburg and moscow university, academy of sciences, the russian academy, the academy of fine arts, the development of traditional spiritual and secular education, people's educationnoble education has not only the emperor's attention, but also the efforts of educators, leaders of literature and art.in these three years, russia has become one of the leading states in the intellectual sphere, to create a unique and powerful artistic educationthe highest level of training creative personnel and was in the 20th century. with a proud tradition of creative освоенный experience of other peoples.
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