Hello PhillУ меня есть к тебе вопрос, почему ты готов потратить больше перевод - Hello PhillУ меня есть к тебе вопрос, почему ты готов потратить больше английский как сказать

Hello PhillУ меня есть к тебе вопро

Hello Phill
У меня есть к тебе вопрос, почему ты готов потратить больше денег на полет, на гостиницу. Но не готов дать их мне, чтобы я купила билет. Получается, что ты не веришь мне? Как мы с тобой можем встретиться, если ты не веришь мне? Я бросаю мой дом, семью, трачу все сбережения, чтобы приехать к тебе. И все это зря! Потому что, раз я не богата, то значит не стоит мне помогать. Ты готов потратить деньги на поездку ко мне, но не готов помочь. Ты хочешь, чтобы твои деньги остались у тебя. Хорошо ты можешь делать, так, как ты хочешь. Но тогда мы не встретимся, я доверилась к тебе, и поехала в другую страну. Но ты не готов довериться мне! Так у нас не получиться отношений!
Ты ищешь выход, чтобы я могла приехать к тебе. Выход чтобы и дальше бояться. Ты не хочешь побороть свой страх. Побороть свою слабость и просто поверить. Всем бывает очень сложно, всем. И тут как испытание нашим чувствам. И если ты любишь меня. То ты сможешь дать деньги мне. И приеду я все отдам. Но я не могу просить тебя об этом. Ты должен решить это сам. Сам решить, что для тебя важно. Любовь или деньги. Если ты все-таки побоишься довериться мне, то я пойму тебя. Но понимаешь, потом у нас не получиться отношений. Потому что у нас появилась сложная ситуация и ты не доверился мне. Понимаешь, я девушка и много боюсь. И я не смогу быть с человеком, который в сложной ситуации выбрал деньги, а не меня. Знаешь ну вот что такое деньги, что? Понимаешь, ты заработаешь эти деньги. Ты можешь купить, что-либо на эти деньги. Но все это когда ни будь, пропадет. У тебя пропадут воспоминания о машине, которую ты купил. Ты забудешь телевизор, что ты купил. Ты все это забудешь. Phill, ты не помнишь всех денег, что ты заработал. Но ты помнишь любовь, и ее ты будешь всегда помнить. Понимаешь не в деньгах счастье. Так что просто реши сам, что для тебя важней. Я пишу тебе все это, чтобы ты не сделал самую большую ошибку. Я пишу это, потому что дорожу тобой. Но если ты выберешь деньги, я уже не смогу поверить тебе. Я верю в твои чувства, верю, что ты любишь меня. Я верю в это. Я верю тебе. Но сейчас как испытание для нас. Для тебя, для меня. Это испытание. И ты должен выбрать или я буду с тобой, или ты будешь с деньгами. За своё счастье нужно бороться. Иногда приходиться страдать. Но без страдания ты ни когда не почувствуешь счастья. Ты не сможешь быть счастливым полностью ни отдав, ни чего взамен. Есть законы вселенной. Всегда нужно чем-то пожертвовать, чтобы что-то получить. Просто сядь и подумай. Подумай что действительно важно. Что для тебя важно? Эти законы правила, деньги? Это важно. Законы, которые ограничивают людей. Законы, которые не делают людей счастливыми. Мы каждый год платим, деньги государству, платим налоги. А за что? За то чтобы быть свободными? они лишают нас нашего права быть свободными. Мы платим за все. Но боимся заплатить за любовь. Боимся рискнуть и быть счастливыми. Боимся просто поверить в правду и счастье. Да если бы я была рядом, ты отдал бы любые деньги. Я верю в это. Но я не рядом. И это испытание. Решать тебе дорогой я буду с тобой, если ты будешь помогать мне. Или я не приеду, если ты не поможешь мне.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hello PhillI have to you question why you're willing to spend more money on a flight, a hotel. But not ready to give them to me, so I bought a ticket. It turns out that you do not believe me? As you can see, if you do not believe me? I throw my home, family, spend all their savings to come to you. And all this for nothing! Because once I'm not rich, that means it's not worth me help. Are you ready to spend money on a trip to me, but not willing to help. You want your money you have left. Well you can do as you want. But then we meet, I trusted you, and went into another country. But you're not ready to trust me! So we didn't get a relationship!Are you looking for a way out, so I can come to you. Output to be afraid. You don't want to overcome your fear. Overcome your weakness and just believe. All is very difficult for everyone. And here as a test of our senses. And if you love me. You can give the money to me. Come and I'll give it all. But I can't ask you about it. You must solve it myself. Decide what is important to you. Love or money. If you're still poboish'sja trust me, then I will catch you. But understand, then we fail relationship. Because we have a tough situation and you don't trust me. I mean, I'm a girl and a lot of fear. And I can't be with someone who's in a difficult situation chose money, not me. You know well what is money? You know, you earn this money. You can buy anything with the money. But all this is when neither be lost. You will have memories of the car that you bought. You will forget the tv that you bought. You will forget all this. Phill, you don't remember all the money that you earned. But do you remember love, and her you will always remember. Realize happiness is not in money. So just solve itself, that is more important for you. I am writing you all this is that you have not made the biggest mistake. I write this because I value you. But if you chose to purchase the money I have I can not believe you. I believe in your feelings, I believe that you love me. I believe in it. I believe you. But now as a test for us. For you, for me. The purpose of this test. And you must choose or will I be with you, or are you going with the money. For happiness must be fought. Sometimes have to suffer. But without suffering you never feel happiness. You can't be happy totally nor giving anything, in return. There are laws of the universe. Always have to sacrifice something to get something. Just sit and think. Think that's really important. What is important to you? These laws are rules, money? This is important. Laws that restrict people. Laws that do not make people happy. Every year we pay money to the State, pay taxes. And for what? For something to be free? they deprive us of our right to be free. We pay for everything. But afraid to pay for love. Afraid to take a chance and be happy. Afraid to just believe in truth and happiness. Yes if I was next, you would give any money. I believe in it. But I'm not close. And test it out. Deal with you dear I will be with you, if you will help me. Or I don't come, if you don't help me.Kathleen
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Hello Phill
I have a question for you, why are you willing to spend more money on flight, hotel. But it is not willing to give them to me, so I bought a ticket. It turns out that you do not believe me? How can we meet with you if you do not believe me? I throw my home, family and spend all the savings to come to you. And all this in vain! Because, again, I is not rich, it means it is not necessary to help me. Are you ready to spend the money on a trip to see me, but not willing to help. You want your money you have left. Well you can do as you want. But then we meet, I trusted in thee, and went to another country. But you're not ready to trust me! So we do not get the relationship!
You're looking out, so that I could come to you. Exit to continue to be afraid of. You do not want to overcome your fear. Overcome your weakness and simply believe. Everyone is very difficult for everyone. And then as a test of our senses. And if you love me. What can you give me the money. And I come, I will give everything. But I can not ask you about it. You have to work it out himself. Sam decide what is important to you. Love or money. If you still battered trust me, I understand you. But you know, then we do not get the relationship. Because we have a difficult situation and you do not trust me. You see, I'm a girl and I'm afraid a lot. And I can not be with a man who in a difficult situation, chose the money, not me. You know well, that's what money is that? You see, you will earn money. You can buy anything on the money. But when it may be, will be gone. You have lost the memory of the machine you bought. You will forget the TV that you bought. You will forget all this. Phill, you do not remember all the money that you earned. But do you remember love, and it you will always remember. I mean not in money happiness. So just Solve itself, which is important for you. I am writing all this to you not made the biggest mistake. I am writing this because I value you. But if you choose the money, I can not believe you. I believe in your feelings, I believe that you love me. I believe in it. I believe you. But now as a test for us. For you, for me. This is a challenge. And you have to choose, or I will be with you, or you're with the money. For happiness must be fought. Sometimes you suffer. But without suffering or when you do not feel happiness. You can not be fully happy or giving, or anything in return. There are laws of the universe. You always have to sacrifice something to get something. Just sit down and think. Think about what is really important. What is important to you? These laws rules, the money? It is important. Laws that restrict people. Laws that do not make people happy. Every year we pay money to the state, pay taxes. For what? For that to be free? They deprive us of our right to be free. We pay for everything. But we are afraid to pay for love. We are afraid to take a chance and be happy. We are afraid to simply believe in the truth and happiness. Yes, if I was there, you would have given any money. I believe in it. But I'm not there. And this test. I'll be up to you dear to you, if you help me. Or I will not come if you do not help me.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
hello Philli have a question to ask you, why are you willing to spend more money to go to the hotel. but not ready to give them to me, so i bought the ticket. it turns out that you don"t believe me? as we can see, if you don"t believe me? i"m leaving my home, family, spend all the savings to come to you. and all this for nothing. because, if i"m not rich, then you don"t have to help me. are you willing to spend money on a trip with me, but not willing to help. you want your money left to you. well you can do what you want. but then i don"t see you, i trusted you, and went into another country. but you"re not ready to trust me! so we don"t have a relationship!are you looking for a way out, so i can come to you. way to keep fear. you don"t want to face your fear. to overcome their weakness and just believe. all is very difficult. and as a test of our feelings. and if you love me. can you give me the money. and i"ll be there, i promise. but i can"t ask you about it. you have to decide that for yourself. decide what"s important to you. love or money. if you are afraid to trust me, i understand you. but you know, then we don"t have a relationship. because we have a difficult situation and you don"t trust me. you know, i"m a girl, and a lot of fear. and i can"t be with someone who is in a difficult situation chose money, not me. you know well that"s the money? you know, you"re gonna get the money. you can buy anything on that money. but all of that is when any of it. you have lost the memories of the car that you bought. you forget the tv that you bought. you"ll have forgotten all about this. Phill, don"t you remember all the money you earned. but you remember love, and you will always remember. you know it"s not about money. so just do myself, what you done. i write this to you made a big mistake. i write this because i care about you. but if you choose the money, i can"t believe you. i believe in your feelings, i believe that you love me. i believe in it. i believe you. but now, as a test for us. for you, for me. this is a test. and you have to choose, or i"m gonna be with you, or you"ll be in the money. for all the happiness you have to fight. sometimes you have to suffer. but without the suffering you never feel the happiness. you can"t be happy with completely no, nothing in return. there are laws of the universe. always have to give something up to get something. just sit and think. think about what"s really important. what"s important to you? these laws, regulations, the money? it"s important. laws that restrict people. laws that don"t make people happy. we every year pay, money the state, pay taxes. as for what? for to be free? they deprive us of our right to be free. we pay
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