Уважаемые дамы и господа! Несколько часов назад в Соединённых Штатах А перевод - Уважаемые дамы и господа! Несколько часов назад в Соединённых Штатах А английский как сказать

Уважаемые дамы и господа! Несколько

Уважаемые дамы и господа! Несколько часов назад в Соединённых Штатах Америки завершились президентские выборы. Мы внимательно следили за этой кампанией, хочу поздравить американский народ с завершением избирательного цикла, а господина Дональда Трампа – с победой на этих выборах.

Мы слышали предвыборные заявления ещё кандидата в Президенты Соединённых Штатов, которые были направлены на восстановление отношений между Россией и Соединёнными Штатами. Мы понимаем и отдаём себе отчёт в том, что это будет непростой путь – с учётом той деградации, в которой, к сожалению, находятся отношения между США и Россией. И это, как я уже неоднократно говорил, не наша вина, что российско-американские отношения находятся именно в таком состоянии. Но Россия готова и хочет восстановления полноформатных отношений с Соединёнными Штатами. Повторяю, исходим из того, что это будет непростой путь, но мы готовы пройти и свою часть и сделать всё, чтобы вернуть российско-американские отношения на устойчивую траекторию развития. Это пошло бы на пользу как российскому, так и американскому народам и позитивно сказалось бы на общем климате в мировых делах – учитывая особую ответственность России и США за поддержание глобальной стабильности и безопасности.

Уважаемые дамы и господа! На сегодняшней церемонии присутствуют главы 19 дипломатических миссий. По традиции скажу несколько слов об отношениях России с каждым из представляемых вами государств. Мы выступаем за развитие российско-новозеландских связей на взаимовыгодной основе. Рассчитываем на возобновление переговоров по соглашению о свободной торговле между Евразийским экономическим союзом и Новой Зеландией.

Наши отношения с Республикой Бурунди носят традиционно дружественный характер. Отмечу, что ведётся проработка совместных проектов в нефтегазовом и горнорудном секторах. И мы, конечно, желаем достижения в вашей стране скорейшей внутриполитической стабильности и национального согласия.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Dear ladies and gentlemen! A few hours ago in the United States culminated in the presidential election. We have followed this campaign, I want to congratulate the American people with the completion of the election cycle, and Mr Donald Trump-with a victory in these elections.We heard another statement the election of the candidate for Presidency of the United States, which were aimed at restoring relations between Russia and the United States. We understand and are aware that it will be a daunting way-taking into account the degradation, which, unfortunately, are the relations between the United States and Russia. And this, as I have repeatedly said, it is not our fault that Russian-American relations are in such a State. But Russia is ready and wants to restore full relations with the United States. Repeat, proceed from the premise that it will not be an easy path, but we are ready to go and your part and do everything to return u.s.-Russian relations on a stable path of development. That would benefit both Russian and American peoples and would have a positive impact on the overall climate in world affairs is given the special responsibility of the United States and Russia for the maintenance of global stability and security.Dear ladies and gentlemen! At today's ceremony, the present chapter 19 diplomatic missions. According to tradition, say a few words about the relations of Russia with each of your submissions to the States. We are in favour of the development of Russian-NZ relations on a mutually beneficial basis. Look forward to the resumption of negotiations for a free trade agreement between the Eurasian Economic Union and New Zealand.Our relations with the Republic of Burundi are traditionally friendly nature. I would like to note that the study is conducted joint projects in the oil, gas and mining sectors. And of course we wish to achieve in your country early internal political stability and national reconciliation.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Ladies and gentlemen! A few hours ago in the United States culminated in the presidential elections. We have closely followed the campaign, I want to congratulate the American people with the completion of the electoral cycle, and Mr. Donald Trump -. With a victory in these elections

we have heard campaign rhetoric still a candidate for the United States Presidents, which were aimed at the restoration of relations between Russia and the United States. We understand and are aware that it will be a difficult path - in view of the degradation in which, unfortunately, are the relations between the US and Russia. And this, as I have said many times, is not our fault that the Russian-American relations are in that state. But Russia is ready and wants to restore full relations with the United States. Again, we assume that it will be a difficult path, but we are ready to go and your part and do everything to return the US-Russian relations on a sustainable development path. This would benefit both the Russian and American people and the positive impact would be on the general climate in international affairs - especially given the Russian and US responsibility for maintaining global stability and security.

Ladies and Gentlemen! At today's ceremony, attended by the heads of diplomatic missions 19. By tradition, say a few words about Russia's relations with each of the countries represented by you. We stand for the development of Russia-New Zealand relations on a mutually beneficial basis. We look forward to the resumption of negotiations on a free trade agreement between the Eurasian Economic Union and New Zealand.

Our relations with the Republic of Burundi are traditionally friendly. I note that the authorities are considering joint projects in the oil and gas and mining sectors. And of course we want to achieve in your country as soon as possible of political stability and national reconciliation.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
ladies and gentlemen! a few hours ago in the united states in the presidential election. we have been closely following this campaign, i want to congratulate the american people with the completion of the electoral cycle, and mr. donald trump's victory in those elections.we heard the statement's presidential candidate in the united states, which were aimed at restoring relations between russia and the united states. we understand and we realize that it will not be an easy way is with respect to the degradation, which, unfortunately, is the relationship between the united states and russia. and this is, as i have repeatedly said, not our fault that the russian american relations are exactly like this. but russia is ready and wants to restore the full-length of relations with the united states. again, we believe that this will not be an easy road, but we are ready to go and your part and make it back to the russian american relations on a sustainable path of development. it would benefit both the russian and american peoples, and have a positive impact on the general climate in the affairs of the world, bearing in mind the special responsibility of russia and the united states for the maintenance of global stability and security.ladies and gentlemen! at today's ceremony in chapter 19 diplomatic missions. traditionally, say a few words about the relations of russia with each of the states submitted to you. we advocate the development of russian new zealand relations on a mutually beneficial basis. look forward to the resumption of negotiations on a free trade agreement between the eurasian economic union and new zealand.our relations with the republic of burundi are traditionally friendly nature. note that the end of the joint projects in the oil and gas, and mining sectors. and we, of course, want to achieve in your country as soon as possible, domestic political stability and national harmony.
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