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Тексты по английскому языку

На этой странице помещены тексты по английскому языку про "Черные дыры" и про "Электронику и микроэлектронику", которые нужны группам A и B1, занимающимся у Цапаевой Ю.А.

Если хотите, можете скачать заархивированную Word-овскую версию обоих текстов (11 163 байт, RAR 2.9).

Universe Teeming with Black Holes
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 18:34:21 UTC
For the first time, astronomers believe they have proof black holes of all sizes once ruled the universe. NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory provided the deepest X-ray images ever recorded, and those pictures deliver a novel look at the past 12 billion years of black holes. Two independent teams of astronomers today presented images that'contain the faintest X-ray sources ever detected, which include an abundance of active super-massive black holes. "The Chandra data show us that giant black holes were much more active in the past than at present," said Riccardo Giacconi, of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, and Associated Universities, Inc., Washington, DC. The exposure is known as "Chandra Deep Field South" since it is located in the Southern Hemisphere constellation of Fomax. "In this million-second image, we also detect relatively faint X-ray emission from galaxies, groups, and clusters of galaxies." The images, known as the Chandra Deep Fields, were obtained during many long exposures over the course of more than a year. Data from the Chandra Deep Field South will be placed in a public archive for scientists beginning today. "For the first time, we are able to use X-rays to look back to a time when normal galaxies were several billion years younger," said Ann Hornchemeier, Pennsylvania State University, University Park. The group's 500,000-second exposure included the Hubble Deep Field North, allowing scientists the opportunity to combine the power of Chandra and the Hubble Space Telescope, two of NASA's Great Observatories. The Penn State team recently acquired an additional 500,000 seconds of data, creating another one-million-second Chandra Deep Field, located in the constellation of Ursa Major. The images are called Chandra Deep Fields because they are comparable to the famous Hubble Deep Field in being able to see further and fainter objects than any image of the universe taken at Х-ray wavelengths. Both Chandra Deep Fields are comparable in observation time to the Hubble Deep Fields, but cover a much larger area of the sky. "In essence, it is like seeing galaxies similar to our own Milky Way at much earlier times in their lives," Hornschemeier added. "These data will help scientists better understand star formation and how stellar-sized black holes evolve." Combining infrared and X-ray observations, the Penn State team also found veils of dust and gas are common around young black holes. Another discovery to emerge from the Chandra Deep Field South is the detection of an extremely distant X-ray quasar, shrouded in gas and dust. "The discovery of this object, some 12 billion light years away, is key to understanding how dense clouds of gas form galaxies, with massive black holes at their centers," said Colin Norman of Johns Hopkins University. The Chandra Deep Field South results were complemented by the extensive use of deep optical observations supplied by the European Southern Observatory in Garching, Germany. More information is available on the Internet at: "" and "".

More About Black Holes
When a star runs out of nuclear fuel, it will collapse. If the core, or central region of the star, has amass that is greater than three suns, no known nuclear forces can prevent the core from forming a black hole.
Anything that comes within a certain distance of the black hole, called the event horizon, cannot escape, not even light. The radius of the event horizon (proportional to the mass) is very small, only 30 kilometers for a non-spinning black hole with the mass often suns.
Since a black hole cannot be directly observed, astronomers must use circumstantial evidence to prove its existence. The bottom line is that the observations must. imply that a sufficiently large amount of matter is compressed into a sufficiently small region of space so that no other explanation is possible.
How can black holes be located? X-ray observations are extremely useful for finding black holes. The extreme gravity around black holes will produce X-rays when infalling gas is heated to millions of degrees. The best places to look for black holes are regions where large supplies of gas are available, such as double star systems, star forming regions, or the centers of galaxies.
Have different types of black holes been discovered? There is strong evidence for two types of black holes: stellar black holes with masses of a dozen or so suns, and supermassive black holes with masses of many millions of suns. Stellar black holes are formed as a natural consequence of the evolution of massive stars (see 1st paragraph). The ongin of supermassive black holes is a mystery. They are found only in the centers of galaxies. It is not known whether they formed in the initial collapse of the gas cloud that formed the galaxy, or from the gradual growth of a stellar mass black hole, or from the merger of a centrally located cluster of black holes, or by some other mechanism.
How do astronomers determine the mass of black holes? The mass of a stellar black hole can. be deduced by observing the orbital acceleration of a star as it .orbits its unseen companion. Likewise, the mass of a supermassive black hole can be determined by using the orbital acceleration of gas clouds swirling around the central black hole. When orbital acceleration cannot be used to establish the mass of a black hole, astronomers can place a lower limit on its mass by measuring the X-ray luminosity due to matter falling into a black hole. The pressure of the X-rays must be less than the pull of the black holers gravity. In the case of the black hole discovered in M82 this limits its mass to greater than 500 suns. The M82 black hole is much larger than known stellar black holes, and much smaller than supermassive black holes, thus it is called a "mid-mass" black hole.
What is the significance of a third type of black hole? Astrophysicists had come to believe that galactic centers were the "only piaces where conditions were right for the formation and growth of large or very large black holes. The discovery of a large, mid-mass black hole away from the galaxy's center shows that somehow-and it is not an easy task theoretically - black holes much more massive than ordinary stellar black holes can form in dense star clusters. Current possible explanations for the formation of mid-mass black holes includes such exotica as black hole mergers or the collapse of a hyperstar. An intriguing implication is that mid-mass black holes could prove to be a common feature in star forming regions of galaxies.


I. The intensive effort of electronics to increase the reliability and performance of its products while reducing their size and cost has led to the results that hardly anyone would have dared to predict.
The evolution of electronic technology is sometimes called a revolution. What we have seen has been a steady quantitative evolution: smaller and smaller electronic components performing increasingly complex electronic functions at ever higher speeds. And yet there has been a true revolution: a quantitative change in technology has given rise to qualitative change in human capabilities.
It all began with the development of the transistor.
Prior to the invention of the transistor in 1947 its function in an electronic circuit could be performed only by a vacuum tube. Tubes came in so many shapes and sizes and performed so many functions that in 1947 it seemed audacious to think that the transistor would be able to compete except in limited applications.
The first transistors had no striking advantage in size over the smallest tubes and they were more costly. The one great advantage the transistor had over the best vacuum tubes was exceedingly low power consumption. Besides they promised greater reliability and longer life. However it took years to demonstrate other transistor advantages.
With the invention of the transistor all essential circuit functions could be carried out inside solid bodies. The goal of creating electronic circuits with entirely solid-state components had finally been realized.
Early transistors, which were often described as being a size of a pea, were actually enormous on the scale at which electronic events take place, and therefore they were very slow. They could respond at a rate of a few million times a second; this was fast enough to serve in radio and hearing-aid circuits but far below the speed needed for high-speed computers or for microwave communication systems.
It was, in fact, the effort to reduce the size of transistors so that they could operate at higher speed that gave rise to the whole technology of microelectronics.
A microelectronics technology has shrunk transistors and other circuit elements to dimensions almost invisible to unaided eye.
The point of this extraordinary miniaturization is not so much to make circuits small per se as to make circuits that are rugged, long-lasting, low in cost and capable of performing electronic functions at extremely high speeds. It is known that the speed of response depends primarily on the size of transistor: the smaller the transistor, the faster it is.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
ifmo704.narod.ruТексты по английскому языку На этой странице помещены тексты по английскому языку про "Черные дыры" и про "Электронику и микроэлектронику", которые нужны группам A и B1, занимающимся у Цапаевой Ю.А. Если хотите, можете скачать заархивированную Word-овскую версию обоих текстов (11 163 байт, RAR 2.9). Universe Teeming with Black Holes Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 18:34:21 UTC Origin: HQ DEEPEST X-RAYS EVER REVEAL UNIVERSE TEEMING WITH BLACK HOLES For the first time, astronomers believe they have proof black holes of all sizes once ruled the universe. NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory provided the deepest X-ray images ever recorded, and those pictures deliver a novel look at the past 12 billion years of black holes. Two independent teams of astronomers today presented images that'contain the faintest X-ray sources ever detected, which include an abundance of active super-massive black holes. "The Chandra data show us that giant black holes were much more active in the past than at present," said Riccardo Giacconi, of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, and Associated Universities, Inc., Washington, DC. The exposure is known as "Chandra Deep Field South" since it is located in the Southern Hemisphere constellation of Fomax. "In this million-second image, we also detect relatively faint X-ray emission from galaxies, groups, and clusters of galaxies." The images, known as the Chandra Deep Fields, were obtained during many long exposures over the course of more than a year. Data from the Chandra Deep Field South will be placed in a public archive for scientists beginning today. "For the first time, we are able to use X-rays to look back to a time when normal galaxies were several billion years younger," said Ann Hornchemeier, Pennsylvania State University, University Park. The group's 500,000-second exposure included the Hubble Deep Field North, allowing scientists the opportunity to combine the power of Chandra and the Hubble Space Telescope, two of NASA's Great Observatories. The Penn State team recently acquired an additional 500,000 seconds of data, creating another one-million-second Chandra Deep Field, located in the constellation of Ursa Major. The images are called Chandra Deep Fields because they are comparable to the famous Hubble Deep Field in being able to see further and fainter objects than any image of the universe taken at Х-ray wavelengths. Both Chandra Deep Fields are comparable in observation time to the Hubble Deep Fields, but cover a much larger area of the sky. "In essence, it is like seeing galaxies similar to our own Milky Way at much earlier times in their lives," Hornschemeier added. "These data will help scientists better understand star formation and how stellar-sized black holes evolve." Combining infrared and X-ray observations, the Penn State team also found veils of dust and gas are common around young black holes. Another discovery to emerge from the Chandra Deep Field South is the detection of an extremely distant X-ray quasar, shrouded in gas and dust. "The discovery of this object, some 12 billion light years away, is key to understanding how dense clouds of gas form galaxies, with massive black holes at their centers," said Colin Norman of Johns Hopkins University. The Chandra Deep Field South results were complemented by the extensive use of deep optical observations supplied by the European Southern Observatory in Garching, Germany. More information is available on the Internet at: "" and "". Подробнее о черных дырах Когда звезда выбегает из ядерного топлива, это будет крах. Если ядро, или центральной части звезды, имеет соберем больше трех солнц, не известных ядерных сил может предотвратить ядро от формирования черной дыры. Все, что происходит в пределах определенного расстояния от черной дыры, называемый горизонт событий, не может бежать, даже не свет. Радиус горизонта событий (пропорциональна массе) очень мал, только 30 километров для non спиннинг черная дыра с массой часто солнц. Так как черная дыра невозможно наблюдать непосредственно, астрономы необходимо использовать улик чтобы доказать ее существование. Суть в том, что замечания должны. предполагают, что достаточно большое количество вещества сжимается в достаточно небольшой области пространства, так что никаких других объяснений возможно. Как можно найти черные дыры? Рентгеновские наблюдения являются чрезвычайно полезными для поиска черных дыр. Крайней тяжести вокруг черных дыр будет производить рентгеновские снимки, когда infalling газ нагревается до миллионов градусов. Лучшие места, чтобы искать черные дыры являются регионы, где имеются большие запасы газа, например систем двойная звезда, звезды, образуя регионы, или центров галактик. Были обнаружены различные типы черных дыр? Есть веские доказательства для двух типов черных дыр: Звездная черных дыр с массами десяток или около того солнц и сверхмассивных черных дыр с массами в миллионы солнц. Звездная черные дыры образуются как естественным следствием эволюции массивных звёзд (см. пункт 1). Ongin сверхмассивные чёрные дыры-это тайна. Они встречаются только в центрах галактик. Не известно ли они сформировались в начального коллапса облака газа, сформировали галактики, с постепенным ростом звездной массы черной дыры или от слияния расположен кластер, черные дыры, или другой механизм. Как Астрономы определяют массу черных дыр? Масса чёрной дыры звездной можно. быть выведен путем наблюдения орбитального ускорение звезды как он .orbits ее невидимого компаньона. Кроме того масса сверхмассивной чёрной дыры может определяться с помощью орбитальных ускорение газовых облаков, закрученного вокруг центральной чёрной дыры. Когда Орбитальная ускорение не может использоваться для создания массы черной дыры, астрономы можно поместить нижний предел на его массы путем измерения яркости рентгеновского из-за происходившее в черную дыру. Давление рентгеновских снимков должно быть меньше, чем черный забойщиков притяжения. В случае черной дыры обнаружены в M82 это ограничивает ее массы больше, чем 500 солнц. M82 черной дыры гораздо больше, чем известных звездных черных дыр и гораздо меньше, чем сверхмассивные чёрные дыры, поэтому его называют «середину массы» черная дыра. Что такое значение третьего типа черная дыра? Астрофизики пришли к считают, что галактические центры были «только piaces, где условия были для формирования и роста больших и очень больших черных дыр. Открытие большой, средней массы чёрной дыры от центра Галактики показывает, что как-то- и это не простая задача теоретически - черные дыры гораздо более массивные, чем обычные звездной черные дыры могут образовываться в плотных звездных скоплений. Текущие возможные объяснения для формирования средней массы черных дыр включает в себя такая экзотика, как черная дыра слияния или распада hyperstar. Интригующий подразумевает что середину массы черных дыр может оказаться общей чертой в звезды, образуя регионы галактики.ЭЛЕКТРОНИКА И МИКРОЭЛЕКТРОНИКА I. интенсивных усилий со стороны электроники для повышения надежности и производительности своей продукции при одновременном снижении их размер и стоимость привела к результатам, которые вряд ли кто бы осмелился предсказать. Эволюция электронной технологии иногда называют революцией. То, что мы видели был устойчивый количественная эволюция: меньше и меньше электронных компонентов, выполнение все более сложных электронных функций на более высоких скоростях. И еще там была настоящая революция: количественные изменения в технологии привело к качественным изменениям в человеческих возможностей. Все началось с развитием транзистор. До изобретения транзистора в 1947 году его функции в электронной схемы могут выполняться только вакуумной трубки. Трубы пришли в так много форм и размеров и выполнена так много функций, что в 1947 году казалось дерзких думать, что транзистор сможет конкурировать за исключением лимитированных заявок. Первые транзисторы имели не поразительное преимущество в размер за маленьких труб, и они были дороже. Одно большое преимущество, транзистор имел более лучшие вакуумные трубки был чрезвычайно низким энергопотреблением. Кроме того, они обещали большую надежность и долговечность. Однако понадобилось лет, чтобы продемонстрировать преимущества других транзистор. С изобретением транзистора все основные цепи функции может осуществляться внутри твердых тел. Наконец, была достигнута цель создания электронных схем с полностью твердотельные компоненты. Ранних транзисторов, которые часто описывались как размером с горошину, на самом деле огромны в масштабе, на которой электронные события происходят, и поэтому они были очень медленно. Они могут реагировать со скоростью несколько миллионов раз в секунду; Это было достаточно быстро, чтобы служить в радио и слуховой схемы, но гораздо ниже скорости, необходимой для высокоскоростных компьютеров или для микроволновых систем связи. Это было, в самом деле, попытка уменьшить размер транзисторов, таким образом, чтобы они могли работать на высокой скорости, что породило всей технологии микроэлектроники. Технологии микроэлектроники сократилась транзисторы и другие элементы схемы для измерения почти незаметны невооруженным глазом. Этот чрезвычайный миниатюризации суть не так много, чтобы сделать схемы малых само по себе о том, как сделать прочный, долговечный, низкой стоимости и могут выполнять электронные функции на чрезвычайно высоких скоростях линии. Известно, что скорость реакции зависит главным образом от размера транзистора: чем меньше транзисторов, тем быстрее это.
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Тексты по английскому языку

На этой странице помещены тексты по английскому языку про "Черные дыры" и про "Электронику и микроэлектронику", которые нужны группам A и B1, занимающимся у Цапаевой Ю.А.

Если хотите, можете скачать заархивированную Word-овскую версию обоих текстов (11 163 байт, RAR 2.9).

Universe Teeming with Black Holes
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 18:34:21 UTC
For the first time, astronomers believe they have proof black holes of all sizes once ruled the universe. NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory provided the deepest X-ray images ever recorded, and those pictures deliver a novel look at the past 12 billion years of black holes. Two independent teams of astronomers today presented images that'contain the faintest X-ray sources ever detected, which include an abundance of active super-massive black holes. "The Chandra data show us that giant black holes were much more active in the past than at present," said Riccardo Giacconi, of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, and Associated Universities, Inc., Washington, DC. The exposure is known as "Chandra Deep Field South" since it is located in the Southern Hemisphere constellation of Fomax. "In this million-second image, we also detect relatively faint X-ray emission from galaxies, groups, and clusters of galaxies." The images, known as the Chandra Deep Fields, were obtained during many long exposures over the course of more than a year. Data from the Chandra Deep Field South will be placed in a public archive for scientists beginning today. "For the first time, we are able to use X-rays to look back to a time when normal galaxies were several billion years younger," said Ann Hornchemeier, Pennsylvania State University, University Park. The group's 500,000-second exposure included the Hubble Deep Field North, allowing scientists the opportunity to combine the power of Chandra and the Hubble Space Telescope, two of NASA's Great Observatories. The Penn State team recently acquired an additional 500,000 seconds of data, creating another one-million-second Chandra Deep Field, located in the constellation of Ursa Major. The images are called Chandra Deep Fields because they are comparable to the famous Hubble Deep Field in being able to see further and fainter objects than any image of the universe taken at Х-ray wavelengths. Both Chandra Deep Fields are comparable in observation time to the Hubble Deep Fields, but cover a much larger area of the sky. "In essence, it is like seeing galaxies similar to our own Milky Way at much earlier times in their lives," Hornschemeier added. "These data will help scientists better understand star formation and how stellar-sized black holes evolve." Combining infrared and X-ray observations, the Penn State team also found veils of dust and gas are common around young black holes. Another discovery to emerge from the Chandra Deep Field South is the detection of an extremely distant X-ray quasar, shrouded in gas and dust. "The discovery of this object, some 12 billion light years away, is key to understanding how dense clouds of gas form galaxies, with massive black holes at their centers," said Colin Norman of Johns Hopkins University. The Chandra Deep Field South results were complemented by the extensive use of deep optical observations supplied by the European Southern Observatory in Garching, Germany. More information is available on the Internet at: "" and "".

More About Black Holes
When a star runs out of nuclear fuel, it will collapse. If the core, or central region of the star, has amass that is greater than three suns, no known nuclear forces can prevent the core from forming a black hole.
Anything that comes within a certain distance of the black hole, called the event horizon, cannot escape, not even light. The radius of the event horizon (proportional to the mass) is very small, only 30 kilometers for a non-spinning black hole with the mass often suns.
Since a black hole cannot be directly observed, astronomers must use circumstantial evidence to prove its existence. The bottom line is that the observations must. imply that a sufficiently large amount of matter is compressed into a sufficiently small region of space so that no other explanation is possible.
How can black holes be located? X-ray observations are extremely useful for finding black holes. The extreme gravity around black holes will produce X-rays when infalling gas is heated to millions of degrees. The best places to look for black holes are regions where large supplies of gas are available, such as double star systems, star forming regions, or the centers of galaxies.
Have different types of black holes been discovered? There is strong evidence for two types of black holes: stellar black holes with masses of a dozen or so suns, and supermassive black holes with masses of many millions of suns. Stellar black holes are formed as a natural consequence of the evolution of massive stars (see 1st paragraph). The ongin of supermassive black holes is a mystery. They are found only in the centers of galaxies. It is not known whether they formed in the initial collapse of the gas cloud that formed the galaxy, or from the gradual growth of a stellar mass black hole, or from the merger of a centrally located cluster of black holes, or by some other mechanism.
How do astronomers determine the mass of black holes? The mass of a stellar black hole can. be deduced by observing the orbital acceleration of a star as it .orbits its unseen companion. Likewise, the mass of a supermassive black hole can be determined by using the orbital acceleration of gas clouds swirling around the central black hole. When orbital acceleration cannot be used to establish the mass of a black hole, astronomers can place a lower limit on its mass by measuring the X-ray luminosity due to matter falling into a black hole. The pressure of the X-rays must be less than the pull of the black holers gravity. In the case of the black hole discovered in M82 this limits its mass to greater than 500 suns. The M82 black hole is much larger than known stellar black holes, and much smaller than supermassive black holes, thus it is called a "mid-mass" black hole.
What is the significance of a third type of black hole? Astrophysicists had come to believe that galactic centers were the "only piaces where conditions were right for the formation and growth of large or very large black holes. The discovery of a large, mid-mass black hole away from the galaxy's center shows that somehow-and it is not an easy task theoretically - black holes much more massive than ordinary stellar black holes can form in dense star clusters. Current possible explanations for the formation of mid-mass black holes includes such exotica as black hole mergers or the collapse of a hyperstar. An intriguing implication is that mid-mass black holes could prove to be a common feature in star forming regions of galaxies.


I. The intensive effort of electronics to increase the reliability and performance of its products while reducing their size and cost has led to the results that hardly anyone would have dared to predict.
The evolution of electronic technology is sometimes called a revolution. What we have seen has been a steady quantitative evolution: smaller and smaller electronic components performing increasingly complex electronic functions at ever higher speeds. And yet there has been a true revolution: a quantitative change in technology has given rise to qualitative change in human capabilities.
It all began with the development of the transistor.
Prior to the invention of the transistor in 1947 its function in an electronic circuit could be performed only by a vacuum tube. Tubes came in so many shapes and sizes and performed so many functions that in 1947 it seemed audacious to think that the transistor would be able to compete except in limited applications.
The first transistors had no striking advantage in size over the smallest tubes and they were more costly. The one great advantage the transistor had over the best vacuum tubes was exceedingly low power consumption. Besides they promised greater reliability and longer life. However it took years to demonstrate other transistor advantages.
With the invention of the transistor all essential circuit functions could be carried out inside solid bodies. The goal of creating electronic circuits with entirely solid-state components had finally been realized.
Early transistors, which were often described as being a size of a pea, were actually enormous on the scale at which electronic events take place, and therefore they were very slow. They could respond at a rate of a few million times a second; this was fast enough to serve in radio and hearing-aid circuits but far below the speed needed for high-speed computers or for microwave communication systems.
It was, in fact, the effort to reduce the size of transistors so that they could operate at higher speed that gave rise to the whole technology of microelectronics.
A microelectronics technology has shrunk transistors and other circuit elements to dimensions almost invisible to unaided eye.
The point of this extraordinary miniaturization is not so much to make circuits small per se as to make circuits that are rugged, long-lasting, low in cost and capable of performing electronic functions at extremely high speeds. It is known that the speed of response depends primarily on the size of transistor: the smaller the transistor, the faster it is.
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的宇宙Teeming with黑Holes Wed日期:2001年,三月18:34 14 UTC
For the first time,астрономы считают, что они имеют различные размеры, черная дыра правили вселенной доказательств.НАСА обеспечивает наиболее глубоко Чандра рентгеновского изображения предоставляет отчеты, эти фотографии в прошлом году черной дыры 12000000000 романы.две независимые группы астрономов сегодня предлагает изображения that'contain слабый источник рентгеновского излучения нашли,в том числе много активных сверхмассивной черной дыры ".Чандра данные показывают, что гигантские черные дыры в прошлом является более активно, чем сейчас ", - сказал 可尼 Риккардо цзя, Университет Джона Хопкинса, Балтимор, md, и соответствующие университет, компания, Washington, DC.называется "Чандра глубокого воздействия на местах, поскольку она находится в Южной" Созвездие "fomax в Южном полушарии.в это миллион второй образ, мы также обнаруживает относительно слабый рентгеновского излучения галактики, Скопления галактик,. "изображения, называется Чандра глубокой домен, в прошлом году много длительного воздействия получить много.из глубины поля Чандра Южной данные будут помещены в один из государственных архивов, ученые сегодня начал ".это в первый раз, мы можем использовать рентген, чтобы оглянуться, нормальной галактики является молодой миллиарды лет, "говорит Энн hornchemeier университет, Университет штата Пенсильвания, парк.500 000 секунд воздействия этой группы, включая глубокую поле Северной Хаббла,пусть ученых есть шанс объединить силы, Чандра и космический телескоп Хаббла, два крупных обсерватория НАСА.Университет штата Пенсильвания команда недавно получил дополнительные 500 000 секунд данных, создать в 一百万零二 из глубокой поля Чандра, находится в Большой Медведицы.изображения называется Чандра, потому что они могут видеть глубокую домен темнее, чем любое изображение цели в рентгеновские волны Х宇宙 и знаменитый Хаббл глубокой поля.Чандра наблюдений Хаббла в глубокой домена домена времени глубоко сопоставимыми, но охватывает более большой площади небо ".В сущности,как увидеть галактики млечный путь раньше, и мы в период в их жизни ", - добавил hornschemeier."Эти данные помогут ученым лучше понять Формирование звезды и черные дыры звездных размер эволюции., "в сочетании с инфракрасной и рентгеновских наблюдений, команда Университета штата Пенсильвания нашел вуаль газ и пыль вокруг черной дыры, молодой является общей.Еще один вывод из глубины поля Чандра Южной появление очень далеких квазаров рентгеновское, утонуло в газа и пыли ".этот объект, что около 12000000000 световых лет, ключ в том, чтобы понять, как плотные облака газа формирования галактик, огромная черная дыра в центре ", - говорит Колин Норман университета Джона Хопкинса.
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