В 1979 году публике был представлен первый в истории ноутбук Grid Compass, а его создатель, Уильям Могридж, стал первым человеком, попытавшимся воплотить идеи Алана Кея в конечном продукте настолько точно, насколько позволяли технологии того времени. Grid Compass был создан по заказу NASA и оказался настолько удачной разработкой, что им в начале 1980-х годов оснащались космические челноки USA. Внутри такого ноутбука находилось запоминающее устройство на цилиндрических магнитных дисках, имевшее емкость 340 килобайт. Корпус первого в своем роде ноутбука был выполнен из сплава магния, дисплей, представлявший из себя откидную крышку, был электролюминесцентным. Grid Compass в качестве процессора использовал Intel 8086, работавший на тактовой частоте 8 мегагерц. Интересен факт оснащения данной вычислительной машины модемом на 1200 бод/c. Ноутбук Grid Compass весил в пять раз меньше любого другого компьютера, обладавшего аналогичной производительностью, но не имел автономного питания и стоил около восьми тысяч долларов.
Но Grid Compass нельзя было назвать полноценным ноутбуком по той простой причине, что он не имел возможности автономной работы. Первый же реально мобильный компьютер, спроектированный Адамом Осборном специально для работы в поездках, был представлен в 1981 году и носил название история ноутбуков Osborne 1.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
In 1979 year audience was presented first in the history of the Grid Compass laptop and its creator, William Mogridzh, became the first person had attempted to embody ideas by Alan Kay in the final product as accurately as allow technology of the time. Grid Compass was created by request of NASA and was so successful that they develop in early 1980-ies were space shuttles USA. Inside the notebook was the storage device on cylindrical magnetic disks having a capacity of 340 kilobytes. Housing first-of-a-kind notebook was made of magnesium alloy, display, representing from themselves, the flap was an Electroluminescent. Grid Compass as an Intel 8086 used processor running at 8 megahertz. Interesting fact equip this computer modem at 1200 baud/c. Laptop Grid Compass weighed five times less than any other computer with similar performance, but did not have autonomous power supply and cost approximately eight thousand dollars.But the Grid Compass was not a full laptop for the simple reason that he was not able to work offline. The first truly mobile computer, designed by Adam Osbourne specifically for travel, was introduced in the year 1981 and was called history notebooks Osborne 1.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
In 1979, the public was presented the first ever laptop Grid Compass, and its creator, William Mogridzh, became the first person to try to translate the ideas of Alan Kay in the final product as closely as possible to the technology of the time. Grid Compass was created by NASA and the order has been so successful in developing, they at the beginning of the 1980s were equipped with space shuttles USA. Inside this notebook is read-only memory on cylindrical magnetic disks, which had the capacity of 340 kilobytes. The body of the first of its kind laptop is made of magnesium alloy, the display consists of a hinged lid, was EL. Grid Compass as CPU use Intel 8086, clocked at 8 MHz. Interestingly equip this computer modem to 1200 baud / c. Laptop Grid Compass weighed five times less than any other computer that has a similar performance, but did not have an autonomous power supply and cost about eight thousand dollars.
But the Grid Compass was hardly a full-fledged laptop for the simple reason that he did not have the ability to work offline. The first real mobile computer, designed by Adam Osborne specifically for use on the road, was introduced in 1981 and was called the Osborne 1 story notebook.
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