Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was Jim and he lived with  перевод - Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was Jim and he lived with  русский как сказать

Once upon a time there was a boy wh

Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was Jim and he lived with his mother in a little cottage.

They were very poor and the old woman had to work from early morning till late at night. She was a washer­woman.

Her son Jim was so lazy that he didn 't want to work at all. He only lay in the sun in hot weather and sat by the fire in the winter time. So they called him Lazy Jim. His mother couldn't make him work. At last she got angry and said to him one Monday:

«Look here, Jim. You are a big fellow. You are very strong and can work for your living», I am old and I don't feel well. You must begin to work, or I shall turn you out of the house. Everybody says it is a shame that I must work for you day and night».

Jim sighed and said nothing. What could he say? He had to begin to work for his living and help his mother. There was no other way out for him.

So next morning, it was Tuesday, he went to a farm­er, worked all day and got a penny. But to have money was an unusual thing for Lazy Jim. He didn't know where to put it and lost his penny on his way home.

«You silly», said his mother, «how could you lose your money? Why didn't you put it in your pocket?» — «I'll do so another time», answered Jim. On Wednesday Jim went to the farmer again. This time the farmer gave him a jug of milk for his day's work. Jim put the jug of milk in his big pocket and, of course, there was no milk in the jug when he came home.

«Dear me!» said «the old woman. «What a silly boy you are! Why didn't you put it on your head?» — «I'll do so another time», said Jim.

Now, on Thursday he got from the farmer a large pat of butter for his day's work. He immediately put the piece of butter on his head and — well, you can imagine what happened!

When he came home and didn't bring anything again, his mother got very angry.

«What a misfortune it is to have such a silly son!» she said. «Why didn't you carry it carefully in your hands?» «I'll do so another time», answered Jim.

Jim was tired of his work for the farmer, so on Friday he went to a baker. The baker didn't give him anything for his work but a big cat. Jim took the cat very carefuh ly in his hands and started on his way home. But the cat didn't want to go with Jim at all. In a short time it scratched him so badly that he had to let it go. When he came home, his mother was terribly angry again.

«Oh, what shall I do with you, you silly boy! Why couldn't you tie the cat with a string and pull it after you?» she said. «I'll do so another time», said Jim.

On Saturday, Jim went to a butcher, who gave him a leg of mutton for his day's work. Jim tied the leg of mut­ton with a string and pulled it after him along the dirty road. You can imagine how it looked when he came home. Of course nobody could eat it. This time his mother was very sad.

«Oh, dear, oh, dear!» she cried. «I am the most un­happy woman in the world! My sun can't do anything properly. You big silly, why didn't you carry the leg of mutton on your shoulder?»

«I'll do so another time», answered Jim. On Monday, Jim worked for a miller and the miller gave him — a don­key! It was rather difficult for Jim to lift the donkey on to his shoulders. He tried very hard. At last the donkey was on his shoulders and Jim was greatly pleased. He started on his way home and walked very slowly because the donkey was heavy.

On his way he passed the house of a rich man, who had a beautiful daughter. This man was very unhappy. His only daughter could neither hear nor speak. And the young girl never laughed in her life. When her father asked the doctors* advice, all the doctors said:

«She will neither hear nor speak till somebody makes her laugh».

Now it happened that the poor girl was at her window when Jim went slowly by with the donkey on his shoul­ders. He looked so strange and so funny that the girl burst out laughing. From that moment she could hear and speak. She asked Jim to stop at her window for a moment because she wanted to thank him. Jim complained of his life.

«I am very unhappy», he said, «because I can't do an­ything properly».

The girl listened to him, and was very sorry for him. The young people liked each other at first sight. And the father of the beautiful girl was so delighted that he de­cided to marry his daughter to Jim. Jim's wife was not only beautiful, she was very kind too. She asked Jim's mother to live together with them, and the old woman did not have to work so hard any more. Jim's wife was not only beautiful and kind, she was very clever too. She gave Jim good advice and he learned to do everything properly. They lived happily for many, many long years, and nobody called Jim lazy any more.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was Jim and he lived with his mother in a little cottage.They were very poor and the old woman had to work from early morning till late at night. She was a washer­woman.Her son Jim was so lazy that he didn 't want to work at all. He only lay in the sun in hot weather and sat by the fire in the winter time. So they called him Lazy Jim. His mother couldn't make him work. At last she got angry and said to him one Monday:«Look here, Jim. You are a big fellow. You are very strong and can work for your living», I am old and I don't feel well. You must begin to work, or I shall turn you out of the house. Everybody says it is a shame that I must work for you day and night».Jim sighed and said nothing. What could he say? He had to begin to work for his living and help his mother. There was no other way out for him.So next morning, it was Tuesday, he went to a farm­er, worked all day and got a penny. But to have money was an unusual thing for Lazy Jim. He didn't know where to put it and lost his penny on his way home.«You silly», said his mother, «how could you lose your money? Why didn't you put it in your pocket?» — «I'll do so another time», answered Jim. On Wednesday Jim went to the farmer again. This time the farmer gave him a jug of milk for his day's work. Jim put the jug of milk in his big pocket and, of course, there was no milk in the jug when he came home.«Dear me!» said «the old woman. «What a silly boy you are! Why didn't you put it on your head?» — «I'll do so another time», said Jim.Now, on Thursday he got from the farmer a large pat of butter for his day's work. He immediately put the piece of butter on his head and — well, you can imagine what happened!When he came home and didn't bring anything again, his mother got very angry.«What a misfortune it is to have such a silly son!» she said. «Why didn't you carry it carefully in your hands?» «I'll do so another time», answered Jim.Jim was tired of his work for the farmer, so on Friday he went to a baker. The baker didn't give him anything for his work but a big cat. Jim took the cat very carefuh ly in his hands and started on his way home. But the cat didn't want to go with Jim at all. In a short time it scratched him so badly that he had to let it go. When he came home, his mother was terribly angry again.«Oh, what shall I do with you, you silly boy! Why couldn't you tie the cat with a string and pull it after you?» she said. «I'll do so another time», said Jim.On Saturday, Jim went to a butcher, who gave him a leg of mutton for his day's work. Jim tied the leg of mut­ton with a string and pulled it after him along the dirty road. You can imagine how it looked when he came home. Of course nobody could eat it. This time his mother was very sad.«Oh, dear, oh, dear!» she cried. «I am the most un­happy woman in the world! My sun can't do anything properly. You big silly, why didn't you carry the leg of mutton on your shoulder?»«I'll do so another time», answered Jim. On Monday, Jim worked for a miller and the miller gave him — a don­key! It was rather difficult for Jim to lift the donkey on to his shoulders. He tried very hard. At last the donkey was on his shoulders and Jim was greatly pleased. He started on his way home and walked very slowly because the donkey was heavy.On his way he passed the house of a rich man, who had a beautiful daughter. This man was very unhappy. His only daughter could neither hear nor speak. And the young girl never laughed in her life. When her father asked the doctors* advice, all the doctors said:«She will neither hear nor speak till somebody makes her laugh».Now it happened that the poor girl was at her window when Jim went slowly by with the donkey on his shoul­ders. He looked so strange and so funny that the girl burst out laughing. From that moment she could hear and speak. She asked Jim to stop at her window for a moment because she wanted to thank him. Jim complained of his life.«I am very unhappy», he said, «because I can't do an­ything properly».The girl listened to him, and was very sorry for him. The young people liked each other at first sight. And the father of the beautiful girl was so delighted that he de­cided to marry his daughter to Jim. Jim's wife was not only beautiful, she was very kind too. She asked Jim's mother to live together with them, and the old woman did not have to work so hard any more. Jim's wife was not only beautiful and kind, she was very clever too. She gave Jim good advice and he learned to do everything properly. They lived happily for many, many long years, and nobody called Jim lazy any more.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Однажды был мальчик , которого звали Джим , и он жил со своей матерью в маленьком домике. Они были очень бедны , и старуха приходилось работать с раннего утра до поздней ночи. Она была прачкой. Ее сын Джим был настолько ленив , что Он не 'т хотят работать. Он лежал только на солнце в жаркую погоду и сел у камина в зимнее время. Так они называли его ленивым Джим. Его мать не могла заставить его работать. Наконец она разозлился и сказал ему один понедельник: «Послушай, Джим. Вы большой молодец. Вы очень сильны и могут работать на вашей гостиной », я стар , и я не чувствую себя хорошо. Вы должны начать работать, или я должен превратить вас из дома. Все говорят , что это позор , что я должен работать для вас день и ночь ». Джим вздохнул и ничего не ответил. Что он мог сказать? Он должен был начать работать для его жизни и помочь своей матери. Там не было никакого другого выхода для него. Так что на следующее утро, это было во вторник, он пошел к фермеру, весь день работал и получил ни копейки. Но , чтобы иметь деньги была необычная вещь для ленивых Джима. Он не знал , куда его деть и потерял копейку на пути домой. «Глупый», сказал , что его мать, «как вы можете потерять свои деньги? Почему ты не положил его в карман? »-« Я сделаю так в другой раз », ответил Джим. В среду Джим пошел к фермеру снова. На этот раз фермер дал ему кувшин молока для работы своего рабочего дня. Джим поставил кувшин молока в его большой карман и, конечно же , не было молока в кувшине , когда он пришел домой. «Боже мой!» Сказал «старуха. «Какой глупый мальчик ты! Почему ты не положил его на голове? »-« Я сделаю так в другой раз », сказал Джим. Теперь, в четверг он получил от фермера большой кусочек масла для работы своего рабочего дня. Он сразу же положил кусок масла на его голове , и - ну, вы можете себе представить , что произошло Когда он пришел домой и не принесли ничего снова, его мать очень рассердилась. «То , что это несчастье иметь такой глупый сын !" она сказала. «Почему вы не носите его тщательно в ваших руках?» «Я буду делать так в другой раз», ответил Джим. Джим устал от своей работы для фермера, так что в пятницу он отправился в пекаря. Булочник не дал ему ничего за свою работу , но большой кот. Джим взял кота очень carefuh Ly в его руках и начал по дороге домой. Но кот не хотел идти с Джимом вообще. За короткое время он поцарапал его так сильно , что ему пришлось отпустить. Когда он пришел домой, его мать была ужасно сердит снова. «О, что мне делать с тобой, ты глупый мальчишка! Почему ты не мог связать кошку со строкой и вытащить его после того, как ты? »Она сказала. «Я буду делать это в другой раз», сказал Джим. В субботу, Джим пошел к мяснику, который дал ему баранью ногу для работы своего рабочего дня. Джим связал баранью ногу со строкой и потянула его за ним по грязной дороге. Вы можете себе представить , как это выглядело , когда он пришел домой. Конечно , никто не мог его съесть. На этот раз его мать была очень грустная. «О, дорогой, о, дорогая!» Она закричала. «Я самая несчастная женщина в мире! Мое солнце ничего не может сделать правильно. Вы большой глупый, почему вы не носите баранью ногу на плечо? » « Я сделаю так в другой раз », ответил Джим. В понедельник, Джим работал мельником и мельник дал ему - осел! Это было довольно трудно для Джима , чтобы поднять осла на плечи. Он очень старался. Наконец осел был на его плечи , и Джим был очень доволен. Он начал по дороге домой и шел очень медленно , потому что осел был тяжелым. На своем пути он прошел в дом богатого человека, у которого была красивая дочь. Этот человек был очень недоволен. Его единственная дочь не могла ни слышать , ни говорить. И молодая девушка никогда не смеялся в ее жизни. Когда ее отец просил врачей * совет, все врачи сказали: «Она не будет ни слышать , ни говорить , пока кто - то делает ее смех». Теперь это случилось , что бедная девочка была у окна , когда Джим пошел медленно с ослом на плечах , Он выглядел так странно и так смешно , что девушка расхохоталась. С этого момента она могла слышать и говорить. Она попросила Джима остановиться у ее окна на мгновение , потому что она хотела бы поблагодарить его. Джим жаловался на свою жизнь. «Я очень недоволен», сказал он, «потому что я ничего не могу сделать правильно». Девушка слушала его, и было очень жаль его. Молодые люди понравились друг другу с первого взгляда. И отец красивая девушка была так рада , что он решил жениться на своей дочери к Джиму. Жена Джима была не только красива, она была очень добрая тоже. Она спросила мать Джима , чтобы жить вместе с ними, и старуха не приходилось так много работать больше. Жена Джима была не только красивая и добрая, она была очень умным тоже. Она дала Джим хороший совет , и он научился делать все правильно. Они жили счастливо много, много долгих лет, и никто не назвал Джима ленивый больше.

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