In the morning an Englishman has his favourite breakfast of cornflakes перевод - In the morning an Englishman has his favourite breakfast of cornflakes русский как сказать

In the morning an Englishman has hi

In the morning an Englishman has his favourite breakfast of cornflakes with milk and sugar or porridge followed by fried bacon and eggs. Breakfast is generally a bigger meal than they have on the Continent. Some marmalade might be spread on the toast and butter. Perhaps some fruit will also be eaten.
For a change one can have cold ham, or perhaps fish, some coffee and a roll.
The main meal of the days is called dinner. Dinner is eaten either in the middle of the day or in the evening. If it is eaten in the evening (about 7 pm), the midday meal is called lunch (about 1 pm). If dinner is in the middle of the day, the evening meal is called supper.
The usual midday meal consists of two courses – a meat course accompanied by plenty of vegetables.
After it comes a sweet pudding or some stewed fruit.
Most Englishmen like what they called good plain food. Usually they have beefsteaks, chops, roast beef and fried fish and chips. They are not overfond of soup, remarking that it leaves them without free room for the more important meat course.
Afternoon tea one can hardly call a meal. This may mean a cup of tea and a cake taken in the sitting-room or at work. For many Englishmen it is a social occasion when people often come in for a chat over their cup of tea. But some people like to have the so-called “high tea” which is quite a substantial meal. They have is between five and six o'clock. In a well-to-do family it will consist of ham, tongue and tomatoes and salad, or kipper, or tinned salmon, or sausage, with strong tea, bread and butter, then stewed fruit, or a tin of pears, apricot or pineapple with cream and custard, and pasties, or a bun. The evening meal goes under various names: tea, 'hight tea', dinner or supper (as we have mentioned already) depending upon its size and the social position of those esting it.
It is well-known that every national cuisine has got its famous specialties. It isn’t possible to imagine some holidays and celebrations without them. For example, Christmas pudding for British cuisine means very much. Some English people could dispense with turkey and goose, but a Christmas dinner in Britain without a traditional Christmas pudding would be strange indeed!
The Christmas pudding is a direct descendant’ of the old time plum porridge, beloved by English people in the Middle Ages.
Nowadays, in addition to the basic mixture of flour, bread-crumbs and eggs, the ingredients of Christmas pudding include raisins, currants, candied peel, chopped almonds and walnuts, grated carrot and a good measure of brandy, whisk or old ale.
In many households the mixing of the pudding is quite a ceremony with all the members of the family taking turns to stir and make a whisk.
After being boiled for several hours, the pudding is stored until the time comes for heating it on Christmas Day when it is brought to the table on a large dish, big, round and dark-brown. The Christmas pudding is covered with white sauce burning in brandy.

Receiving each slice, the guests are warned to eat carefully because sixpenny bits, shillings, a tiny silver bell and a silver horseshoe have been put in it. Those who find the treasure are supposed to have money in the coming year, whoever gets the bell is to be married and the horse-shoe is the traditional sign of good luck.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
In the morning an Englishman has his favourite breakfast of cornflakes with milk and sugar or porridge followed by fried bacon and eggs. Breakfast is generally a bigger meal than they have on the Continent. Some marmalade might be spread on the toast and butter. Perhaps some fruit will also be eaten. For a change one can have cold ham, or perhaps fish, some coffee and a roll. The main meal of the days is called dinner. Dinner is eaten either in the middle of the day or in the evening. If it is eaten in the evening (about 7 pm), the midday meal is called lunch (about 1 pm). If dinner is in the middle of the day, the evening meal is called supper. The usual midday meal consists of two courses – a meat course accompanied by plenty of vegetables.After it comes a sweet pudding or some stewed fruit. Most Englishmen like what they called good plain food. Usually they have beefsteaks, chops, roast beef and fried fish and chips. They are not overfond of soup, remarking that it leaves them without free room for the more important meat course. Afternoon tea one can hardly call a meal. This may mean a cup of tea and a cake taken in the sitting-room or at work. For many Englishmen it is a social occasion when people often come in for a chat over their cup of tea. But some people like to have the so-called “high tea” which is quite a substantial meal. They have is between five and six o'clock. In a well-to-do family it will consist of ham, tongue and tomatoes and salad, or kipper, or tinned salmon, or sausage, with strong tea, bread and butter, then stewed fruit, or a tin of pears, apricot or pineapple with cream and custard, and pasties, or a bun. The evening meal goes under various names: tea, 'hight tea', dinner or supper (as we have mentioned already) depending upon its size and the social position of those esting it. It is well-known that every national cuisine has got its famous specialties. It isn’t possible to imagine some holidays and celebrations without them. For example, Christmas pudding for British cuisine means very much. Some English people could dispense with turkey and goose, but a Christmas dinner in Britain without a traditional Christmas pudding would be strange indeed! The Christmas pudding is a direct descendant’ of the old time plum porridge, beloved by English people in the Middle Ages. Nowadays, in addition to the basic mixture of flour, bread-crumbs and eggs, the ingredients of Christmas pudding include raisins, currants, candied peel, chopped almonds and walnuts, grated carrot and a good measure of brandy, whisk or old ale. In many households the mixing of the pudding is quite a ceremony with all the members of the family taking turns to stir and make a whisk. After being boiled for several hours, the pudding is stored until the time comes for heating it on Christmas Day when it is brought to the table on a large dish, big, round and dark-brown. The Christmas pudding is covered with white sauce burning in brandy. Receiving each slice, the guests are warned to eat carefully because sixpenny bits, shillings, a tiny silver bell and a silver horseshoe have been put in it. Those who find the treasure are supposed to have money in the coming year, whoever gets the bell is to be married and the horse-shoe is the traditional sign of good luck.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
утром англичанина был его любимый завтрак кукурузные хлопья с молоком и сахаром или кашу, а затем жареные яйца и бекон.завтрак - это, как правило, больше еды, чем они есть на континенте.мармелад, возможно, будет распространяться на тосты с маслом.возможно, некоторые фрукты также будут съедены.для разнообразия можно иметь холодную ветчину, или, возможно, рыба, кофе и булочку.основной прием пищи за несколько дней называется обед.ужин съеден либо в середине дня или вечером.если он есть в этот вечер (около 7 вечера), школьные обеды, называется обед (около 13.00).если ужин - в середине дня, ужин предлагается ужин.обычные школьные обеды состоит из двух курсов – мясо, конечно, в сопровождении много овощей.после того, как она приходит сладкий пудинг или некоторые из фруктов.большинство англичан, как то, что они называют хорошим обычная еда.как правило, они beefsteaks, отбивные, ростбиф и жареную рыбу и чипсы.они не overfond супа, отметив, что он оставляет их без свободного места для более важных мясо, конечно.послеобеденный чай можно называть еды.это может означать, чашку чая и торт, принятых в гостиной или на работе.для многих англичан это социальные связи, когда люди могут зайти поболтать за чашкой чая.но некоторые люди имеют так называемый "высокого чая", которая является довольно большой ужин.они есть - между пятью и шестью часами.в благополучные семьи, она будет состоять из ветчины, язык и томаты и салат, или шпроты, или лосось в банке, или колбасой, с сильным чай, хлеб и масло, потом из фруктов или баночку груши, абрикосовое или ананас со сливками и кремом, и пироги, или булочку.вечерний ужин проходит под различными названиями: чай, "hight чай", обед или ужин (как мы уже упоминали, уже) в зависимости от его размера и социальное положение тех, esting.известно, что каждый имеет свои знаменитые блюда национальной кухни.разве можно представить себе и некоторые праздников и торжеств, без них.например, рождественский пудинг для британской кухни, значит очень много.некоторые англичане могли бы отказаться от турции и гусь, но рождественский обед в великобритании без традиционный рождественский пудинг будет странно!рождественский пудинг является прямым потомком "старое время слива кашу, любимый англичанами в средневековье.сегодня, в дополнение к основным смесь муку и яйца, панировочные сухари, ингредиенты рождественский пудинг, включают изюма, смородина, цукатов, тертым миндалем и грецкие орехи, на терке морковь и хорошим показателем бренди, кнут или старые эля.во многих семьях смешивание пудинг довольно церемонии со всеми членами семьи по очереди, чтобы спровоцировать и сделать кнут.после того, как варится на несколько часов, пудинг хранится до тех пор, пока не придет время для отопления на рождество, когда она предстает в таблице на большое блюдо, круглые и темно - коричневые.рождественский пудинг покрыта белым соусом горит в бренди.получение каждого среза, гости уже предупредил есть тщательно, потому что sixpenny дид, шиллингов, маленький серебряный колокольчик и серебряная подкова были положить в нее.тем, кто ищет сокровища должны иметь деньги и в следующем году, кто получит звонок женится и лошади, чистка является традиционным знак удачи.
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