The man walked down the trail on a cold, gray day. Pure white snow and перевод - The man walked down the trail on a cold, gray day. Pure white snow and русский как сказать

The man walked down the trail on a

The man walked down the trail on a cold, gray day. Pure white snow and ice covered the Earth for as far as he could see. This was his first winter in Alaska. He was wearing heavy clothes and fur boots. But he still felt cold and uncomfortable.

The man was on his way to a camp near Henderson Creek. His friends were already there. He expected to reach Henderson Creek by six oclock that evening. It would be dark by then. His friends would have a fire and hot food ready for him.

A dog walked behind the man. It was a big gray animal, half dog and half wolf. The dog did not like the extreme cold. It knew the weather was too cold to travel.

The man continued to walk down the trail. He came to a frozen stream called Indian Creek. He began to walk on the snow-covered ice. It was a trail that would lead him straight to Henderson Creek and his friends.

As he walked, he looked carefully at the ice in front of him. Once, he stopped suddenly, and then walked around a part of the frozen stream. He saw that an underground spring flowed under the ice at that spot. It made the ice thin. If he stepped there, he might break through the ice into a pool of water. To get his boots wet in such cold weather might kill him. His feet would turn to ice quickly. He could freeze to death.

At about twelve oclock, the man decided to stop to eat his lunch. He took off the glove on his right hand. He opened his jacket and shirt, and pulled out his bread and meat. This took less than twenty seconds. Yet, his fingers began to freeze.

He hit his hand against his leg several times until he felt a sharp pain. Then he quickly put his glove on his hand. He made a fire, beginning with small pieces of wood and adding larger ones. He sat on a snow-covered log and ate his lunch. He enjoyed the warm fire for a few minutes. Then he stood up and started walking on the frozen stream again.

A half hour later, it happened. At a place where the snow seemed very solid, the ice broke. The mans feet sank into the water. It was not deep, but his legs got wet to the knees. The man was angry. The accident would delay his arrival at the camp. He would have to build a fire now to dry his clothes and boots.

He walked over to some small trees. They were covered with snow. In their branches were pieces of dry grass and wood left by flood waters earlier in the year. He put several large pieces of wood on the snow, under one of the trees. On top of the wood, he put some grass and dry branches. He pulled off his gloves, took out his matches, and lighted the fire. He fed the young flame with more wood. As the fire grew stronger, he gave it larger pieces of wood.

He worked slowly and carefully. At sixty degrees below zero, a man with wet feet must not fail in his first attempt to build a fire. While he was walking, his blood had kept all parts of his body warm. Now that he had stopped, cold was forcing his blood to withdraw deeper into his body. His wet feet had frozen. He could not feel his fingers. His nose was frozen, too. The skin all over his body felt cold.

Now, however, his fire was beginning to burn more strongly. He was safe. He sat under the tree and thought of the old men in Fairbanks.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The man walked down the trail on a cold, gray day. Pure white snow and ice covered the Earth for as far as he could see. This was his first winter in Alaska. He was wearing heavy clothes and fur boots. But he still felt cold and uncomfortable.The man was on his way to a camp near Henderson Creek. His friends were already there. He expected to reach Henderson Creek by six oclock that evening. It would be dark by then. His friends would have a fire and hot food ready for him.A dog walked behind the man. It was a big gray animal, half dog and half wolf. The dog did not like the extreme cold. It knew the weather was too cold to travel.The man continued to walk down the trail. He came to a frozen stream called Indian Creek. He began to walk on the snow-covered ice. It was a trail that would lead him straight to Henderson Creek and his friends.As he walked, he looked carefully at the ice in front of him. Once, he stopped suddenly, and then walked around a part of the frozen stream. He saw that an underground spring flowed under the ice at that spot. It made the ice thin. If he stepped there, he might break through the ice into a pool of water. To get his boots wet in such cold weather might kill him. His feet would turn to ice quickly. He could freeze to death.At about twelve oclock, the man decided to stop to eat his lunch. He took off the glove on his right hand. He opened his jacket and shirt, and pulled out his bread and meat. This took less than twenty seconds. Yet, his fingers began to freeze.He hit his hand against his leg several times until he felt a sharp pain. Then he quickly put his glove on his hand. He made a fire, beginning with small pieces of wood and adding larger ones. He sat on a snow-covered log and ate his lunch. He enjoyed the warm fire for a few minutes. Then he stood up and started walking on the frozen stream again.A half hour later, it happened. At a place where the snow seemed very solid, the ice broke. The mans feet sank into the water. It was not deep, but his legs got wet to the knees. The man was angry. The accident would delay his arrival at the camp. He would have to build a fire now to dry his clothes and boots.He walked over to some small trees. They were covered with snow. In their branches were pieces of dry grass and wood left by flood waters earlier in the year. He put several large pieces of wood on the snow, under one of the trees. On top of the wood, he put some grass and dry branches. He pulled off his gloves, took out his matches, and lighted the fire. He fed the young flame with more wood. As the fire grew stronger, he gave it larger pieces of wood.He worked slowly and carefully. At sixty degrees below zero, a man with wet feet must not fail in his first attempt to build a fire. While he was walking, his blood had kept all parts of his body warm. Now that he had stopped, cold was forcing his blood to withdraw deeper into his body. His wet feet had frozen. He could not feel his fingers. His nose was frozen, too. The skin all over his body felt cold.Now, however, his fire was beginning to burn more strongly. He was safe. He sat under the tree and thought of the old men in Fairbanks.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]

Человек шел по тропе на холодный, серый день. Чистый белый снег и лед покрыл Землю, насколько он мог видеть. Это была его первая зима на Аляске. Он был одет в тяжелую одежду и меховые сапоги. Но он все еще ​​чувствовал себя холодно и неуютно.

Человек был на пути в лагерь недалеко от Хендерсон - Крик. Его друзья уже были там. Он ожидал , что достичь Хендерсон - Крик на шесть часам вечера. Было бы темно к тому времени. Его друзья будут иметь огонь и горячую пищу готовую для него.

Собака шел за человеком. Это был большой серый животное, наполовину собака, наполовину волк. Собака не нравится экстремальный холод. Он знал , что погода была слишком холодной , чтобы путешествовать.

Человек продолжал идти по тропе. Он пришел к замерзшего ручья под названием Indian Creek. Он начал ходить по заснеженному льду. Это был след , который приведет его прямо к Хендерсон - Крик и его друзей.

Когда он шел, он внимательно посмотрел на лед перед ним. Однажды, он вдруг остановился, а затем шли вокруг части замерзшего ручья. Он увидел , что подземный источник текла под лед в этом месте. Это сделало лед тонкий. Если бы он вышел туда, он мог бы прорваться сквозь лед в бассейн с водой. Чтобы получить его ботинки мокрые в такой холодной погоде может убить его. Его ноги превратится в лед быстро. Он мог замерзнуть до смерти.

Около двенадцати часам, мужчина решил остановиться , чтобы съесть свой ​​обед. Он снял перчатку на правой руке. Он открыл свой ​​пиджак и рубашку, и вытащил свой ​​хлеб и мясо. Это заняло менее двадцати секунд. Тем не менее, его пальцы начали замерзать.

Он несколько раз ударил его рукой по ноге , пока он не почувствовал резкую боль. Затем он быстро положил перчатку на руку. Он сделал огонь, начиная с маленьких кусочков дерева и добавление больших. Он сидел на заснеженном бревно и съел свой ​​обед. Он наслаждался теплым огнем в течение нескольких минут. Потом он встал и снова начал ходить по замерзшего ручья.

Через полчаса, это случилось. На месте , где снег , казалось , очень твердый, лед сломался. Ман ноги погрузились в воду. Это было не глубоко, но его ноги промокли до колен. Человек был зол. Авария приведет к задержке его прибытия в лагерь. Он должен был бы развести костер сейчас , чтобы высушить его одежду и сапоги.

Он подошел к некоторым небольшим деревьям. Они были покрыты снегом. В их ветвях были куски сухой травы и дерева , оставленного паводковыми водами в начале года. Он поставил несколько больших кусков дерева на снегу, под одним из деревьев. На вершине дерева, он положил траву и сухие ветки. Он снял перчатки, вынул его матчи, и зажгли огонь. Он кормил молодое пламя с большим количеством дерева. Как огонь усиливался, он дал ему большие куски дерева.

Он медленно и осторожно работал. На шестьдесят градусов ниже нуля, человек с мокрыми ногами не должен потерпеть неудачу в своей первой попытке развести огонь. Пока он шел, его кровь сохраняла все части его тела тепло. Теперь, когда он остановился, холод заставлял его кровь уйти глубже в его тело. Его мокрые ноги были заморожены. Он не мог чувствовать его пальцы. Его нос был заморожен, тоже. Кожа по всему телу стало холодно.

Теперь, однако, его огонь начинает гореть сильнее. Он был безопасен. Он сидел под деревом и подумал стариков в Фэрбенкс.
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