Когда сыщик (detective) вошел в комнату, он увидел, что в ней очень ма перевод - Когда сыщик (detective) вошел в комнату, он увидел, что в ней очень ма английский как сказать

Когда сыщик (detective) вошел в ком

Когда сыщик (detective) вошел в комнату, он увидел, что в ней очень мало мебели. Он огляделся вокруг. В комнате было два окна. Одно из них выходило на улицу (looked on to the street). В одном углу комнаты стояли стол и два стула. В другом углу стоял небольшой сундучок (trunk). Он подошел и открыл его. В нем ничего не было, кроме пачки писем (a bundle of letters). Там их было около пятидесяти. Было ясно, что они принадлежали бывшему хозяину комнаты (the former tenant). He было сомнения в том, что эти письма были дороги ему. Они были аккуратно перевязаны лентой (be tied by a ribbon). Среди писем было несколько бумаг и счетов (bills) из разных магазинов. Было что-то странное в том, что среди личных писем были деловые бумаги.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
When detective (detective) entered the room, he saw that there was very little furniture. He looked around. The room had two Windows. One of them went out on the street (looked on to the street). In one corner of the room stood a table and two chairs. In the other corner stood a small trunk (trunk). He walked over and opened it. It was nothing other than bundles of letters (a bundle of letters). There were about fifty. It was clear that they belonged to the former owner of the room (the former tenant). He had doubts that these letters were the road to him. They were neatly tied Ribbon (be tied by a ribbon). Among the letters was a few papers and bills (bills) from different shops. There was something strange in the fact that the letters were among the personal business paper.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
When a detective (detective) entered the room, he saw that there is very little furniture. He looked around. There were two windows in the room. One of them came out to the street (looked on to the street). In one corner of the room stood a table and two chairs. In another corner stood a small chest (trunk). He walked over and opened it. It was nothing but a pack of letters (a bundle of letters). There were about fifty. It was clear that they belonged to the former owner of the room (the former tenant). He was no doubt that these letters were dear to him. They were neatly tied with ribbon (be tied by a ribbon). Among the letters were a few papers and accounts (bills) from different stores. There was something strange in the fact that among the personal letters were business papers.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
when a detective (detective), entered the room, he saw that it was very little furniture. he looked around. in the room has two windows. one of them went to the street (looked on to the street). in one corner of the room stood a table and two chairs. in the other corner stood a small box (trunk). he walked over and opened it. there was nothing in it but the stacks of letters (a bundle of letters). there were about fifty. it was clear that they belonged to the former master room (the former cycle). there was no doubt that those letters were a way to him. they were carefully dressed tape (be tied by a ribbon). among the letters were a few securities and accounts (bills) from different stores. there was something strange in the fact that among personal letters were business paper.
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