Саре было 32, классная девка, хороший стиль и доброе сердце. Светло-ры перевод - Саре было 32, классная девка, хороший стиль и доброе сердце. Светло-ры английский как сказать

Саре было 32, классная девка, хорош

Саре было 32, классная девка, хороший стиль и доброе сердце. Светло-рыжие волосы падали прямо вниз, а глаза дикие, слегка безумные. Кроме этого, ее перегружало сострадание, казавшееся достаточно подлинным и, очевидно, кое-чего ей стоившее.
Сара была сравнительно симпатичной женщиной, стройной, и двигалась порывисто. Класс.
Сара выглядела в моих глазах хорошо. Если она раскрывала рот, то говорила остроумно и колко. Хорошие мозги.
Понятия не имею, о чем мы разговаривали. Самым лучшим в Саре было то, что она очень мало ссылалась на мои труды.
Ее возбуждали такие вещи, как Волшебная Гора, кино про открытый космос, «Звездный Путь» и определенные рок-группы, шпинат со сметаной и чистая пища вообще, но, вместе с тем, в ней было больше основного здравого смысла, чем в любой другой женщине из всех, что я встречал. Может быть, только единственная – Джоанна Довер – могла сравниться с нею здравомыслием и добродушием. Сара же была симпатичнее и гораздо преданнее, чем все остальные мои тетки, поэтому наступавший год, в конечном итоге, не обещал быть слишком паршивым.
Фигурка тонкая – худенькая и загорелая, но обворожительная.
Сара в самом деле – добрая душа. Потерять ее ради Тани – просто смешно. Однако, и Таня кое-что мне дала. Сара же заслуживает лучшего обращения.
Хорошая женщина Сара. Мне следует подтянуться. Мужику нужно много баб только тогда, когда все они никуда не годятся. Мужик может вообще личность свою утратить, если будет слишком сильно хреном по сторонам размахивать. Сара заслуживает гораздо лучшего, нежели я ей даю.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Sarah was 32, cool girl, good style and good heart. Light red hair fell straight down, eyes wild, slightly insane. In addition, it produced compassion, still authentic enough and obviously something it cost.Sarah was relatively pretty woman, slender, and moved fitfully. Class.Sarah looked good in my eyes. If she opened her mouth, then talked wittily and Kolko. Good brains. Have no idea what we were talking. Sarah was the best in that it has very little referred to my works. Her whipping up such things as magic mountain, cinema Pro outdoor space, Star Trek and some rock band, spinach with sour cream and pure food at all, but at the same time, there were more basic common sense, than any other woman from all that I have met. Maybe the only-Joanna Dover-can compare with her sound thinking and good nature. Sarah was cuter and much devotees than everyone else my aunt so nastupavšij year, ultimately, promised to be too crap.Fine figurine-slim and tanned, but charming.Sara in fact is a good soul. Lose it for the sake of Thani is just ridiculous. However, and Tanya gave me something. Sarah same deserves better treatment.Good woman Sarah. I should catch up. Man needs a lot of Bab only when all they are no good. A man may lose its identity if it is too much horseradish on the sides of the wave. Sarah deserves much better than I was giving her.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Sarah was 32, cool girl, good style and a good heart. Dark red hair fell straight down, and his eyes were wild, a little crazy. In addition, its supercharged compassion that seemed genuine enough, and obviously something which cost her.
Sarah was rather pretty woman, slender, and moved impulsively. Class.
Sarah looked in my eyes well. If she has opened her mouth to say something witty and prickly. Good brains.
I have no idea what we were talking. The best thing about Sarah was that she was very little referred to my work.
It aroused such things as Magic Mountain, a film about outer space, "Star Trek" and certain rock band, spinach with sour cream and Food in general, but, At the same time, it was more basic sense than any other woman of all that I have met. Perhaps only a single - Joanna Dover - could be compared with her ​​sanity and good humor. Sarah also was nicer and much more devoted than all the rest of my aunt, so the coming year, in the end, are not going to be too lousy.
Figurine thin - thin and tanned, but charming.
Sarah really - a good soul. Losing her for Tanya - ridiculous. However, Tanya something given me. Sarah deserves better treatment.
Good woman Sarah. I should catch up. Peasant need a lot of women only when they are worthless. A man may even lose its identity if it is too much horseradish swinging from side to side. Sarah deserves much better than I give her.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
sarah was 32, a nice girl, good style, good heart. light red hair fell straight down, eyes wild, a little crazy. in addition, it перегружало compassion, seemed quite real and, obviously,something she стоившее. sarah was relatively attractive woman, slim, and moved the impetuous. class.
sarah looked in my eyes. if she uncovers the mouth, was clever and how. a good brain.
i don't know what we talked about. the best of sarah was having very little mention on my work.
it initiates such things as magic mountain, a movie about the outer space"the way" and some rock bands, spinach with cream and fresh food, but at the same time, it was the most basic common sense than any other woman, from all that i've ever met. maybeonly one is joanna dover - could compare with her sanity and acceptance. sarah was prettier and much more committed than all my other aunt, however наступавший year eventuallyi did not have too little. "a delicate, thin and brown, but fair." sarah really is a good soul. lose her for tanya is just ridiculous. however, and tanya something gave me.sara deserves better treatment. "the good woman, sarah. i need to catch up. a man needs a lot of women only when they are no good. a man may even lose their identity.if there is too much dick around waving. sarah deserved much better than i do. "
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