Юридический департамент Междуна​родного валютного фонда (МВФ) признал  перевод - Юридический департамент Междуна​родного валютного фонда (МВФ) признал  английский как сказать

Юридический департамент Междуна​род

Юридический департамент Междуна​родного валютного фонда (МВФ) признал долг Украины перед Россией по облигациям на $3 млрд официальным — неравнозначным коммерческим долгам, сообщил РБК федеральный чиновник, близкий к обсуждению этого вопроса. Это снижает шансы Киева отстоять коммерческий (частный) статус этого долга и может потребовать от МВФ изменения правил кредитования с тем, чтобы иметь право продолжать кредитование Украины в случае дефолта по долгу перед Россией.

«Мы знаем этот факт», — подтвердил РБК заместитель министра финансов Сергей Сторчак, отвечая на вопрос, действительно ли юристы МВФ определили статус украинского долга как официальный.

На просьбу РБК подтвердить, что юридический департамент МВФ признал долг официальным, представитель МВФ ответил: «За определение статуса этих облигаций отвечает не юридический департамент, а исполнительный совет МВФ, и последний не принимал решение по этому вопросу». «Как мы уже говорили, мы призываем обе стороны [Россию и Украину] к прямым переговорам по вопросу долга», — добавил он.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The Legal Department of the international native Monetary Fund (IMF) has recognized Ukraine's debt to Russia for $ 3 billion in bonds on the official — uneven commercial debts, reported to RBC, the federal official close to the discussion. This reduces the chances of Kiev to defend commercial (private) status of this debt and may require the IMF lending rules in order to be eligible to continue lending to Ukraine in case of default on debt to Russia."We know this fact," confirmed RBC Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak, responding to a question whether the IMF's lawyers identified the status of Ukrainian debt as official.At RBC's request to confirm that the IMF Legal Department admitted duty official, the IMF representative replied: "the definition of status of these bonds is not the Legal Department, and the IMF's Executive Board, and the latter had not taken a decision on this matter." "As we have said, we call on both sides [Russia and Ukraine] to direct negotiations on the issue of debt," he added.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Legal Department for International Monetary Fund (IMF) has recognized Ukraine's debt to Russia on the bonds of $ 3 billion to official - disparate commercial debt, RBC said the federal official close to the matter. This reduces the chances of Kiev to defend the commercial (private) status of the debt and may require the IMF to change the rules of lending in order to be eligible to continue lending to Ukraine in case of default on the debt to Russia. "We know this fact," - confirmed RBC Deputy Minister of Finance Sergei Storchak, answering the question whether lawyers IMF defined the status of the Ukrainian debt as an official. At the request of RBC confirm that the Legal Department of the IMF has recognized the duty official, the IMF representative said: "For the determination of the status of these bonds does not answer the legal department and the Executive Board of the IMF and the latter did not take a decision on this issue. " "As we have said, we call on both sides [Russia and Ukraine] to direct negotiations on the issue of debt," - he added.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the legal department of the междуна​родного monetary fund (imf) recognized the duty of ukraine to russia for $3 billion in bonds at an official - uneven commercial debts reported rbc federal officiala discussion on the issue. this reduces the chances of kiev to the commercial (private) the status of the debt, and may require the imf to modify the rules of credit with theto be entitled to continue lending to ukraine in case of default on the debt to russia.

"we know this matter of fact, deputy finance minister sergei confirmed the rbc сторчак, responding to the questionwhether the legal status of the imf have identified debt as official.

at the request of the rbc to confirm that the legal department of the imf has recognized the duty of the official, the imf representative said:
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