1. Как жаль, что ваши друзья не позвонили мне. Я бы дала им ваш адрес, и вы смогли бы встретиться. 2. Как жаль, что я не заказала билеты заранее. Сейчас я бы не волновалась, а спокойно поехала бы на вокзал. 3. Как жаль, что вы не обратили внимания на афишу. Сейчас мы бы знали, что идет в театре, и пошли бы туда. 4. Как жаль, что идет дождь. Мне так хотелось пойти погулять. 5. Как жаль, что он болен сейчас. Мы бы вместе поехали на охоту. 6. Как жаль, что ее нет в городе сейчас, она бы помогла мне. 7. Как жаль, что он ничего не написал о своей болезни раньше. Я могла бы порекомендовать хорошего врача, и все обошлось бы без осложнений. 8. Как жаль, что вам не удалось убедить его прийти сюда. Он бы хорошо провел время с нами. 9. Как жаль, что ему не удалось познакомиться с вашими родителями. Они бы понравились друг другу. 10. Как жаль, что этот фильм нигде не идет. Я помню, что он произвел на всех большое впечатление. II. Как жаль, что зима так долго тянется, а лето проходит так быстро.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. What a pity that your friends have not called me. I would have given them your address, and you could meet. 2. What a pity that I have not ordered tickets in advance. Now I would not be worried, and quietly went to be on station. 3. What a pity that you did not pay attention to the poster. Now we knew that going in the theater, and would go there. 4. What a pity that it was raining. I so wanted to go for a walk. 5. What a pity that he has now. We would however went on the hunt. 6. What a pity that it is not in now, it would have helped me. 7. What a pity that he wrote nothing about his illness before. I could recommend a good doctor, and all could be done without complications. 8. What a pity that you could not persuade him to come here. He'd had a good time with us. 9. What a pity that he has not been able to meet with your parents. They would have liked each other. 10. What a pity that this movie goes nowhere. I remember that it was all a great impression. II. What a pity that winter so long stretches, and summer goes by so fast.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. i'm sorry that your friends don't call me. i gave them your name, and you could meet. 2. how i wish that i booked the tickets in advance. now, i wouldn't worry, quietly went to the train station. 3. what a pity you did not pay attention to the poster. now we know what's coming in the theatre, and went there. 4. i'm sorry that it's raining. i wanted to go for a walk. 5. what a pity that he is ill now. we went together to hunting. 6. i'm sorry, she's out of town now, she would have helped me. 7. what a pity that he didn't write anything about their disease before. i would recommend a good doctor, and it was without complications. 8. i'm sorry that you failed to persuade him to come here. he would have had a good time with us. 9. how i wish that he had not been able to meet your parents. they liked each other. 10. what a pity that the film never comes. i remember that he has at all a great impression. ii. it is a pity that the winter is so long, and summer is passing so fast.
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