Нуу....когда я читаю, то понимаю 70%. 30%, которые я не понимаю - это  перевод - Нуу....когда я читаю, то понимаю 70%. 30%, которые я не понимаю - это  английский как сказать

Нуу....когда я читаю, то понимаю 70

Нуу....когда я читаю, то понимаю 70%. 30%, которые я не понимаю - это метафоры и фразеологизмы, которые я перевожу. НО! Говорить самой (или писать) мне гораздо сложнее - слова испаряются из моей головы! И моему бедному кипящему мозгу нужен дофамин!! Больше дофамина!!
И где же взять столько терпения?:) У Стрельцов катастрофическая его нехватка!
Изделия из дерева или металла - это невероятно круто! Лично мне нравится (опять же!) сочетание теплого и холодного: металла и дерева, металла и кожи. Фактурные вещи (это шероховатые, неровные, со сколами, под ретро..). Люди, которые могут нечто подобное производить - это особенные люди. Пишу тебе и представляю гримерное зеркало, которое себе хочу в прихожую . Багет из темного дерева с медными вставками, патроны у лампочек тоже медные, эмальгама темная и в пятнышки. Зеркало под старину.Купить в Челябинске такое невозможно, а вот заказать - да. Видел такие зеркала? У тебя бы получилось такое зеркало сделать? :))
Животные. Обожаю! Люблю кроликов, енотов (их реально дома держать, как думаешь? очень смешные!), собак...Хочу собаку, может даже две, большие. Потом, когда будет семья.
Это тебе для настроения

А ты поедешь или полетишь на север?...или поплывешь?...ты же моряк...:))

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
URA ... When I read, understand 70%. 30%, which I don't understand-it's metaphors and idioms that I translate. BUT! Talk about myself (or write) I much harder words evaporate out of my head! And my poor boiling brain dopamine is needed! More dopamine! And where does take so much patience?:) At the catastrophic lack of his Shooters!Wood or metal is incredibly cool! I personally like (again!) a mix of warm and cold: metal and wood, metal and leather. Textural stuff (that's rough, rough, chipped, retro). People who can produce something like this is a special people. Write and present a mirror that grimernoe itself in the hallway. Dark wood frames with copper inlays, patrons have the bulbs also copper, dark èmal′gama and spots. Antique mirror. Buy in Chelyabinsk is impossible, but order-Yes. Seen such mirrors? Would you have turned out such a mirror do? :))Animals. I adore! Like rabbits, raccoons (really at home to keep as you think? very funny!), dogs ... Want a dog, maybe even two, great. Then when will family.It is you for mood While you're driving or poletiš′ North? ... or poplyveš′? ... You sailor ...:))
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Well .... when I read, I understand 70%. 30% I do not understand - it's metaphors and idioms, which I translate. BUT! To speak most (or write) to me is much more difficult - the words evaporate out of my head! And my poor boiling brain dopamine is needed !! More dopamine !!
And where do we get so much patience :) Sagittarius catastrophic lack of it?
Wood or metal - it's incredibly cool! Personally, I like (again!) A combination of warm and cold: metal and wood, metal and leather. Invoice items (this rough, uneven, chipped, a retro ..). People who can produce something similar - it's special people. I am writing to you and imagine the dressing room mirror that currently want in the hallway. Baguette dark wood with brass inserts, cartridges from light bulbs is also copper, emalgama dark in spots. Mirror under starinu.Kupit in Chelyabinsk is not possible, but the order - yes. I am seen such a mirror? You have got this mirror do? :))
Animals. Adore! I love rabbits, raccoons (really their house hold, do not you think? Very funny!), Dogs ... I want a dog, maybe even two, great. Then, when there is a family.
This is for you for the mood

And you go to the north or flight? ... Or poplyvesh? ... You're a sailor ... :))

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
well, when i read, understand 70%. 30%, which i don"t understand this metaphor and фразеологизмы who i am. but! talk (or write) the much harder - words are out of my head! and i need to seethe brain dopamine. more dopamine. !and where have the patience? :) the archers catastrophic his lack of!products made of wood or metal that is so cool! i personally like the (again!) the combination of warm and cold, metal and wood, metal and leather. texture of things (it"s rough, uneven, with, or under the retro...). people who would like to produce this special people. i write to you and see гримерное mirror that i want in the hallway. a baguette of dark wood with brass inserts, the cartridges are light bulbs, copper, эмальгама dark and spots. the mirror under the старину.купить in the world is impossible, and that"s a yes. seen such a mirror? you have got a mirror? :))the animals. i love! i love rabbits, raccoons (their real home to keep, what do you think? very funny!) i want a dog, dogs, maybe even two, big. then, when the family.are you in the moodand you"re coming or going north? or you want to swim? you are a sailor...:))
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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